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Guest Askewniverse

The One and Only NWA:TNA Thread (7/2/03)

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Guest Askewniverse

Well, someone had to start one.


According to Russo, "there ain't gonna be no rematch" for Jarrett. Joe E. Legend debuted and attacked Jarrett.


Siaki & Young vs. AMW is next.

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Guest Ash Ketchum

Is it THAT unusually bad this week? This place is sually lit up with posts! But perhaps this week isn't turning out good, or something...



Or maybe everyone's too glued to the set because it's so GOOD... who knows.

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

I wanna know whether to order the replay :/ Although Drakkhim on www.drakkhimstapes.com (!!) says the chain match ruled.

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Guest Askewniverse

I missed some of the beginning, but here's what I did see:


Joe E. Legend attacked Jeff Jarrett with a baseball bat, sending him to the hospital.


AMW beat Sonny Siaki and David Young with the Death Sentence.


The Abyss (officially his name) pinned Erik Watts.


Jerry Lynn pinned Justin Credible in a Russian Chain Match.


Frankie Kazarian vs. AJ Styles for the title is made for later tonight.


Shark Boy pinned Mike Sanders.


I'm sure that I missed some other matches, so hopefully somebody else will cover it.

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

Kazarian vs Styles tonight? The replay is so ordered.

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Guest Devin

Shane Douglas beat CM Punk in a Clockwork Orange match to open the show.

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Guest Army Eye

Sweet.. Joe E. Legend.. the only thing about those WWA PPVs that I liked

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Guest Askewniverse

Sandman wins the Hard 10 tournament.


Announced for next week:

part two of the Sting interview

AMW will defend the tag titles

Negro Casas vs. Shocker


Kazarian vs. Styles is up next.

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

Well okay, my cable company screwed me out of the replay. Boooo.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Pretty good show tonight, overall better than last week's show, because at least it didn't die halfway through.


The main was good, but I could have lived without ANY of the interference. I fucking HATE interference. And now Russo is back in the focus of the angles...FUCK!

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Guest Hayabusa Moleman
What was the main event?

The main was Styles vs. Kazarian (spelling messed up I am sure). It was an ok match, but is worth seeing just for the Styles Clash as A.J. rushed the move so he wouldn't drop him and gave him a Tiger Driver91/Styles Clash hybrid that looked absolutely brutal.

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Guest Askewniverse

Yeah, that particular Styles Clash was pretty brutal.


Next week: Raven returns, and AJ Styles vs. D-Lo for the title!

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Guest BoboBrazil

As Austin would say, this show was BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIIINGGGGGGGG! The wrestling was boring for the most part. There was nothing exciting. This Kazarian guy is bland and I hope he doesn't come back. I don't get why they are pushing him so hard. There was no explanation as to why Trinity is heel. Russo seems to have forgotten that AJ had 30 days to give Jarrett a rematch and now he is saying he is not getting one. The Hard 10 ended uneventfully. What was the point? The Sting interview was a sham. Wow 4 minutes talking about how he entered the business. It is obvious they are trying to milk that for all it is worth. There are rumors that Vince Russo isn't involved much anymore and I can definitely tell that by watching this show.

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Guest Lemon Drop Kid

At least next week's show sounds good, and I'll be there.

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Guest HartFan86

I got this with a few friends.....I thought it fucking sucked. I was bored the whole way through, and the Sting INT was HUGELY dissapointing.


Great Styles Clash, though.

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Guest Dangerous A

Dude, Shocker is going to be there next week?



Oh boy, looks like it's time for one of DA's quarterly TNA buys.



Shocker rulez, y'all. Hopefully he isn't embarrased by Russocity.

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I had been telling Malibu about AJ going all Tiger Driver '91 or Ganso Bomb-like with the Styles Clash, AND HE DID IT TONIGHT.


Man, THAT is the sickest finish in North America right now.


Oh and SHOOOOOCCCCCCCCCKERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR~! If he doesn't hit the tope, I cry...

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Guest Slapnuts00

I ordered the replay since the order didnt go through for the 8 o clock showing. OK show, not a blowaway but not bad.

Nice suprise to see Styles vs. Kazarian in an NWA World Title match. That Styles Clash/Ganso Bomb was indeed brutal. Looks like Frankie's ok though.

Sting interview got off to a good start but it looks like theyre really gonna drag it out. I'd just like to see the whole thing all the way through personally.

Finally the hard 10 crap is over. New Jack took one of his trademark crazy bumps off the balcony through the table. Dude twisted funny and smacked face first through the table...

I liked the tag team title match. AMW have looked real good lately.

Just Joe is a lot bigger than I remember him. Crowd didn't seem to care (probably didnt know who he was). On one hand it was nice to see Tenay sell Jarret's injury so seriously, but on the other hand it was kinda corny since there have been tons of brutal injury angles that aren't treated so seriously.

Mike Sanders match was horrible. Fire this guy.

I liked the chain match! Lynn and Credible pulled out a good one, and the way they would pull each other down to the mat with the chain was great!

I dont know what the hell Team Pothead was doing this week. Just bizzare. Killings deserves better than this. NWA Champion to non wrestilng joke act in just a few months.

What is the point of Feminist Inc. or whoever the hell they are? And the brief pullapart with the TNA dancers?

I am just so sick of Russo on TV. I really am.

Watts vs. Big Scary Dude Abyss was about what you'd expect. Is Goldylox gone from the company? Thats sort of the message I got last night.

Ok show. Next week with Dlo vs. Styles for the title 2 Mexicans Ive never heard of (but Im sure theyre KRAZY~!) another tag title defense for AMW, the return of Raven and Part 2 of the Sting interview. Could be decent.

Anyone else have that strange feeling that Jeff Hardy was gonna run out to help Kazarian and start a feud with Styles (as long as theyre using light heavies in NWA Title matches that could be a good match)...

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Guest HartFan86

Yeah, Sanders was decent in WCW...but he's just horrible these days. I couldn't stand his match tonight.

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Guest CoreyLazarus416

Because he just wants to commentate, but they always make him go out and wrestle.


I dub the finish to the main Styles Clash '03.

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