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OK. So can somebody hook it up with a clip of the finish from last night? It would really be appreciated because it just sounds so farkin sick...

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Guest Slapnuts00

Check your local listings, show usually repeats on Sunday. Support TNA!

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Laz, you totally sniped my name for that move. I'd been calling that for months now...ah well. No biggie, at least somebod didn't call it the MEGA STYLES CLASH OF DOOM~! or some shit like that...

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Guest bps "The Truth" 21

I don't know how he wasn't seriously injured.


It was so sick.

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Guest Slapnuts00

It was clearly botched Styles was struggling with Frankie to get in position but seemed to just give up and drop him while his head was still tucked rather than straight.

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Gif is 2 MB. To those on 56 K, :lol:


Edit: I'm changing the filename because I don't want people using the GIF as an avatar. Doing that rapes my bandwidth. There's someone on here using it, I saw someone on the ROH forums with it, and then I saw someone on EWR with it. So please don't use it as your avatar unless you upload it to your own server, or else I'll keep changing the filename every day.

Edited by Placebo Effect

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Guest Lord of The Curry



Methinks that it was done on purpose. Styles could easily have fell forward with Frankie in that position, you can see him push his legs down powerbomb/tiger driver style.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

I would assume they would have practiced that before the show at that pace, so I don't think AJ Styles is to blame.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!



Call me a sick fucker but I just love watching heads get squished. I have to go watch that Tiger Suplex off the ramp match now.

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Guest Dace59

Head Fucking Dropping Sickness.


Time to bust that out in the old E-fed.

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Oh...MY...GOD...That is THE sickest thing I've seen in my entire life...


Kazarian is a FREAK for taking that, and Styles must have told him he's getting a bonus or something because that has GOT to be the worst head drop in history. Seriously. Japan or otherwise...

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Edit: I'm changing the filename because I don't want people using the GIF as an avatar. Doing that rapes my bandwidth. There's someone on here using it, I saw someone on the ROH forums with it, and then I saw someone on EWR with it. So please don't use it as your avatar unless you upload it to your own server, or else I'll keep changing the filename every day.

Sorry dude, I didn't know it was on your own webspace.


Dutifully changed.

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