Guest tpww7 Report post Posted July 6, 2003 From House Show this weekend: Eddy Guerrero (in full gear who was announced on the line up as making a "special appearance")came out and ran down the Frederick people. He challenfged anyone from the back to come out and fight him. Tajiri music hit and they fought for a few minutes, until Sean O'Hare came out. O'Hare was misted by Tajiri, but then Eddy hit him with a chair, and Tajiri stayed out. Tajiri had alot of tape around his wait and parts of his shoulder (I guess selling from the Smackdown tv angle). I hope they dont stick SOH with Eddy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest subliminal_animal Report post Posted July 7, 2003 They should, it makes perfect sense. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest edotherocket Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Poor Eddie will never escape the tag-team division. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BoboBrazil Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Wait so this whole Eddy Guerrero heel turn was just a vehicle to give O'haire something else to do? Great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Old Me Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Wait so this whole Eddy Guerrero heel turn was just a vehicle to give O'haire something else to do? Great. Probably, since they lost Piper. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest edotherocket Report post Posted July 7, 2003 SOH & Eddie vs. Tajiri & Funaki at Vengeance then? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Smart Move. If they keep SOH as an Non-Wrestler. Here is the kicker to me... Eddy has been a face before and gotten over to an certain degree but never as high as it appeared last thursday... He seems to be getting over because of the Low Rider Enterance and of course the CHEATING... So if he turns heel in theory...Wouldn't he have to wrestle like a face thus ruining his entire persona as the cheater and altering his moveset to an degree... Maybe I'm looking at it from a odd angle...But it could be argued that he didn't turn HEEL but turned on Tajiri.... I just don't understand this logic (I know...WWE)...A guy gets over because he cheats (which is odd in it's own right) and then you TURN him into a heel...where naturally he would be doing Heelish shit...thus making No sense at all... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Old Me Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Smart Move. If they keep SOH as an Non-Wrestler. Here is the kicker to me... Eddy has been a face before and gotten over to an certain degree but never as high as it appeared last thursday... He seems to be getting over because of the Low Rider Enterance and of course the CHEATING... So if he turns heel in theory...Wouldn't he have to wrestle like a face thus ruining his entire persona as the cheater and altering his moveset to an degree... Maybe I'm looking at it from a odd angle...But it could be argued that he didn't turn HEEL but turned on Tajiri.... I just don't understand this logic (I know...WWE)...A guy gets over because he cheats (which is odd in it's own right) and then you TURN him into a heel...where naturally he would be doing Heelish shit...thus making No sense at all... I see what you are saying, yet you now have me confused. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Vyce Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Good. I like this. Sorry so many of you are disappointed. On behalf of the.....2 or 3 SOH marks on the board, this is good news. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Oh I love SOH's character and his antics in the ring (witness his facials in the Velocity match)...He just can't wrestle. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest D'Lo White Report post Posted July 7, 2003 I think they should just put Kanyon with SOH. They are not doing anything else with him. Leave Eddie by himself and give him a singles push. Have him beat Billy Gunn for the U.S title. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest HartFan86 Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Eddie & Sean sound like an intresting tag team. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Good. I like this. Sorry so many of you are disappointed. On behalf of the.....2 or 3 SOH marks on the board, this is good news. I've been less than enthralled w/ how they've "hossed" him up. If they let him keep his WCW style, and just let him get some more experience under his belt, he could get over big. Instead, they've taken away all the stuff that got people interested in him in the 1st place, and replaced it w/ punchy/kicky stuff. And, for the record, I don't think he's been as bad as people have been saying. He's bumped well, sold well, and been crisp w/ his stuff. However, I enjoyed WCW O'Haire more than WWE O'Haire. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Raven_Effect01 Report post Posted July 7, 2003 What WWE will most likely do to make Eddie look like a heel is to force him to go the Rhyno route and use 3 chinlocks every match and bore the crowd. Hey, it wouldn't surprise me if WWE limited his moveset even more and turned him into another Lance Storm(once a talented wrestler, now goes through the motions in many of his matches and thus isn't as interesting to watch as he used to be). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted July 7, 2003 All I want to say is...If I hadn't been rocking the shaved head for 5 years and killed the ability to regrow it... I'd SO get his hairstyle...I can already rock the Goatee... But i'm working my HHH 2000 beard right now.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Lil Naitch Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Smart Move. If they keep SOH as an Non-Wrestler. Here is the kicker to me... Eddy has been a face before and gotten over to an certain degree but never as high as it appeared last thursday... He seems to be getting over because of the Low Rider Enterance and of course the CHEATING... So if he turns heel in theory...Wouldn't he have to wrestle like a face thus ruining his entire persona as the cheater and altering his moveset to an degree... Maybe I'm looking at it from a odd angle...But it could be argued that he didn't turn HEEL but turned on Tajiri.... I just don't understand this logic (I know...WWE)...A guy gets over because he cheats (which is odd in it's own right) and then you TURN him into a heel...where naturally he would be doing Heelish shit...thus making No sense at all... Isn't that what Flair does? Even when he's a face he can wrestle like a hell, and the crowd will stll love him. Then when he goes back to heel, not much changes in the wrestling, and the crowd still loves him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Oh I love SOH's character and his antics in the ring (witness his facials in the Velocity match)...He just can't wrestle. Or pull off his character. Don't saddle Eddy with him. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Nater Report post Posted July 7, 2003 If Sean picks up ANYTHING from time with Eddie, it will be tremendous. It's osmosis of talent. I hope their matches starts with Eddie, pit Sean in the middle/out of ring fighting, put Eddie back in and set up for a Seanton finish. That's the most realistic I can think of. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Here's another wrench in the Eddy Heel turn... Eddy and SOH characters are appros for each other (Cheater/Manipulator)... But Eddy got over because he cheated and thus would stay over if he kept cheating... I'm thinking either A) They aren't doing anything with these two. b).Want Eddy to transmit some sort of osmosis into SOH's work rate... c). Are trying to bury Eddy by stickin him with the world's greatest actor. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Czech Republic Report post Posted July 7, 2003 If Sean picks up ANYTHING from time with Eddie, it will be tremendous. It's osmosis of talent. Don't talk about Eddie and osmosis! The uncreative team might be spying on us and think that they can use Eddie to get BIlly Gunn over by osmosis too. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adam 0 Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Eddy deserves the US title, or at least a feud involved in it. Maybe a feud with Matt Hardy or something. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mighty Damaramu Report post Posted July 7, 2003 I know what you're saying Choken. Eddie is over from cheating. Which is a heelish thing. Now when he turns heel is he still going to cheat? But the crowd loves it? What will he do? Oh and when he cheats as a heel will Cole go "That damn Guerrerro! That's not right!" Even though he didn't say anything when he cheated as a face. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BionicRedneck Report post Posted July 7, 2003 *Newsflash* Sean O'Haire is fucking awful. Poor Eddie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Goodear Report post Posted July 7, 2003 I've been less than enthralled w/ how they've "hossed" him up. If they let him keep his WCW style, and just let him get some more experience under his belt, he could get over big. Instead, they've taken away all the stuff that got people interested in him in the 1st place, and replaced it w/ punchy/kicky stuff. See, here's the problem... what was his WCW style other than everything he's doing now plus a top rope senton? Honestly, I cannot remember him doing anything different not that I'm an expert on the last days of WCW or anything. Anyways, Sean would probably be best served in a apprentice-type tag team with a veteran right now, but I just don't see Eddie being a good fit for that role considering their totally different styles. Even Benoit would probably be a better fit than Eddie in that regard. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Polish_Rifle Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Since the phantom US Title tournament has Benoit, Gunn and Hardy...I think the 4th person to advance will be a heel. So its either Eddie, SOH or Albert? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Goodear Report post Posted July 7, 2003 What WWE will most likely do to make Eddie look like a heel is to force him to go the Rhyno route and use 3 chinlocks every match and bore the crowd. Hey, it wouldn't surprise me if WWE limited his moveset even more and turned him into another Lance Storm(once a talented wrestler, now goes through the motions in many of his matches and thus isn't as interesting to watch as he used to be). Lance Storm is so many light years behind Eddie its not even funny. Eddie in his tag match with Tajiri against Haas and Benjamen have basically set the bar as far as the WWE 'slowed down' style of match by drawing the fans into their matwork and pacing while Lance has done nothing for what seems like years now. Eddie's moveset is fine and the only change you might see is the top rope walk armdrag/head scissors fading out since its not so much a heel type maneuver. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest nl5xsk1 Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Actually, I think putting SOH in a "bodyguard" type role for Los Guerreros (once Chavo comes back) makes sense. Neither Eddie or Chavito are that big, and having someone larger than them would help give them an extra dimension to their somewhat cowardly cheat to win image. Plus, it would give SOH more time to improve, as he'd be interfering and looking menacing more than actually wrestling. Plus, they could have him only wrestle at house shows or the occasional televised 6-man rather than singles or teaming with Piper. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Spaceman Spiff Report post Posted July 7, 2003 I've been less than enthralled w/ how they've "hossed" him up. If they let him keep his WCW style, and just let him get some more experience under his belt, he could get over big. Instead, they've taken away all the stuff that got people interested in him in the 1st place, and replaced it w/ punchy/kicky stuff. See, here's the problem... what was his WCW style other than everything he's doing now plus a top rope senton? Honestly, I cannot remember him doing anything different not that I'm an expert on the last days of WCW or anything. Anyways, Sean would probably be best served in a apprentice-type tag team with a veteran right now, but I just don't see Eddie being a good fit for that role considering their totally different styles. Even Benoit would probably be a better fit than Eddie in that regard. I'm pretty sure O'Haire had a slingshot clothesline, also, but I could be wrong, as well as a "kneeling" clothesline. He has/had incredible agility for a guy his size, and was able to showcase it, whereas (sp?) they've kept him grounded since coming to the WWE (save for the initial swanton in his 1st appearance w/ Palumbo). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted July 7, 2003 SOH has shown he can manipulate a match pretty well... His mannerisms and little things he does in the ring really add to his character which is severely in limbo right now... Is he a Devil's Advocate? Manipulating Asshole? Evil Bully? Gloomy Raven Hate the world? They haven't figured out just what the direction they want to go with this character... They can't have SOH riding down in a Low-Rider because that kills all the work that SOH did for his character and kills the "evil" mystqutie. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Anglesault Report post Posted July 7, 2003 Plus, it would give SOH more time to improve, Because damnit, the time in WCW plus the year and a half in OVW plus the last for months on SD! just isn't enough time to expect a good match out of him. His mannerisms and little things he does in the ring really add to his character which is severely in limbo right now That neck vice leaves me on the edge of my seat. Is he a Devil's Advocate? Manipulating Asshole? Evil Bully? Gloomy Raven Hate the world? They haven't figured out just what the direction they want to go with this character... BECAUSE HE CAN'T PULL IT OFF! He sucks at the character. They can't have SOH riding down in a Low-Rider because that kills all the work that SOH did for his character Like what? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites