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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

The One And Only NWA:TNA Thread...

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Bob, why bitch at all? The WWE folder shouldn't bitch half as much as it does, but they bitch more at the stupider things (HHH HAS HIS OWN ENTRANCE! BASTARD!) than the rational things (Booker is over, why aren't they pushing him?). My feeling is they have more of a right to, based on the fact that it's like watching a close family member die based on repeated stupidity. Let it go.


No, Nunzio & Spanky were neutered upon entering the WWE, by the fabled WWE Style. Compare the ROH work to an episode of SD!.


Again, why watch the, as you have said, non alternative, spend $10 each week, just to bitch about it? I mean, paying for a product you don't enjoy & bitch about doesn't make much sense.


BPS is right: JJ is the only guy they can rely on 100%. Should he be taken off TV for awhile? Yes. That's all there really is to say about that matter. He's stale, he's boring, so take a few weeks-a month off, develop a character or do something to alter your image, then voila-you're relatively fresh again. Bitching about the Raven match is kinda stupid now, because 1) it's over 2) Styles has the title & is a better worker than Raven & 3) after the Raven/Douglas thing is blown off (which in good conscience should be after his leg heals so Douglas can not wrestle for awhile), odds are we'll get Raven/Styles for the title. It doesn't matter if the finish is "screwy" to that match or any other Styles title matches, as long as he keeps it. Russo is nothing more, as far as i'm concerned, a glorified heel manager. Does that excuse his shit like this week? hell no. But he more or less is a heel manager, which is fine since he can talk, & AJ isn't exactly too good on the mic yet. Key word being YET, of course.


If there not being a CATFIGHT at a show pisses you off, it speaks volumes. They tease it on the off chance it will up buyrates in the future to see if titties pop. Welcome to the world of cheesecake wrestling, because it's been like that since WWF revived the womens title. & due to me becoming a non blonde lover due to recent loss, Tracy is my pick, unless they want to "legitimize" April as a TNA girl :rolleyes:

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Guest bob_barron
Bob, why bitch at all?


Because I want TNA to improve so there can be a true #2 wrestling company and give Vince a run for its money.


The WWE folder shouldn't bitch half as much as it does, but they bitch more at the stupider things (HHH HAS HIS OWN ENTRANCE! BASTARD!)


I agree on that.


No, Nunzio & Spanky were neutered upon entering the WWE, by the fabled WWE Style. Compare the ROH work to an episode of SD!.


I've seen some of their ROH work and I really don't see that big of a difference. They're just not getting as much time as they used to.


Again, why watch the, as you have said, non alternative, spend $10 each week, just to bitch about it? I mean, paying for a product you don't enjoy & bitch about doesn't make much sense.


Without me Dames can't do his Diatribes- THAT'S why I buy the show.


Bitching about the Raven match is kinda stupid now, because 1) it's over 2) Styles has the title & is a better worker than Raven & 3) after the Raven/Douglas thing is blown off (which in good conscience should be after his leg heals so Douglas can not wrestle for awhile), odds are we'll get Raven/Styles for the title.


I hope the minute they blowoff Raven-Douglas they send Douglas back to the unemployment line. He is just embarrasing to watch these days- he's TNA's equivalent to Roddy Piper.


It doesn't matter if the finish is "screwy" to that match or any other Styles title matches, as long as he keeps it.


I don't understand that logic. Don't you want Styles to look good as a champion instead of looking like a chickenshit? Why would you be happy seeing Styles look like a pussy who needs help to beat Franke Kazarian.


Russo is nothing more, as far as i'm concerned, a glorified heel manager. Does that excuse his shit like this week? hell no. But he more or less is a heel manager, which is fine since he can talk, & AJ isn't exactly too good on the mic yet. Key word being YET, of course.


Russo doesn't do it for me. I HATE when he comes out and cuts promos. It just kills any momentum that the show had and always turns me off the show. I think AJ should cheat on his own- he shouldn't need Russo and Trinity.


If there not being a CATFIGHT at a show pisses you off, it speaks volumes.


The catfight thing- First of all- I don't care about the catfight. I just find it to be incredibally retarded to TEASE a catfight on a show that people have already paid money for. Why pay and fly in Luscious- who is great at promos- just for that? It's just bad business.


They tease it on the off chance it will up buyrates in the future to see if titties pop.


Which makes no sense since TNA's main audience is the IWC and they don't buy shows to see titties pop. Look at how Armageddon. Where we told we would get to see HLA between Torrie and Dawn Marie- and the show BOMBED.


Welcome to the world of cheesecake wrestling, because it's been like that since WWF revived the womens title. & due to me becoming a non blonde lover due to recent loss, Tracy is my pick, unless they want to "legitimize" April as a TNA girl


If they went out and had the catfight- I wouldn't be too upset since it's a very easy way to revive a dead crowd. But to TEASE a catfight two weeks i n a row is just retarded.


Oh and if it's April- TNA gets no love from me

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Guest Army Eye

Lots of Jarrett hate here... I kind of concur. I don't get why he doesn't turn heel. He is SO SO much better as a heel it's ridiculous.


I can see why he was babyface for a while when he was their only real big name star but they have plenty of other options now. TURN HEEL JEFF. You are a natural at it.

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Guest The Decadent Slacker

Eh, enough bickering over validity. I guess i, as do many nowadays, need SOMETHING in wrestling to look forward to every week.


I don't think TNA will ever be as close to a #2 as WCW was, if for no other reason than the lack of backing. Sure, it'd be great seeiing something like TNA Asylum Vs RAW on Mondays, but i doubt it will happen any time soon, if at all. But i was wrong on them lasting a year too, so whatever.


Agreed on the Dames thing, since i never pay close attention anyway.


Russo is OK in small doses, i think. I say "think" because he's never come in a small dose. AJ is a HEEL, so i don't mind if he's chickenshit. I just wish that he was better at that role, because he's too fucking good to buy as a chickenshit, & looks very impressive to boot. When Flair did his coward stuff (begging off, wham to the balls!) it worked because he doesn't look imposing, & you want to hate him. AJ looks more imposing, & is just too fucking likeable for the role. I'd prefer the HHH '00 formula: just going out & beating the fuck out of people, while being evil.


Fuck the catfight thing. I see your point Bob in that why bother since the same smarks watch every week, & we're desensitized to the allure of teased tits. But it's their way of trying to pop a mark buyrate on the "anything can happen" ticket, so if it works, great, just keep it to a minimum. My only wish is that it involves a major angle...that won't involve Lawler's offspring.


Yes, it better not be April losing the top. Logic says a heel though, or maybe a face & a revenge stripping for a heel. Maybe both heels. But looking for logic in a goddamn catfight is just dumb. It's like people trying to find psychology in a Stacy Keibler match.


WWE got London, just to mention. Part of me is saddened, while part of me is amused at the distress this will cause others. Oh well. HAIL SABIN!

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