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Guest Cancer Marney

Christianity &c

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SP, I was enraged when I got your PM because from what you said, I was under the impression that she literally blamed you and Christians for 9/11 and...boy, was I ready to ban.


However, after reading her post, as malicious as it was, I definitely think you misinterpreted that line. If not, then everyone would have been on her ass about it and there would have been a big ass "BAN MARNEY" thread.


From my estimation, she isn't holding you or Christians themselves personally responsible. She is stating that people who follow their beliefs blindly are the same kinds of people who committed the horrible terror attacks and is comparing your strength in your beliefs to theirs.


I know that you're upset after such a negative rant on you, but read that part carefully.


For the record, I don't know Marney personally like Tom does and don't have the same type of friendship with her, so don't think that I'm not willing to ban her if necessary.



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Much worse crimes have been commited in the name of Christianity than 9/11.


However, this does not mean that SP is the type of person who would commit these crimes. Granted, if you believe everything in the bible, you are almost obliged to crusade for it, but, as it is, I doubt very much as though SP would do that. Whether that makes him a good Christian or a bad Christian is open for debate.


The difference with 9/11 is that is was a religious attack so much as a nationalistic one. There are 100's of Christian nations in the world, but only America was significantly targeted by these terrorists. Fundamentalism may have been the excuse, but it wasn't the reason.

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Guest bob_barron
Now. 9/11.


Fuck you, Marney. I sincerely hope that the same fire that got lit under Dames' ass when others brought up the subject gets lit again, because that's the sickest thing I've ever heard. You're going to hold ME responsible for 9/11, based on holding me responsible for the actions of Christians, when MUSLIM TERRORISTS did it?


Fuck that. And fuck you. And fuck every single person that is fucking insane enough to even THINK that there's some kind of correlation between the deaths of thousands of people, one of the most horrendous things in American history, and SPIDERPOET.


Next time- let's learn to read things carefully.


Marney didn't blame you for 9.11 as everyone else has managed to figure out. She said this-


You know what? Unless you have a personal letter handwritten and signed by God I don't give a flying fuck. You have a responsibility to make sure no one hijacks your beliefs. You have a responsibility to disavow horrors undertaken in the name of your religion AT ALL TIMES just as loudly as those who preach from the rooftops, the charnel pits, the torture chambers that they're doing the work of God. You have an absolute and immitigable responsibility to everyone who has ever suffered at the hands of those who claimed your faith to any extent. No one with any official capacity in any church I've ever known denies this. Only shitheads like you.And do you know what kind of shit your moral blindness and self-satisfied idiocy causes? Do you? DO YOU? 9 fucking 11. Moslems the world over followed your route both before and after that day. The ones who weren't firing guns in the air and kissing pictures of Bin Laden.


I still don't see where she says Spiderpoet caused 9.11.

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Guest bob_barron

She's saying that people who follow their beliefs blindly are the same kinds of people who end up causing terrorist attacks.


Of course I wouldn't like it if it was directed at me but hey- if it's true it's true

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>>>And do you know what kind of shit your moral blindness and self-satisfied idiocy causes? Do you? DO YOU? 9 fucking 11. Moslems the world over followed your route both before and after that day.<<<


She's comparing him to the terrorist that committed the 9/11 attacks. There were other ways of getting her point across without bringing up such a sensitive subject.

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Guest bob_barron

Marney wanted to make sure she clearly got her point across about what SP's beliefs cause.


I have no problem with it

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Then what was wrong with Jubuki using 9/11 to get his point across? In both instances the flaming overwhelmed whatever point they were trying to get across. I don't really take offense to any of it, but it's pretty ridiculous that one use of 9/11 exaggeration is condoned while another is shunned. Both are pretty tasteless exploitations of a tragic situation.

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Then what was wrong with Jubuki using 9/11 to get his point across? In both instances the flaming overwhelmed whatever point they were trying to get across. I don't really take offense to any of it, but it's pretty ridiculous that one use of 9/11 exaggeration is condoned while another is shunned. Both are pretty tasteless exploitations of a tragic situation.

Jubuki made a tasteless 9/11 remark as part of a flame. Marney used 9/11 as part of a valid point.

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Guest godthedog
Her point was lost in all of the flaming. No one cared WHAT she said, it was how she said it. I didn't see, "Great argument, Marn." All I saw was, "Great flame." "Damn." "Good one, Marney."

such has been the thinking process of her minions as well.

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Guest bob_barron

Jubuki said he wished we were in the buildings when 9.11 occured.


Marney told SP that his line of thinking is what leads to 9.11.


There's a difference

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Guest cue_meanie

This reeks of juvenile..."I don't like what she said I'm going to tattle to the big bad Dames...whaaaa whaaa" grow up and instead of wasting your time trying to "ban plz" at every turn....think of what was actually said...actually think about it...not what you can say in reply but to what was actually said and then figure out if you need to resort to third grade shenanigans. A good christian would forgive and forget not run for the nearest psuedo-authority.

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Guest godthedog

i don't think there's any good examples of what would traditionally be called "good christianity" in this thread, by anybody. the whole "NHB flame war" thing is kind of a blemish on it.

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What's the difference? They are both tasteless comments used to draw the ire of the target, and in both cases it worked. Except this time, there were no consequences.


And Meanie, the message board is for the enjoyment of everyone. If SP wants to come on this message board and post without getting his faith torn apart, then he should be able to. The quote Marney used as "justification" for this tirade had nothing offensive in it. I could understand if SP was on a gay bashing, bible thumping crusade, but he wasn't.

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Guest Cancer Marney
She's comparing him to the terrorist that committed the 9/11 attacks.

Yes, but she said that people with ideals like his caused 9/11. That's saying that SP has the ideals of an international terrorist.


She's saying that people who follow their beliefs blindly are the same kinds of people who end up causing terrorist attacks.


From my estimation, she isn't holding you or Christians themselves personally responsible. She is stating that people who follow their beliefs blindly are the same kinds of people who committed the horrible terror attacks and is comparing your strength in your beliefs to theirs.


Not one of you got it, not even Dames, which surprised me. I wasn't saying that. I said clearly and simply that SpiderPoet's hypocritical evasions and denials of responsibility were morally equivalent to the Moslems who refused to condemn 9/11. "Well, that's just not true Islam." "It says in the Koran that we aren't supposed to kill." "They're just extremists." That is what SET THE STAGE for 9/11; the silence of the so-called "true" Moslems, the ones who don't fly aeroplanes into buildings, that allowed 9/11 to happen. Their refusal to condemn the extremists. That is the SAME as "Well, MY Christianity is different. Jesus buttfucks me every night and I'm here to tell you about it in excruciating detail." "The Inquisition didn't come from the Bible. Well, not MY Bible." "They're just extremists. I'm not like them. It's not MY religion they're practicing. I'm not responsible."


No. You are. And they aren't "just extremists." In point of fact people like Jerry Falwell and Osama bin Laden follow the Bible and the Koran far more exactly than normal and reasonable people. If these are the literal and unchanging words of God in their respective religions then you have no room, none at all, to claim that they're somehow less Christian or less Moslem than you. The point I was making was that it doesn't matter. Cruelty is cruelty, murder is murder, whether or not you think your god endorses it. And if someone else claims that your god DOES endorse it, you have a moral responsibility to say with equal vigour that he does NOT. You have to distance yourself loudly and forcefully from such maniacs in ANY kind of faith. Don't try to wash your hands clean of the guilt. That's reprehensible and useless. The damned spot will not come out. Don't try to say deny the dark side of Christianity or Islam. Don't try to claim that your god is free of responsibility because his words have been twisted. If his words have been twisted someone must untwist them.


More later; I have work to do.

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Guest Cancer Marney
If SP wants to come on this message board and post without getting his faith torn apart, then he should be able to.

"The most curious social convention of the great age in which we live is the one to the effect that religious opinions should be respected. Its evil effects must be plain enough to everyone. All it accomplishes is (a) to throw a veil of sanctity about ideas that violate every intellectual decency, and (b) to make every theologian a sort of chartered libertine. No doubt it is mainly to blame for the appalling slowness with which really sound notions make their way in the world. The minute a new one is launched, in whatever fields, some imbecile of a theologian is certain to fall upon it, seeking to put it down. The most effective way to defend it, of course, would be to fall upon the theologian, for the only really workable defense, in polemics as in war, is a vigorous offensive. But convention frowns upon that device as indecent, and so theologians continue their assault upon sense without much resistance, and the enlightenment is unpleasantly delayed.


There is, in fact, nothing about religious opinions that entitles them to any more respect than other opinions get. On the contrary, they tend to be noticeably silly. If you doubt it, then ask any pious fellow of your acquaintance to put what he believes into the form of an affidavit, and see how it reads.


"I, John Doe, being duly sworn, do say that I believe that, at death, I shall turn into a vertebrate without substance, having neither weight, extent nor mass, but with all the intellectual powers and bodily sensations of an ordinary mammal; ...and that, for the high crime and misdemeanor of having kissed my sister-in-law behind the door, with evil intent, I shall be boiled in molten sulphur for one billion calendar years."


Or, "I, Mary Roe, having the fear of Hell before me, do solemnly affirm and declare that I believe it was right, just, lawful and decent for the Lord God Jehovah, seeing certain little children of Beth-el laugh at Elisha's bald head, to send a she-bear from the wood, and to instruct, incite, induce and command it to tear forty-two of them to pieces."


Or, "I, the Right Rev. _____ _____, Bishop of _____, D.D., LL.D., do honestly, faithfully and on my honor as a man and a priest, declare that I believe that Jonah swallowed the whale," or vice versa, as the case may be.


No, there is nothing notably dignified about religious ideas. They run, rather, to a peculiarly puerile and tedious kind of nonsense. At their best, they are borrowed from metaphysicians, which is to say, from men who devote their lives to proving that twice two is not always or necessarily four. At their worst, they smell of spiritualism and fortune-telling. Nor is there any visible virtue in the men who merchant them professionally. Few theologians know anything that is worth knowing, even about theology, and not many of them are honest. One may forgive a Communist or a Single Taxer on the ground that there is something the matter with his ductless glands, and that a Winter in the south of France would relieve him. But the average theologian is a hearty, red-faced, well-fed fellow with no discernible excuse in pathology. He disseminates his blather, not innocently, like a philosopher, but maliciously, like a politician. In a well-organized world he would be on the stone-pile. But in the world as it exists we are asked to listen to him, not only politely, but even reverently, and with our mouths open."


- HL Mencken, A Mencken Chrestomathy 12/09/1929

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Guest Cancer Marney
Oh. Well that changes things I suppose. It just wasn't worded like you explained it.

Yes it was. It's not my fault that you people can't read.

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Guest cue_meanie

If the messege board is for the enjoyment of all...then MArney was totally within her rights to say what she did SpiderPoet could easily just not read what she said but just because what he said was not inately offensive doesn't mean she didn't take offense. When you get into religion everything is offensive, my initial post was just trying to convey that this place is getting BAN crazy, everything it seems is reason to ban, why don't you just grow up and except criticism's by either defending them or simply not responding.

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She's comparing him to the terrorist that committed the 9/11 attacks.

Yes, but she said that people with ideals like his caused 9/11. That's saying that SP has the ideals of an international terrorist.


She's saying that people who follow their beliefs blindly are the same kinds of people who end up causing terrorist attacks.


From my estimation, she isn't holding you or Christians themselves personally responsible. She is stating that people who follow their beliefs blindly are the same kinds of people who committed the horrible terror attacks and is comparing your strength in your beliefs to theirs.


Not one of you got it, not even Dames, which surprised me. I wasn't saying that. I said clearly and simply that SpiderPoet's hypocritical evasions and denials of responsibility were morally equivalent to the Moslems who refused to condemn 9/11.

I find it interesting how so many different people can come up with different conclusions and give three different explanations on the same statement, correct or not.


I'll admit it, I'm not the brightest guy in the world, nor do I pretend to be. There's a reason why I don't discuss politics or current events much, if at all.



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Guest cue_meanie
This thread = GH3Y.


See its garbage like this. If you don't like this thread A) don't read it, don't comment don't have anyting to do with it. B) Make a new thread I'd gladly give up on this one if there was something else going on, but theres not... I would rather read one of Marney's 2 1/2 page slams on christianity then "This thread is ghey" what does that prove...its not funny anymore it hasn't been for like a year it added NOTHING.

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Guest KanadianKrusty
This thread = GH3Y.


See its garbage like this. If you don't like this thread A) don't read it, don't comment don't have anyting to do with it. B) Make a new thread I'd gladly give up on this one if there was something else going on, but theres not... I would rather read one of Marney's 2 1/2 page slams on christianity then "This thread is ghey" what does that prove...its not funny anymore it hasn't been for like a year it added NOTHING.

1- It's NHB, don't expect too much

2- He's right

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Guest EL BRUJ0

Nice to see cue_meanie act like his miniscule member malignantly misaligned with his zipper over three words and a math symbol.


If you want to put an end to idiocy don't encourage it, fuckass.

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Guest cue_meanie
Nice to see cue_meanie act like his miniscule member malignantly misaligned with his zipper over three words and a math symbol.


If you want to put an end to idiocy don't encourage it, fuckass.


That is the stupidest thing ever written.

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Guest The Flying Dutchman

It could've been, but I think you trumped him.

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