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Guest welshjerichomark

English Football

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Derby 2 - 2 Cardiff.




Just as long as Forest keep losing, and they are already 1-0 down to Coventry.


I never thought I'd say this, but COME ONE THE SKY BLUES!



Damn it Caboose, the pop that Osman's goal got at pride park...



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Damn it Caboose, the pop that Osman's goal got at pride park...



I couldn't believe it! Pride Park looked about half full.


Paul Hart's got the chop at Forest, I can't believe how badly they are doing this season. Derby seem to be showing a lot more grit and determination than Forest as well at the moment.


Leicester were lucky to lose 3-1 from all accounts. Off to the pub for Bolton on Tuesday, a drink eases the anxiety and depression.

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Damn it Caboose, the pop that Osman's goal got at pride park...



I couldn't believe it! Pride Park looked about half full.


Paul Hart's got the chop at Forest, I can't believe how badly they are doing this season. Derby seem to be showing a lot more grit and determination than Forest as well at the moment.


Leicester were lucky to lose 3-1 from all accounts. Off to the pub for Bolton on Tuesday, a drink eases the anxiety and depression.

Hart has been sacked??


I hope he has... that'll be the biggest mistake Forest'll make this season.


Cardiff fans pissing me off at the match...





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Sigh. I hoped Forest wouldnt panic and sack Hart. He's had no money and had to sell Jenas, Prutton, Scimeca and Harewood over the past year.

No ones going to be able to turn things around in this space of time without money.

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Sigh. I hoped Forest wouldnt panic and sack Hart. He's had no money and had to sell Jenas, Prutton, Scimeca and Harewood over the past year.

No ones going to be able to turn things around in this space of time without money.

Just think, If Paul Hart had gone to Leeds then they would have owed Forest compensation and now Forest have to pay Paul Hart compensation because they sacked him!

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Sigh. I hoped Forest wouldnt panic and sack Hart. He's had no money and had to sell Jenas, Prutton, Scimeca and Harewood over the past year.

No ones going to be able to turn things around in this space of time without money.

This is going to make the Forest/Derby game so good...



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The Chairman says we're in talks with him and will annouce something positive within 48 hours.


And as no one else wants him, I'd be very surprised if he turns us down. Plus no matter how bad we're doing we're still *Nottingham Forest* for god's sake which must still mean something.

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Plus no matter how bad we're doing we're still *Nottingham Forest* for god's sake which must still mean something.

There was a Forest fan on the radio the other day who said that by rights they should be looking to be sitting in the top 6 of the Premier because they're such a well supported club far and wide and it got me wondering about just how delusional fans can be. Ok, so Forest had a true glory era in the late 70's/early 80's when they were the best team in Britain and Europe, but those achievements were made possible by an extraordinary manager in Brian Clough. He took an unfashionable club and turned them into champions, if only the biggest and best supported clubs in the country had a devine right to win trophies of that stature then Forest shouldn't have been in the reckoning but we all know that thankfully (much less so these days mind you) football doesn't always work like that. Unfortunately we will never see clubs the size of Forest win the biggest trophies again because the financial gap has become just too wide, a top 6 premiership place for Forest would be overachieving on a grand scale without a serious cash injection. Clubs like Middlesborough or Fulham would be in serious trouble if their sugar daddies left them, clubs like Charlton overachieve because of excellent managers and even the likes of Alan Curbishley will, unlike 25 years ago, have to manage one of Britain's select top few clubs to emulate Brian Clough record.

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Look, while Forest arent really a top 6 team in the premiership (I beleive) the fact they have won two European Cups cannot be taken away. That is something very special. Ipswich have won in Europe and it marks you out from the rest.


Oh and bloody Wigan. Losing at home just pisses me off no end.

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There was a Forest fan on the radio the other day who said that by rights they should be looking to be sitting in the top 6 of the Premier


This is one of the things i hate about being a Forest fan. There's a *lot* of stupid fans who think we should be winning everything. Unfortunatly my season ticket for the last 10 years plus has been in the Brian Clough Stand where most of the moaning gits go.


I made on leave a game the other month. He was bitching about Reid saying "that Reid is crap" and "we should sell shit like Reid*. This pissed me off no end and it got to the point where i just stood up and yelled at him about how he should get a season ticket and not come to one game every 10 years or whatever and stop talking crap about the *only* creative player we have. Plus we get people saying things like "It's only West Brom! We should be thrashing teams like this" which is complete bollocks, but as West Brom were rubbish when we were good they will always be rubbish to a certain number of our fans.


We aren't the most fickle bunch of fans in the league god only knows who is.


But, i do think we should be a Premier League club. Not a top club there, but certainly a team the same sort of level as a Southampton or a Blackburn.


Unfortunatly we're paying the price for poor running at board level, and always have been. Brian even had to loan the club a 6 figure amount to keep the club afloat in the early 1980s - and that was when we were winning things! Irving Scholar though should particulary be responsible for our current predicament though - selling our captain Colin Cooper and our second top scorer Kevin Campbell when out manager at the time was on holiday. That made Peirre go on strike and basically made it impossible for us to stay in the Premier in the 1998/99 season.


I'm not even going to mention bloody Platt.


This years problem is down to, unfortunatly, Hart's poor eye for players. As long as they're under 18 he can spot a great one, however, spending £1.4m on two strikers who have scored 2 league goals for us this season shows that when he's given money he can't cope. Not to mention not only playing but also giving the captaincy to Gareth Williams who's publicly stated his intention to leave in the summer to go to the Premier *and* has been bad beyond belief this year....


Harewood and Williams both refuse new contracts. 21 goal Marlon is sold immediatly and the big girl Gaz is made captain. Explain that one Harty.


Kinnear will keep us up though, and does has experience of doing very well with no money, so I can see him staying on when his contracts up at the end of the year.


End of Rant.

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Plus no matter how bad we're doing we're still *Nottingham Forest* for god's sake which must still mean something.

There was a Forest fan on the radio the other day who said that by rights they should be looking to be sitting in the top 6 of the Premier because they're such a well supported club far and wide and it got me wondering about just how delusional fans can be.

Extremely delusional. Every club has fans that think they should be huge. That said, Forest should be at least challenging for promotion.


Joe Kinnear is a decent appointment, I think its going to be a huge struggle though.


Do Southampton have no pride? Its like a man taking his wife back after she's been fucking someone else for 2 years.

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Danny Wilson? You mean Forest Reject Danny Wilson? The man Brian paid tons of money for and then only picked for 9 games before getting rid of him?


Never even crossed anyones mind.


There is no way in hell Wilson would come anyway, I'm sure I've read him saying he's still bitter towards us after what Brian did.

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Who would you have bought with the 1 million that you have wasted? personally i would have bought Sam Parkin from Swindon and try to take Robert Huth on Loan from Chelsea until the end of the season.

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The £1.5m we've wasted on King and Taylor (although at least Taylor *tries*) I would have put into the wage plan and used it to keep Scimeca, Brennan, Lester, Hjelde and Harewood.


I'm almost positive that if you take that £1.5m plus the wages being paid to Sonner and Gunnarsson (who aren't really *that* bad, just not as good as the players above) we could've held on to most of, if not all the players we lost.


But if i had to have bought someone with it... I don't know. Sam Parkin's a decent enough player, but we're not really making chances for the players we have most of the time. Although is mainly thanks to King'a atrocious positional play. I would probably got McPhail in properly and got Chopra on loan like we did do.


Although give me Scimeca, Brennan, Lester, Hjelde and Harewood anyday.

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Look, while Forest arent really a top 6 team in the premiership (I beleive) the fact they have won two European Cups cannot be taken away.  That is something very special.  Ipswich have won in Europe and it marks you out from the rest.

Oh yeah, I totally agree that its very special indeed, I was just typing a pretty much stream-of consciousness piece about how some fans harbour unrealistic ambitions in relation to how the game has changed for the worse since the Premier League era. Some fans aren't living in the real world anymore because 95% of them unfortunately will never see their team put in a fight for major honours, much less win one. That percentage has never been all that much lower of course because there has always been the haves and the have-nots in Football, the problem is the gap became too big with too much money flooding the game that the achivements Forest earned under Clough (as a mid-level Top flight club say) are almost certainly never to be repeated. The era where, say, a couple of dozen or so teams could still dream about it happening if they were lucky enough to land themselves a special manager and an especially good crop of players at any one time has probably gone forever. Forest should really be nowhere near the position they are at the moment and should be in the promotion scene.


Look for Micky Adams to eventually end up at Southhampton if/when Leicester go down. Maybe.

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