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Guest Choken One

Smackdown Spoilers

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Guest GameCop

God, I used to be obsessed with Saved by the Bell? IMO, one of the best sitcoms ever.

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Guest goar

From Meltzer:


Smackdown spoilers from Fresno




Dark Matches


1) Solo d. Tony Kozina. Crowd was into it only because it was the first match. The crowd before this had popped huge to the sound check guy, and the lights being dimmed. Solo won with a slightly messed up move similar to the move Rey Mysterio does coming off the top rope and sitting down on the opponent.


2) Ultimo Dragon d. Shawn Evans. Dragon's flames were HOT!!! And it was awesome to see such a great international star, but the match was short. Lots of kicks from Dragon. Evans got in some offense, but Dragon won with the reverse sommersault into a ddt.


3) Kanyon d. Keji Sakoda (spelling) Sakoda was announced as being from Fresno, but he was also announced as being from Bakersfield back in February, so I guess he's the "hometown" representative for Smackdown. Kanyon won with a version of the downward spiral, where he jumped and brought his opponent down.

note: this match may air on velocity, since the velocity video was on during it, but I'm not sure.


Velocity Taping


No velocity pyro for this one. I think it had to do with the low ceiling at Sellend Arena, because the Fire Marshall was out in full force around the pyro guys all night. They introduced Josh Mathews and The Cat. The Cat tried to get Mathews to dance, but it didn't work, so he danced instead.


1) Orlando Jordan d. Nunzio. Didn't really pay much attention to this match for some reason. Jordan looks a lot like Billy Blanks, you know, the Tae Bo guy.


2) Basham Brothers d. Spanky and Funaki. Awesom match!! Spanky is amazing to see live, and the Basham Bros. have some nice double team moves. One such move was Danny slingshoting Spanky and Doug coming off the top to bulldog him on the way down. Spanky hit several dropkicks, and side kicks. He took a nasty fall down onto the steps at the end. And that allowed the Bashams to hit a combonation Clothesline into a Russian Leg Sweep for the win on Funaki.




Video played of the past two weeks with 3-on-1 handicap matches. Tazz and Michael Cole snuck out to the ring while the video was playing. Pyro went off, and Smackdown is under way with.......


Stephanie comes to the ring saying Vince is taking care of Linda, and she's going to be taking Smackdown back tonight. She announces no more handicap matches, and that it will be the Big Show and Benjamin and Haas versus Lesnar, Angle, and Zach Gowan. John Cena comes out and talks about how he had a dream about Stephanie last night. He raps about being excited by her, but in a clumsy way like he's trying to be smooth. He offers Steph $20 to rip Sable's top off. Then he says he wants to smack her ass. So Steph lets him. This brings Sable up on the video screen saying how she always knew Steph liked being slapped around. She shows the footage of her beating down Steph last week. Says something about how wonderful she is, then gets mad at Steph for not agreeing (I heard Steph say nothing about disagreeing, so they might dub something in) Steph says she's gonna get Sable, and Sable invites her to the back.


Match 1) Rey Mysterio and Kidman d. Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore. Rey was pretty over here in Fresno. His entrance looks even cooler from eye level. Rey hit a nice face buster, that started out with him in a victory roll position on Shannon. Hardy and Moore worked over Kidman, until the hot tag came to Rey. Rey cleaned house, then tageed back in Kidman. Rey hit Shannon with the 6-1-9, then proceeded to hit Matt Hardy with a split legged moonsault from the top rope onto the floor. In the ring, Kidman hit the shooting star for the pin.


The screen cuts to Steph running around the back looking for Sable. She goes to jump a blonde in the make-up area, but its Torrie. She proceeds to find Sable and begin beating her against a limo. She throws Sable onto the trunk, then pulls off her top. Sable's breasts were exposed, and shown fully for a quick second before she jumped into the car. Steph was about to bust the window with a pipe, when Vince appeared. He said he answers to neither Stephanie nor Linda, and if Stephanie wasn't careful she'd end up laid up like Linda.


They replay last week's $25,000 offer by Jaime Noble to Torrie. Which leads into......


Match 2) Billy Gunn d. Jaime Noble. A quick match the Gunn won by swinging Noble from a scoop slam position into a version of the urange.


After the match, Torrie said she'd sleep with Noble next week on Smackdown if he beat Billy Gunn at Vengeance. Noble excepted. Then Billy tried to show his ass, but the referee wouldn't let him. He kept motioning to Billy to keep his pants pulled up. Finally Billy mooned the crowd, which was followed more pleasantly by Torrie mooning the crowd.


APA was shown in the back. Steve Lombardi showed up asking to be in the Barroom Brawl on sunday. Bradshaw told him to prove himself, then he'd be invited. Oh yeah, and they said during the segment that Brother Love, and Doink the Clown would be in it too. Nice how they bring in Doink for a PPV, but Matt Hardy, Ultimo Dragon, and Spanky are left without good matches.


The new Mayor of Fresno Eddie Guerrero came out in a low rider chevy. The crowd loved Eddie, and thats an understatement. The crowd was chanting "Eddie, Eddie" 10 minutes before his segment, when they were positioning his car backstage. Eddie cut a promo about Chris Benoit and him coming up together. From Japan, to ECW, to WCW, and finally the WWE. Eddied called Benoit his best friend, which brought Chris out to the ring. Benoit talked about Eddie having many best friends lately, and it being months since they talked. Eddie said he was lying, and he hated Benoit. They jaw-jacked a little more, and Eddie was about to leave, and Benoit challenged him to a match. He called him Homes, and Essa, which drew loud boos, and lead into more "Eddie, Eddie" chants. Guererro said he'd wait til sunday, but then jumped back into the ring to attack Benoit. Benoit threw him around, then out to the floor, where Eddie sprayed him in the eyes with something. This brought out Rhyno to the rescue, and lead to.....


Match 3) Eddie Guerrero d. Rhyno. A slow paced match at first, but it soon picked up. Eddie hit a beautiful top rope hurricanrana. Rhyno went for the gore, but Eddie moved out of the way. Rhyno stopped to avoid the ref, but caught a low blow from Eddie. A funny moment saw Eddie smile and wink toward the camera while the ref was checking on Rhyno. Eddie dropkicked Rhyno in the face, and pinned him with help from the ropes.


A desire video ran for the Undertaker, which lead into John Cena cutting a monster promo on Taker from the middle of one of those flaming stars on the ground that they say you'll get sucked down into hell by standing inside one. Anyways, awesome promo with Cena talking about Taker not wanting to pass the torch to the new legend.


Match 4) APA d. FBI. Stamboli was kicked right in the face by Palumbo, and I'm pretty sure it rung his bell, if not knocked him out for a few minutes. Bradshaw hit the clothesline from hell (which should be called the clothesline from contempo casual with the way bradshaw is all clean cut and bleach blonde) A very short match. O'Haire, the Bashams, Brooklyn Brawler, and Albert came down to assault the APA.


Zach Gowan is shown getting ready for the main event, when Mr. McMahon comes in. He says he wont attack him tonight, but that on sunday people will fell sorry for him for the beating he will receive from Mr. McMahon. Zach calls him a disgraceful human being, in which Vince threatens to attack Zach, but Brock and Kurt show up to chase off Vince.


Match 5) Big Show and World's Greatest Tag Team (WGTT) d. Lesnar, Angle, and Gowan. Angle started off wrestling against Benjamin and Haas. Lesnar tagged in and hit an awesome belly-to-belly suplex on Haas where Lesnar neve left his feet, but suplexed Haas clean over his head. Gowan tagged in and Lesnar threw him into the tag champs. He then hit a slingshot leg drop on Benjamin. Gowan was looking good until the Big Show tagged in. Show manhandled Gowan, going for the chokeslam, but having it broken up by Lesnar. Gowan finally tagged out, but was tossed off the apron, and landed hard on his back by the Big Show. That brought out Mr. McMahon who hit Zach in the leg with a chair. Refs helped Zach to the back, and we now had a handicap match. Show and WGTT worked over Angle before he tagged in Lesnar. Lesnar cleaned house, hitting two more awesome standing belly-to-bellys before tagging Angle back in. Kurt went for the ankle lock on Show, but it was broken up with Lesnar tried to F5 Haas, but swung him into Angle. This allowed Show to hit the chokeslam on Angle for the pin. After the match Lesnar laid into Show with a chair, before Angle and he started arguing. Both men went for their finishers on the other, but they were reversed. Finally the Big Show grabbed them and chokeslammed them both. End of Show.


After the show, John Cena was outside signing autographs for a good 30 minutes. Matt Hardy was also out signing autographs. And I was able to get a V1 high five from him. Kanyon showed up to sign more autographs, and Brock Lesnar was seen jumping into his car and speeding away through the parking lot.


A good show overall, and it did a good job putting more emphasis on the main event, as well as continuing to set up the Vince-Zach match. I thought the Guererro-Benoit stuff was good, and Cena was outstanding with his promo on the Undertaker.


Biggest Pops:

1) Eddie Guererro

2) Brock Lesnar

3) Kurt Angle

4) Rey Mysterio

5) Stephanie McMahon


Biggest Heat:

1) Big Show

2) Mr. McMahon

3) Rhyno

4) The T-Shirt Guy


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Guest Boo_Bradley





Mulder: "Scully, the Spoilers are somewhere....out there!"

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Guest GameCop

I think I will speak with Zach Malibu about Saved by the Bell. His name certainly seems to indicate his reverence for the show.


I hope this means we're cool now, Choken One. I hope we can get along without affronting each other.

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Guest Boo_Bradley

1) Orlando Jordan d. Nunzio. Didn't really pay much attention to this match for some reason. Jordan looks a lot like Billy Blanks, you know, the Tae Bo guy.



Cause the match was between 2 bland guys , perhaps?

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Guest Boo_Bradley

5 matches, 2 tape worthy... Beniot/Eddy get interview time.... works for me.....

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Guest GameCop

You know, I do feel worse for staying up THIS LATE to read THOSE spoilers. I'm really happy for Eddie Guerrero, though. WWE might have a new break-out star in him.

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Guest Choken One

I would've been up anyways...at least it was worthwhile...


I'll never not be an Insomiac...Thank God I don't work in the morning...

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Guest GameCop

Not that I'm terribly disappointed with those spoilers -- they actually look somewhat promising -- but it would've taken a 25 minute classic between Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio to justify and/or rationalize my insistence on staying up.

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Guest Boo_Bradley

The spoilers took so long, I had both nightmares and Morning wood before they were posted

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Guest Memphis
If 2 hours ago it was as long after one o'clock in the 

afternoon as it was before one o'clock in the morning. What time 

would it be now?

9 PM?





*Chokeslams Linda*

Gold, just gold.


This thread has restored my faith in Smark insanity.


I love you all again.



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Guest Boo_Bradley

This thread died a quick death...


I guess once AS comes out of his Tomb, he can lead the 2nd wave of posters.

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Guest Choken One




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Guest Nanks

I don't think any spoilers could possibly be worth 10 pages of waiting. This thread is beyond the pale. I can't believe I actually went out, got hammered, passed out and came to and these appear to only recently have been posted. Doesn't look like a bad show at all. Those spoilers actually make me slightly interested in some of Vengeance. As for the doubt due to the nudity, let's remember that some of that is Sable, and I am confident that Vince is forcing her to get naked constantly in some form of twisted revenge, so it sounds legit to me

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Guest Vyce
Anyways, awesome promo with Cena talking about Taker not wanting to pass the torch to the new legend.


Oh, so he shoots, then.

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