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Guest rawmvp

Dave Meltzer on RVD

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Guest BDC

If you have "high standards" then aren't you watching the wrong programming? You may claim not to be a prick, but you have all the makings of turning out to be the biggest elitist I've ever seen.

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Guest Memphis
If you have "high standards" then aren't you watching the wrong programming? You may claim not to be a prick, but you have all the makings of turning out to be the biggest elitist I've ever seen.

I don't think so.


I love watching Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Eddie & Chavo Guerrero, Brock Lesnar, Rey Mysterio, Tajiri, Ultimo Dragon, Chris Jericho, Shawn Michaels...just to name a few. WWE has some serious talent that I feel privelaged being able to watch every week.


However, there are some wrestlers who I feel just don't do wrestling the justice it deserves.


It's just my opinion, and I stick by it.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Well, that is true.


The pop-up superplex (which most people here seem to love) is in Rolling-Thunder-after-five-minutes-of-leg-work territory when you think about it.

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Guest Ray
Benoit: Chops and kicks, Lariat/Elbow, Snap Suplex, Backdrop, Germans, Headbutt, Crossface-And yes, I know he has the powerbomb back. He's only been able to do it to Guerrero, so I'm not counting it yet.


So can somebody please tell me why RVD's moveset of Kicks, Legdrops, Standing Moonsault, Rolling Thunder, Monkey Flip, Springboard Bodypress, Split-Legged Moonsault, and the Five-Star to finish isn't similar to any of the other movesets that I've mentioned?

Benoit can do all of his moves and still sell.


The pop-up superplex (which most people here seem to love) is in Rolling-Thunder-after-five-minutes-of-leg-work territory when you think about it.

I've said that about 1000 times......not here though. ;)



Not to mention the fact that he doesn't build up to the ankle lock at all. All of a sudden the straps are down and he grabs on.

Correct me of I'm wrong, but don't shoot fighters get an instant tap-out with an anklelock?


Someone once told me that....

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Guest Memphis
Angle certainly isn't well-schooled in the art of selling.

But it's KURT ANGLE.


'Nuff said.



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And Shalashaska, give it up already. This whole "I'm being an asshole" gimmick is getting kind of lame, and I, for one, don't really appreciate it. You're turning into the Jubuki of the entire forum. The reason RVD does the same goddamn thing over and over for the last two years is because he hasn't exactly been given the green light to go out there and do whatever he's wanted to do. You can pin that on 95% of the wrestlers in WWE right now. There are very few, and I mean VERY few wrestlers who are out there and able to do moves outside of what they've done for most of their careers.

Right, I'm pretending to be bad ass. Got me there.


My beef isn't with Van Dam's style, it's with his professionalism. Benoit, Angle, Guerrero, Rey Rey, hell, even TRIPLE H understand that SELLING your opponents offence is apart of the storytelling aspect that is professional wrestling. It pisses me off that the idiot goes out there and half asses it while guys like Benoit, who are model wrestlers, get LESS of a push than he does.


Understandably so, Triple H only sells for those he feels are worthy, but at least he DOES it occasionally.


Just because I refuse to tolerate a wrestler doesn't mean I'm trying to be an 'asshole', as you've described me. Shoot me, I have high standards.



Damn, if that pisses you off you need to get out more.

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If RvD made the wwe a billion dollars, and he killed someone in the ring, they would STILL push him. But they didnt even give him the chance to make them any money.


I understand guys like Austin, not wanting ot work with RvD, but Angle, who's wife bitched about Angle working with him, should have tried to work with RvD, hence making them both more money.

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Benoit: Chops and kicks, Lariat/Elbow, Snap Suplex, Backdrop, Germans, Headbutt, Crossface-And yes, I know he has the powerbomb back. He's only been able to do it to Guerrero, so I'm not counting it yet.


So can somebody please tell me why RVD's moveset of Kicks, Legdrops, Standing Moonsault, Rolling Thunder, Monkey Flip, Springboard Bodypress, Split-Legged Moonsault, and the Five-Star to finish isn't similar to any of the other movesets that I've mentioned?

Benoit can do all of his moves and still sell.


The pop-up superplex (which most people here seem to love) is in Rolling-Thunder-after-five-minutes-of-leg-work territory when you think about it.

I've said that about 1000 times......not here though. ;)



Not to mention the fact that he doesn't build up to the ankle lock at all. All of a sudden the straps are down and he grabs on.

Correct me of I'm wrong, but don't shoot fighters get an instant tap-out with an anklelock?


Someone once told me that....

In real life an ankle lock (properly applied) would get an instant tapout. But the WWE has conditioned their fans to expect long and drawn out submissions when one is applied. In reality, the crossface, dragon sleeper, hell, even a front headlock would do it.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Poorly selling is really a nebulous offense. One could argue that many of AJPW's signature spots (Sell the neck drop AFTER you pop up and clothesline the guy, for example.) break every rational principle we know about how the human body takes punishment, but I still like it.

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RVD's workrate is fantastic.  He has seemingly endless endurance and can bump like a motherfucker.


He's just horrible "technically".

Couldn't have said it better myself.

Too bad Triple H buried him... big time...

RVD was buried long before HHH. You don't "beat" Taker for the title one week, then get shunted to the midcard the next week with no mention of what happened. That kills heat. HHH gave RVD a one month program, and then beat him. It wasn't a burial. If he had been taken seriously before then, that loss would've been no big deal.



I'm sick of you HHH cry-babies, screaming about how he ruined RVD. RVD wasn't taken seriously by the WWE to begin with.

The thing that supports this fact is that RVD was fueding for the Title the WEEK before HHH came back and the next week he was curtain jerkin against Test.


We were one week removed from "Pissed off, focused for the title against Jerhico" RVD and back to Posing RVD in a meaningless match against Test the next week.

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That whole HHH returned and held down RVD theory is complete bullshit.


People like to think that the Jericho v. RVD feud "ended" on January 7th- the night Triple H came back.


In fact- the feud "ended" 4 days before that

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How did it end. Maybe I am missing something, but RVD was all pissed at Jerhico for jumping him or something, and came to the ring and just beat his ass while being serious as shit.


Not that I think it was HHH saying "Hey, bury that guy" but they just flipped the entire storyline around when he came back...and at the time it was pointless. The next week, Jerhico started a pointless fued with either Stone Cold or Rock...I can't remember which.


And lets not forget the INCIDENT from the Royal Rumble that year.

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Here's how the story played out Ripper-


December 17th- RVD gets a title shot against Jericho with Flair as the ref. The match gets thrown out and the show ends with RVD and Flair figure fouring Y2J and Vince.

December 20th- RVD gives Jericho the 5*

December 24th- RVD beats Jericho's lackey Lance Storm

January 3rd- RVD and Edge face Jericho and Angle- Jericho pins EDGE to win

January 3rd- Rock wins #1 contendership


The feud with the Rock wasn't pointless- it led to the I AM NOT A JOKE promo and had Rock put over Jericho for the third time on PPV and help make Jericho look like the real deal.


Wow! He beat The Rock again??? I think is better then- Oh- He beat RVD

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Actually they did that because Jericho was already bombing as a champion, the writers thought that by beating the Rock in the ring again would make a main eventer out of Jericho, well "thank God" that Austin and HHH didn't make that happen.And by the way at that time RVD was as over as the Rock, but i agree that Rocky was the best choice to elevate Jericho.

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And Triple H hasn't bombed as champion over the past year or so? All this doesn't explain why Triple H continues to be the champ regardless of horrible matches and NO drawing power.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
And Triple H hasn't bombed as champion over the past year or so? All this doesn't explain why Triple H continues to be the champ regardless of horrible matches and NO drawing power.

Actually the most significant drop iun ratngs was while HBK was champ. The worst ratings drop was the show with the HBK/RVD ME. HHH's reign has been solid, but unspectacular.

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Guest BionicRedneck

HHH's reign has blew. His matches have sucked, he has elevated nobody (quite the opposite), he has been injured alot and some of the buy-rates have been disastrous.

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Guest wildpegasus

Quote Lord of the Curry

"In real life, an ankle lock (properly applied) would get an instant tapout."


True, I remember Funaki? from Pancrase beating Bas Rutten in about 1 second from this move.



"The pop up superplex (which most people here seem to love) is in Rolling-Thunder-after-5-minutes-of-leg-work terratory when you think about it."


It is custom made for tag matches though. Angle can interfere and hit it on his opponent when they're on the top rope in a crucial part of the match but he'd have to be careful not to nail his own partner with it!

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