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1Wrestling.com reviews XPW PayPerView!

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by Derek Greser Updated: 8/11/2003 10:35:17 AM



This is s a recap of the XPW: Best of XPW Pay Per View.


After being very impressed with the XPW PPV, I asked Dave Scherer why there wasn’t a recap of it on 1wrestling.com He said the event wasn’t available to him so I decided I would fill in for him. The main structure of the event was clips of matches and angles from the entire history of XPW. It’s very hard to call a clip show but here goes.


The PPV starts with Kris Kloss (the XPW Joey Styles) inviting us to the action and telling us we have never seen anything like this before. First a highlight montage airs, Then Kris tells us its time to take a look at he history of the King Of the Death Match Title. First match up is Supreme vs. The Rock Superstar, Kaos. Highlights from the match start with Supreme being Irish whipped into a corner of the ring filled with light bulbs, ouch. Kaos then huracanrana supreme into a big pile of barbwire, they then trade light bulb shots to the head, after that they slam each other into a box of thumbtacks. Another big spot in this match is a second rope diving powerbomb to the outside through a table from supreme to Kaos. Stiff Stuff. Supreme then takes a bulldog into a flaming table, and is on fire for about 15 seconds before its extinguished. WOW.


Backstage vignettes air with Supreme and his nephew Kaos infiltrating the XPW office, Supreme literally punches anyone in his way right in the face. These are not wrestling punches but full out stiff mean punches to these people faces. Unreal.


The other KOTDM tournament match we see is Pogo; The insane Clown vs. Rizzoto vs. Supreme. Only a few highlights from this match show a Rizzoto laying against a board covered in barb wire and then the Mammoth Pogo is Irish whipped by supreme right into him, His bare back being pressed into the wire. We also see this shirtless man belly-to-belied into a box of thumbtacks. His back is shredded.


Next we take a look at the Television Title. First match is Kaos vs. Pogo. First up Kaos gets powerbombed over the top rope through a table to the concrete. Kaos lands right on his neck and flips over, how he got up from this is un-explainable. One of the sickest bumps on the event, and that I have ever seen in my life. Kaos is then shown hitting the flying guillotine on pogo (a half way across the ring blockbuster) for the 1-2-3.


Kaos is then shown defending the title against psychosis and an un-named Japanese opponent. Beats psychosis with a top rope DDT. End of match.


More backstage vignettes are shown; Rob Black XPW owner is shown, with special appearances by Tommy Lee and Pam Anderson, and Ron Jeremy. Supreme continues punching people right in there face as he searches through the XPW offices, Throws someone into a wall and leaves a big hole in it. LOL


Tag Team division is showcased. Mexico’s Most Wanted: Halloween and Damien 666 fight two unnamed masked opponents. Wild Cruiserweight action. Halloween wins the match with an F5.


Backstage vignettes show yet another Supreme face punch victim, then a plump wrestler wearing a Loser shirt making love to an apple pie in a place that looks like an office break room. Yes, screwing an apple pie just like the movie. Then we see a nice girl in a bikini pouring motor oil over her chest and posterior. Cool.


Time to take a look at the part owner of XPW Lizzy Borden. Nice little beach bikini shots of her, then we se her spanking Major Gunz in the ring.


Back to wrestling, and it’s a look at the world title. First match showcased is Chris Candido vs. Shane Douglas. We see Douglas Vertical suplex Candido. Some backdrops, Candido misses a diving head BUTT, and SABU appears. Sabu starts beating them both down. And he puts Candido through a table with a legdrop from the second turnbuckle. We see Candido cover Sabu to retain the XPW championship. Weird.


Now it's Death Match time again, and it’s a barbwire match, only three sides of the ring are covered with wire, one side is open. Grimes, (formerly of the Baldies) vs. Supreme. Match starts with grimes being hip tossed from the apron to the outside into a box of long light bulbs. Then Supreme gets suplexed into the very same box. Then we see Supreme being body slammed from the apron to the outside onto the same box… except this time it has a barbwire covered ladder on it! Supreme sets up the ladder on the outside next to the apron. He then climbs up the ladder with a chair, hoping to jump into the ring onto grimes. At the top of the ladder he tries to jump the ladder gives way and he slips, and hits his chest and face from about 10 feet up onto the apron. This is sick and has to be seen to believe. Amazingly supreme can walk and we cut to him climbing up a 20 foot ladder in the center of the ring, with the ref holding the ladder, supreme was looking to splash on grimes, but XPW owner Rob Black jumps in the ring and pushes the ladder over. This sends Supreme all the way to the outside, through two tables both tables covered in barbwire and long light bulbs. Absolutely sick.


Abdullah the butcher is shown making his way to the ring. Sabu greets him with punches. Abdullah grabs a 40 bottle and breaks it on the ring post, and picks up a shard of the broken glass and immediately drives it into Sabu shoulder. He is then shown driving the fork into sabu's head. No winner shown.


Kid Kaos is showcased again. His backstage interviews are shown. He comes across as a cocky comedy heel, similar to a DX or N.W.O. Member. He is very entertaining and talented, and the highlight of the PPV for me. They cut to a TV title match with Chris Hamrick vs. Kaos. Hamrick has improved his in ring since ecw. Hamrick clotheslines Kaos the outside, then springboard moonsaults Kaos to the outside. Nice. They seem to be in a baseball stadium, and the fight in the stands, Hamrick throws Kaos to the ground, and then splashes him all the way down to the grass. Kaos gets to the top and answers with a moonsault to the grass. Back to the ring and Kaos hits the flying guillotine for the victory. Next we see Kaos fighting New Jack in the same arena, they brawl on the outside, end with Kaos hitting New Jack with the Flying guillotine for the 123. On a funny side note, Kid Kaos wrestles all his TV title defenses wearing the title belt the entire match. Funny Stuff. Next they show the finals of the TV title Tourney were Kaos won the strap, Its Konnan vs. Kaos. Konnan is shown using a Boston crab on Kaos, and then Konnan turns it into a pendulum swing. Konnan then follows it up with an STF. Great combo of moves. Konnan gets slammed, and then takes a second rope moonsault from Kaos. Konnan hits a sledgehammer slam, (also known as the Alabama slam used by bob holly, also used by tacks and mike awesome) and then rolls through with the pin attempt, Kaos reverses and gets the 1-2-3. Konnan looks frustrated.


Vampire vs. White trash Johnny web shows vamp hitting the nail in the coffin, and the ref counts 1-2 and the bell rings, with Rob Black XPW owner calling the match a draw. You screwed vamp! You Screwed Vamp! Next they show a triangle match involving Sandman, Vampiro, and Johnny Webb. Sandman is shown beating down both other men with the ladder. Sandman takes a suplex on the ladder from Vamp. Vamp hits the nail in the coffin on Sandman but before he can go for the cover, Rob black appears and gets a superkick from vamp for his troubles. In the meantime Johnny Webb sneaks in and covers Sandman for the 1-2-3.


Supreme beats down more people, this time a kid playing video games in his garage, Supreme keeps asking him “what were you doing with her?”


Terry Funk vs. Johnny Webb. Webb his terry with the Singapore cane and chairs, but terry fight back, the crowd then begins throwing all the chairs into the ring. Funk backdrops web into the thumbtacks, then sticks a flaming branding iron into webs posterior. Funk then blows some sort of juice into the fire and it a huge fire ball hits Webb in the face. Webb suplexes funk into the tacks. Webb small packages funk for the 1-2-3.


Another hardcore outing between Kaos and Supreme is shown, we see Supreme thrown into a bed of nails, and we also see supreme frankensteinered to the outside through a barbwire-covered table, insane. Supreme covers Kaos in barbwire, and a board. And Moonsaults the board for the 1-2-3.


Candido vs. Sabu is shown, Sabu hits a tornado DDT, Candido hits a top rope Frankensteiner, Sabu goes for a Legdrop on Candido through a table, but nobody’s home. Candido covers, Sabu is out. Sabu goes for another table legdrop, hits it, and gets the victory.


Vignettes are shown, Johnny Webb gets slammed into a trash receptacle, and unknown person sets it on fire and it explodes.


Webb vs. Kaos shows Kaos thrown into bed of nails, then supplied on into box of light bulbs, Kaos gets powerbombed into a thumb-tack table, Webb gets spinebustered into box of lights, Kaos misses a moonsault and dives into a pile of tacks, Rizatto interferes and hits Webb with a light, Kaos gets the win.


Alter boys vs. Shady and un-named wrester is shown, great action.


Grimes and Supreme are shown trading chair shots to the head, grimes falls out of the ring and there is an explosion, then grimes is shown being german suplexed into box of light bulbs. Grimes belly to bellies supreme into a barb wire pile, another explosion. Grimes in the ring, totally covered and wrapped in barb wire. Supreme places about 10 light bulbs over the barbwire on top of grimes. Then he runs and splashes the lights, wire, and grimes for the 1-2-3. Again, this has to be seen to be believed. Supreme is awarded the KOTDM title and the entire ring explodes.


John Kronus is shown vs. Johnny Webb, Kronus gets suplexed into box of lights, and then gets top-rope bulldogged through a table from Webb. Webb gets the victory.


Terry Funk vs. Sabu is shown. Funk goes after Sabu with flaming branding iron but someone blows fire on terry from the outside, then Sabu throws a fireball at terry funks h head, and grabs the branding iron, hits terry in the heat with it, and covers for the 3.


Rob black VS Sabu. Sabu dropkicks, stomps, busts open black with a fork, black tries to escape but is brought back by a guy named lazy, rob black takes kick from Sabu. Battles back with punches, and a clout line. Rob black goes for triple jump moonsault. Sabu reverses and drop toeholds rob black. New Jack come in and throws Rob black in the ring! Which one is real rob black? Damien steel comes in and beats down Sabu, rob black (which one) gets the pin. Weird one to call sorry it’s a clip show.


Kristi Myst is shown posing outside win bikini.


Shane Douglas vs. Johnny Webb is shown, nothing too special here, Shane Douglas wins the match with Belly to Belly and takes home the XPW gold.


Kronus Vs. Supreme is shown, supreme gests drop toe hold into box of tacks, it’s a barb wire match and supreme is shown getting Irish whipped into the barbwire so hard that he takes the barbwire with him as he falls to the outside. They cut to Axl Rotten vs. Supreme, cage match. Axl uses a sickle to cut open Supremes head. Axl throws supreme into bed of light bulbs, Axl throws supreme into a table, then throws him into a the cage door surrounding the ring. Back in cage supreme dives off second rope with a chair onto Axl, and gets the victory.


New Jack comes out and cuts a promo about the scaffold match about to ensue. He says if he doesn’t beat grimes tonight he will retire from wrestling. New Jack then tells grimes to get out there. Grimes comes out. 40 Feet higher than the balcony level of the arena there is a scaffold (platform) Beneath it are 12 tables stacked 4 tables high, 3 rows. They fight for awhile before acending the scaffold, New Jack attacks Grimes with a stun gun before throwing him off the scaffold. This was truly sick. Grimes only breaks two of the tables before falling into the ropes of the ring and flipping over. Announcer says paramedics are coming, everyone get out of the building. Has to be seen to believe.


And that’s it. I thought the PPV was great, and made me an instant XPW mark. I still prefer good in ring wrestling but it was nice to kick back an enjoy some tasteless hardcore action. But the highlight of the show was Kid Kaos. The guy is great on mic, great in the ring, and has a great look. NWA-TNA or WWE should sign him right away. Also Supreme has got to be he most hardcore wrestler ever.


Thanx for reading.


Derek Greser

[email protected]

Aim: Triplederek

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

I have heard good things about the PPV.


But that was a really, really poorly written review.

Edited by ShooterJay

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Sounds like they showed a lot of old, useless stuff (Kristi Myst, Abdullah and Sabu). They should have focused on more of the recent XPW angles from the Philly shows, etc. People ordering this may expect to see Kaos, Kronus, Rizzono, Damien Steel, Myst, etc. on future shows, when truth is they've all been gone for some time now.


Also, if they wanted to use Kaos footage (which I don't really fault them for since he really was one of the lone highlights in the company) they should have shown The Enterprise as a whole, since the whole stable was really over during their heyday. Maybe have the PPV air bumpers before each segment showing if it's older or new footage as to not confuse new fans.

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Guest trickstyle_360
I have heard good things about the PPV.


But that was a really, really poorly written review.

I also think it was a very poor written review. I saw the show, and I thought while some of the footage made sense with the various Kaos and Supreme clips, I didn't think the Adbullah, Sabu or Johnny Webb necessary to be on the PPV since they no longer work with XPW (Kaos isn't in XPW anymore either, but at least his stuff was entertaining). They should've shown some of the more recent stuff, but I don't blame 'em because they're probably doing these best of's in volumes(if they're doing more ppvs) so people can buy the tapes.

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Although the review had a positive tone the show sounds terrible. I mean just a bunch of garbage crap and second rate action. I can't bring myself to watch XPW, let alone pay 15 bucks for it. If they had gone the TNA route and given a show to introduce themselves to new fans for one penny I would definitely bite. But of course TNA is a legitimate company trying to build an audience and credibility while XPW is a sleazy porn run company just trying to make some bucks.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

They should have shown Rob Black's ass going to jail.......XPW sucks....good riddance.

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Guest Joe Mama

i watched it over a friends house the other night, when it was done i laughed at him for paying 15 bucks to watch an hour long xpw commercial. while the show was somewhat enjoyable it was hardly worthy of $1 let alone 15.

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i watched it over a friends house the other night, when it was done i laughed at him for paying 15 bucks to watch an hour long xpw commercial. while the show was somewhat enjoyable it was hardly worthy of $1 let alone 15.

He would have got two free dvds as well though.


Granted they would have had more XPW on them, but you can't have it all your own way :)

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Guest Markingout

15 bucks for an hour is tad much,especially since I am not a big fan of XPW

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