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Guest Fire and Knives

Storm Predictions.

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Guest Fire and Knives

Singles Match

Xcalibur vs. Quiz



Hardcore Match

Nathan Kibagami v. Dante Crane



Singles Match

CIA vs. "The Sinner" John Duran



No DQ Mask vs. Mask Match

Beezel vs. Sean Atlas



Singles Match

Show vs. Dace Night



Singles Match

"The Sacred One" Andrew Blackwell vs. "Judge Mental" William Hearford



Main Event

Singles Match for the ICTV Title

"The Franchise" Mak Francis vs. "The King of Nightmares" Michael Craven

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Guest Space_Cowboy

Singles Match

Xcalibur vs. Quiz

-> Quiz


Hardcore Match

Nathan Kibagami v. Dante Crane

-> Kibagami


Singles Match

CIA vs. "The Sinner" John Duran

-> CIA


No DQ Mask vs. Mask Match

Beezel vs. Sean Atlas

-> Atlas


Singles Match

Show vs. Dace Night

-> Dace


Singles Match

"The Sacred One" Andrew Blackwell vs. "Judge Mental" William Hearford

-> Judge


Main Event

Singles Match for the ICTV Title

"The Franchise" Mak Francis vs. "The King of Nightmares" Michael Craven

-> Mak

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Singles Match

Xcalibur vs. Quiz


Quiz to take this one, riding on PPV momentum


Hardcore Match

Nathan Kibagami v. Dante Crane


Kibs is gonna own, simply because it's hardcore. Assuming he writes, that is.


Singles Match

CIA vs. "The Sinner" John Duran


I'll take CIA. Duran is good, but not that good.


No DQ Mask vs. Mask Match

Beezel vs. Sean Atlas


We'll see what happens.


Singles Match

Show vs. Dace Night


The answer is: "This would be a major upset". The question is: "What is Show beating Dace?" You are correct, sir!


Singles Match

"The Sacred One" Andrew Blackwell vs. "Judge Mental" William Hearford


Sacred's due to start rolling now. Blackwell to beat Judge.


Main Event

Singles Match for the ICTV Title

"The Franchise" Mak Francis vs. "The King of Nightmares" Michael Craven


A toughie. Craven's flying high right now, but I think Mak will retain this one. I doubt it'll be too long until Craven wins this one, though.

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Singles Match

Xcalibur vs. Quiz

-I think this actually stacks up to be an interesting and intriguing match up. I believe Xcalibur might have been out of the loop a little too long to compete just yet and MVS is energized with the new character and title win.



Hardcore Match

Nathan Kibagami v. Dante Crane

-So was it ever decided who's writing as Dante Crane? I say a double no-show, even though no one should be that stupid after what occurred on the ppv. I guess, I'll try to be positive and go for the devil I know.



Singles Match

CIA vs. "The Sinner" John Duran

-Duran is a promising bumpee and I think CIA is a good test for him to go against. I've always like CIA, but he really hasn't set the world on fire since his return. Still, I'm always of the mind that it takes a bumpee some time to figure out how to write in the WF and get some momentum going



No DQ Mask vs. Mask Match

Beezel vs. Sean Atlas

-I don't think anyone cares anymore and it's sad that their heat has been killed this way. I originally picked Beezel, but I think he might just want to unmask now and move on to something else after this whole angle appears deader than the hooker in my trunk. I don't want to sound mean, but I just have a bad taste in my mouth about this match now.



Singles Match

Show vs. Dace Night

-I think a stip would have been neat for these two characters. Although I believe a classic match will come out of this and this is my pick for match of the night. I think Night has the move and holds knowledge to craft a match with good wrestling and high spots.



Singles Match

"The Sacred One" Andrew Blackwell vs. "Judge Mental" William Hearford

-This is another match up I like and I like both men here. Judge usually bounces back from a hard loss and I get the sense that winning has nothing to do with the storyline Blackwell is running. I also like a Judge vs. Mak match for the ICTV belt next week.



Main Event

Singles Match for the ICTV Title

"The Franchise" Mak Francis vs. "The King of Nightmares" Michael Craven

-Honestly, I don't want Craven anywhere near this or the world belt. Seeing what he's done with other belts, he just trades them back and forth and doesn't do jack to elevate himself, his opponent or his belt. Mak is a proud guy and I like what he and Danny did with the US and I hope he can find a worthy opponent to do something similar in bringing back glory to the ICTV.


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Guest Fire and Knives

Singles Match

Xcalibur vs. Quiz


Mike is surprising me lately. Let's see if he surprises me again here.


Hardcore Match

Nathan Kibagami v. Dante Crane


Why does everyone think I'm this amazing hardcore writer? I hate hardcore. Because I'm bad at it. But I'm having a lot of fun writing Comet, so we'll see how this one turns out.


Singles Match

CIA vs. "The Sinner" John Duran


Depends on whether Drew's motivated or not. I think he is.


No DQ Mask vs. Mask Match

Beezel vs. Sean Atlas


I know what the finish is, what fun is it to predict the match?


Singles Match

Show vs. Dace Night


Double Jeopardy surprised me with their PPV win, but I don't think Dace is pleased. SS puts up a good fight, but Dace takes this one.


Singles Match

"The Sacred One" Andrew Blackwell vs. "Judge Mental" William Hearford




Main Event

Singles Match for the ICTV Title

"The Franchise" Mak Francis vs. "The King of Nightmares" Michael Craven


Mak. Handily.



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Singles Match

Xcalibur vs. Quiz


I've always stated that I thinkn Mike is a very talented writer. He just ran into a string of tough losses to Ash. I have yet to see the match Xcalibur wrote for the PPV, but I think it'll take him a few matches to get back in the swing of things. Besides, Mike is feeling the Quiz character.


Hardcore Match

Nathan Kibagami v. Dante Crane


Okay Kibs, you suck at Hardcore. Never the less, I'll pick Nathan, as the 'new' Dante Crane had to lose some momentum and unless it's a PPV, Kibs is likely to show, probably... maybe... heh, I can't talk cause I no-showed.


Singles Match

CIA vs. "The Sinner" John Duran


This is a tough, smartly booked challenge, for a bumpie. Drew brings the quality. He owns and the whatnot. Although I like Duran to show his stuff soon enough... just not this time.


No DQ Mask vs. Mask Match

Beezel vs. Sean Atlas


I actually know the finish. Go me.


Singles Match

Show vs. Dace Night


This is a push. It completely depends on SS' learning curve. If it were me, I'd job them both out to Mak Francis, but hey, what do I know.


Singles Match

"The Sacred One" Andrew Blackwell vs. "Judge Mental" William Hearford


I have to go with the former world champ, if he writes like he wants to win.


Main Event

Singles Match for the ICTV Title

"The Franchise" Mak Francis vs. "The King of Nightmares" Michael Craven


Another day, another Main Event (insert SWF smiley --here--). I have my finish. Now I just need to build to it. I've been toying around with different history spots and internal match stories, as I've had something like 5 singles matches with Craven, in the last few months, and want to do something different. I have no clue what to do with the story, but I'll swing it somehow and if not I'll just play off my PPV match against him.

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Singles Match

Xcalibur vs. Quiz

~ Let's see, I'm pretty sure that Mike is damn intent on keeping the winning momentum going and will work extra hard to pull out a win. So on that, he takes it.


Hardcore Match

Nathan Kibagami v. Dante Crane

~ Aha.


Ah haha.




I pick my man, DC.


Singles Match

CIA vs. "The Sinner" John Duran

~ I don't know! I'm thinking Duran can't beat CIA... just yet. So CIA.


No DQ Mask vs. Mask Match

Beezel vs. Sean Atlas

~ Whee. I know who each person is. Wheeeee.


Singles Match

Show vs. Dace Night



Singles Match

"The Sacred One" Andrew Blackwell vs. "Judge Mental" William Hearford

~ I always back Muzz, cause he's Muzz.


Main Event

Singles Match for the ICTV Title

"The Franchise" Mak Francis vs. "The King of Nightmares" Michael Craven


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