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Dangerous A

Exactly why is Shane wrestling @ Summerslam again?

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Just a collection of people who saw Shane as the saviour of the WWE.


You know, "he's the good McMahon" and whatnot because he doesn't spend time infront of the camera.


So if/when he takes over, it will be much better than Vince or Steph. Cause he's not like them, oh no.


Personally, anything created from Vinces seed is a bad one.

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I have to confess to being a Bischoff fan, I feel he plays the arrogant heal authority figure quite well. I also watched the episode of Raw where he faced Shane and it looked to me that Eric was kicking his ass.

That won't happen on SS.

I guarantee that Shane will get nearly ALL the offense, Eric will be made to look weak and incompetent, with Shane no-selling Eric's moves. I also think that on the Raw after SS or soon after, guess who'll replace Uncle Eric as co-gm?

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I mean, we don't know what he would do if he owned the company.


I've always looked forward to the day he took creative away from Vince.


But ever since he did the Van Terminator I was like "rip off" and stopped caring about his wrestling performances.


He gets over based on 20 minutes or less a year, and makes other people look bad.

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Guest Adrian 3:16
I'd rather see Shane wrestle than anyone else on Raw, with the exception of Jericho and Helms.


Sue me...

Um... do you mind if I ask why?


RVD and HBK bump better, and that's the only thing Shane has going for himself.



Out of Vince, Shane, and Steph, Shane is the absolute last one I want to see on TV. Vince is entertaining in small doses when he's not booking the show around himself, he is the uber-heel of WWE storylines after all. Steph is useless, but at least she was something to look at in the old days. Plus she put on a surprisingly decent match with Trish a few years ago, Shane can't do shit except get suplexed through glass and take all the glory afterwards. You can find the same shit on any backyard wrestling tape.

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Guest Askewniverse
Shane is a McMahon, he would obviously do something stupid if put in control.

Like give Test a World Title run? I'd love to hear a certain poster's reaction if that ever happened.

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Guest Askewniverse
Then we'd get the epic Test vs. Xpac feud for the world title.


I'd like to see a certain poster's reaction to that AS well.

Don't forget Steve Blackman being thrown into the mix. Shane McMahon's PPV main event: Test vs. X-Pac vs. Steve Blackman!

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Guest Askewniverse

Shane as guest ref would set up the long awaited rematch from SummerSlam '99, Test vs. Shane McMahon II! This time it's for the title!

Edited by Askewniverse

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Guest Anglesault
Shane is a McMahon, he would obviously do something stupid if put in control.

Like give Test a World Title run? I'd love to hear a certain poster's reaction if that ever happened.

He wanted to do it with the WCW belt.


And anyone who is for Shane on PPV or TV is forbidden from complaining about Vince or Steph

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Don't forget Steve Blackman being thrown into the mix. Shane McMahon's PPV main event: Test vs. X-Pac vs. Steve Blackman!

Steve Blackman would definetly give the fans what they want. He'd bring his bag of kendo sticks down to the ring and go to work.


At some point in the match Shane would venture onto the titan tron and fall off just so he'd get a "holy shit" chant.

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No MCmahon is a good McMahon.....it's fuckin amazing how they can't stay away from the TV and PPV spotlight. Fuck guys like Lance Storm, Hurricane, Stevie Richards, Goldust etc.....We have to sit and watch Bischoff and Shane in a wrestling match on the second biggest show of the year. It's sickening, and it's obvious none of the McMahons have ANY intention of putting anyone over except themselves

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Shane is a McMahon, he would obviously do something stupid if put in control.

Like give Test a World Title run? I'd love to hear a certain poster's reaction if that ever happened.

He wanted to do it with the WCW belt.


And anyone who is for Shane on PPV or TV is forbidden from complaining about Vince or Steph

Not so. I am all for Shane getting KILLED by Kane in the most over the top, bloody, "Dear GAWD he is a MONSTA what won't he do" way at SUmmerslam. There is no REASON of Vince to be everywhere on Smackdown. There is no REASON for Steph to be fueding Sable on Smackdown.


Due to where they took the angle, Shane is the perfect person to pull off what they need to do at Summerslam. Have Kane go over BIG by killing the face he is wrestling and having said face disappear for a year due to the "injuries" he gets in the match.

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Guest Askewniverse
Not so.  I am all for Shane getting KILLED by Kane in the most over the top, bloody, "Dear GAWD he is a MONSTA what won't he do" way at SUmmerslam.  There is no REASON of Vince to be everywhere on Smackdown.  There is no REASON for Steph to be fueding Sable on Smackdown. 


Due to where they took the angle, Shane is the perfect person to pull off what they need to do at Summerslam.  Have Kane go over BIG by killing the face he is wrestling and having said face disappear for a year due to the "injuries" he gets in the match.

Barring any last minute changes, it doesn't look like Shane will be getting killed by Kane at SummerSlam, at least, not in a match. But if it makes you happy, according to local ads and this, Shane will be facing Kane at Unforgiven. Maybe he'll get destroyed there and disappear off of TV.

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I absolutly refuse to believe that they would put Shane/Bischoff on a PPV. I just refuse to believe it. Something will happen. This is just a huge bait...very bad bait...and switch.

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What are you going to say when it does happen though? I smell Shane humiliating Eric and interfering in the Kane/RVD match i.e. hogging up the spotlight and scooping any heat RVD may generate. That sets up Kane/Shane at Unforgiven. Guess what? That means more Shane on TV to help build that up.


Yay, McMahon-o-mania is running wild!!

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THEN I will say that Shane was pointless on television. Right now, I am expecting a bloody RVD found in the back, not being able to perform at the PPV and Shane and Kane being back on.

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Guest Goodear

This is one of those matches that I don't see a reason for... honestly... why are Shane and Bischoff feuding again? It had something to do with Bischoff not letting Shane get a match with Kane. But then, Shane got to fight with Kane during the match anyway and got slaughtered. So what's the point of going back at Eric again?

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No one in their right mind should want to see Shane wrestle on the second biggest PPV of the year, let alone against fellow non-wrestler Bischoff.

Oh yeah? I'M looking forward to seeing this match. I'm a huge Shane 'O Mac fan... I don't care if he's a McMahon or not. Just look at my avatar. :D

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I'm expecting Shane to do some crazy move involving jumping off of something huge. Hopefully this shane match will live up to past crazy shane mcmahon matches. Like Backlash 2001 when he jumped off the Titan Tron on to Big Show. I was in the house for that PPV and watching Shane jump off the Tron was just insane. Hopefully we can expect the same again.

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No one in their right mind should want to see Shane wrestle on the second biggest PPV of the year, let alone against fellow non-wrestler Bischoff.

Oh yeah? I'M looking forward to seeing this match. I'm a huge Shane 'O Mac fan... I don't care if he's a McMahon or not. Just look at my avatar. :D

That doesn't exactly disprove his point... ;)

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No one in their right mind should want to see Shane wrestle on the second biggest PPV of the year, let alone against fellow non-wrestler Bischoff.

Oh yeah? I'M looking forward to seeing this match. I'm a huge Shane 'O Mac fan... I don't care if he's a McMahon or not. Just look at my avatar. :D

That doesn't exactly disprove his point... ;)

How so? He said "NO ONE". I'm a person. There ya go.

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No one in their right mind should want to see Shane wrestle on the second biggest PPV of the year, let alone against fellow non-wrestler Bischoff.

Oh yeah? I'M looking forward to seeing this match. I'm a huge Shane 'O Mac fan... I don't care if he's a McMahon or not. Just look at my avatar. :D

That doesn't exactly disprove his point... ;)

How so? He said "NO ONE". I'm a person. There ya go.

He said "NO ONE in their RIGHT MIND".


Hence the I was suggesting that you weren't in your right mind. Then I used the wink smile to show I was kidding. And then the joke kinda died because I didn't execute it right...





How bout that summerslam?

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Back to the original question of why is Shane wrestling at Summerslam, the answer is that more people want to see Shane wrestle Bischoff then want to see Christian defend the IC Title against whoever. I'm pretty sure that Shane wasn't scheduled to be on the PPV until Booker got injured, but they probably figured that without Booker, the IC Title match would be a bathroom break for 90% of the audience, so they replaced it with a match that more people want to see.

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Guest Anglesault
Shane is a McMahon, he would obviously do something stupid if put in control.

Like give Test a World Title run? I'd love to hear a certain poster's reaction if that ever happened.

He wanted to do it with the WCW belt.


And anyone who is for Shane on PPV or TV is forbidden from complaining about Vince or Steph

Not so. I am all for Shane getting KILLED by Kane in the most over the top, bloody, "Dear GAWD he is a MONSTA what won't he do" way at SUmmerslam. There is no REASON of Vince to be everywhere on Smackdown. There is no REASON for Steph to be fueding Sable on Smackdown.


Due to where they took the angle, Shane is the perfect person to pull off what they need to do at Summerslam. Have Kane go over BIG by killing the face he is wrestling and having said face disappear for a year due to the "injuries" he gets in the match.

And Stephanie got beat up by Albert. Since you think Shane's incredibally selfish decission to put himself on PPV is justified, so is Stephanie's, by your logic

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