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GZ Border Run

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For El Frostico, a huge truckload of stinkin' badges, the head of Alfredo Garcia and the most bitchingest taco salad.


For teh Crowez0r, , cocaine, speed, heroin, ketamine, PCP, LSD, peyote, magic mushrooms, many other illegal drugs, young sluts, and more, younger sluts.


And dat be all folkage

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I'm waiting for Crow to come visit me. After he does all those drugs he'll need shiny badges, a big taco salad and a severed head to keep himself entertained.


I'm looking at that big ass taco salad and my colon is saying no, but heart is saying yes.

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I... ummm... didn't ask for anything on the border run, but now I need something.


Anyone out there looking to hire a mid-30's former wrestler / play-by-play commentator?

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Well, since you do rimshots, Frost is going to be going on the comedy club circuit while in Japan. You can be his drummer.


"Two guys walk into a bar...then I beat them within an inch of their lives with a pool cue. That's the joke, LAUGH!"

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