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Guest HBK16

The "HBK16 gets arrested" Thread

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood
Personally? I think you need to pull your head out of your ass.

Agreed with this guy. I've read all these threads, and holy shit are you an idiot.

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papacita Posted on Aug 17 2003, 02:14 PM



Cops don't have a quota, that's fucking stupid.


You sure about that???? 


Yes, I am sure about that.


HBK16 Posted on Aug 17 2003, 02:32 PM


QUOTE (Texas Small Arms 09 @ Aug 17 2003, 07:50 PM)

This is like the 8th or 9th time. You think by now he would learn. 


I wasnt speeding though. I passed by numberous poilce officers that didnt care. He just had a thing with me because he had pulled me over before. Going 73 in a 65 zone is NOT speeding. So you cant use the "slow the fuck down dumbass" shit in this situation because that wasnt speeding


Yes it is speeding. If you are above the speed limit and people pass you, you are still speeding. Those other people are just doing it worse than you are.

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This is like the 8th or 9th time.  You think by now he would learn.

I wasnt speeding though. I passed by numberous poilce officers that didnt care. He just had a thing with me because he had pulled me over before. Going 73 in a 65 zone is NOT speeding. So you cant use the "slow the fuck down dumbass" shit in this situation because that wasnt speeding.

Hold on... did the sign say "65 but if you want... go faster"? Or did it say:




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WHEN THE FUCK ARE YOU GOING TO LEARN! Geez, you have what, 10 speeding tickets now? And you expect us to sympathize with you. 73 in a 65 is speeding, 73 in a 55 is speeding, ANYTHING OVER THE SPEED LIMIT IS SPEEDING. Plus you should know that cops are going to go after the one who's at the tail end of a speeding chain of cars. But that's beside the point. The point is that you can't drive at a safe speed, so your license should be revoked, plain and simple.

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Guest SP-1

Technically, you were speeding. The other cops simply weren't doing their job, but then they probably also figured you were going with the flow of traffic, which is an iffy situation. The cop probably has some loophole waiting in the wings that supports him.


Not all cops are bastards. Some of them are, but alot of them are just doing what they're supposed to be doing and it pisses people off that they get called to the mat when they're breaking the law.


And, as I recall, South Carolina does indeed have a quota of tickets to be issued. Money from tickets plays a part in the funding for the police here, I think it was explained to me.

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You were speeding, you need your license suspended and you need to learn your fucking lesson. 73 is above 65 which means YOU ARE OVER THE SPEED LIMIT. Damn, how the fuck did you get a license if your stupid ass doesn't know the damn basics. Just because other cops don't pull your ass over, doesn't mean that all cops won't. Get a fucking clue.

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Cops don't have a quota, that's fucking stupid.

No it isn't, my father (former RCMP investigator) had to work with cops from various cities (Quebec, Montreal, and a bunch of places in Ontario and Saskatchewan) discovered that some of them DO have quotas, since the corruption rate is VERY high(15 to 30% in some cases) in smaller police corps(is that even the right word?).

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I had a buddy of mine try to use the "flow of traffic" argument for speeding once, commenting about how everyone else was speeding as well..the cop's rebuttal..


"Have you ever been fishing?"


"..Yes, why?"


"Did you ever catch all of them?"

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Guest HBK16

I technically was speeding but you guys arent getting the point of the problem. He cited me for going 73 in a 55 zone when I was still in the 65 zone. thats what I am fighting. Yes I agree that 73 in a 65 is speeding but the penalty is about $50 more if he cites me in the 55 zone which technically I was NOT in. So they told me chances are that I will get away with it and the exact words of the person I was talking to was "Yes the cop was wrong."


That is what I am fighting here.

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I have this odd problem with anyone under the age of 25 or so driving around in a car worth more than my life...


I'm not a car guy...


I *hate* car clubs where guys take beat up Civics and tweek them out to try and get laid...


I *hate* all that shit...



You should be driving a fucking Suzuki Swift that can barely go 70 when pushed off a cliff...


see how you like actually staying on or under the speed limit for a while...not by choice...but by circumstance...



I do not speed, having been in a wreck and pulled over THREE TIMES...and I only got one ticket...


I've learned my lesson... my top speed in a 65 MPH Zone is about 68... sure...technically I could get pulled over......but I learned my lesson from going 75-80...


my three pull overs:


61 in a 50 - warning

63 in a 50 - warning

55 in a 40 - $80 ticket for "not obeying posted road signs" ...that cop took it easy on me. I could've gotten $150 bucks plus 3 points on my license...


...that would have killed me driving for awhile as I work a shitty job and would NEVER have been able to pay insurance...



my advice from all this...



buy a fucking Subaru Justy...you might live longer...

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Guest Choken One

He didn't buy a Escalade.


Although HBK16 is getting fucking annoying with his life stories.


What next? On thursday you gonna tell us your Uncle Jun was killed and left you 455,000 and you were named Car Driver man of the year?

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Guest HBK16

On my last car I had the fuel cut off at 75. I am going to do that to the Escalade soon. But maybe at 85.

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Guest HBK16

Im trying to find a way where I cant speed. I dont really want to do that to the Escalade but I am going to find another way to help me not speed with still me keeping my license.

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If I'm an annoying bitch, then what the fuck are you? You started this thread and expected flaming for your stupidity. You opened this Pandora's Box.

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Guest HBK16

I know I was going to get flamed. But your the only one that is being such a bitch about it. I know I was speeing but most of the peopls agree that I shouldnt have been cited for going 75 in a 55 zone because I wasnt in the 55 zone. This discussion isnt about me speeding, its about the cop citing me for the wrong reason.

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Guest Choken One

Here's a concept HBK...




You don't need to butcher your car so force yourself to slow down...Use your head. See a sign that says "55" or "35" drive at around that fucking speed.


I don't know WHY you have this excessive desire to speed, does it make you feel like a man to go "Hey, I got a another ticket!" does it fuel your adrenline to go 73 in a 65? you feeling like your Steve McQueen or something? Just slow down.

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He sited your fucking ass for SPEEDING and the fact that you are a repeat offender (He has pulled you over before for the same) Just because other cops didn't pull you over, doesn't mean this cop was in the wrong. He was doing his job and it was your fucking fault for getting your ass pulled over. Using that lame ass excuse will get nothing. Shit, grow the fuck up and grow a set of balls. You think are you are invinsible. Shit the law applys to everyone and you are not an exception. You were in the wrong, and even if the cop was a jackass he still had every right to pull your dumbass over. Get over it and learn your fucking lesson.

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Guest HBK16

I dont think it makes me a man when I get a ticket. I dont know why I continue speeding. I have changed my driving a lot in the past few months. I am always just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I dont always speed.

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Guest HBK16
He sited your fucking ass for SPEEDING and the fact that you are a repeat offender (He has pulled you over before for the same)

Wrong! Dont say shit you dont know is true. The last time he pulled me over was because I reached down to get a CD off the floor and accidently swerved to the other lane. He suspected that I was drunk.

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Guest Choken One

Why don't you go buy a Mo-Ped or something?


Jesus Christ, typical guy owns a Escalade and thinks he is king shit. Grow Up. You're not Dale Earnhardt, Mario Andretti or Michael Schumacher...


This is what? 9 times now...FUCK YOU. Get off the streets.




Trying to fight a stupid arguement.


"But you see sir! I was speeding but not like he thought I was"


Any good judge will look at your name and KNOW "why the fuck should I care? repeat offender...fuck him.."


Fucking Privliged Bitch. Your grandfather gives you a Escalade and you go a speed in it...fuck you...You know what my grandfather gave me my whole life? Can of Soup. So go fuck yourself...You aren't getting any sympathy here.

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I kind of value my life, HBK.


Slow the FUCK down.


I don't want to be at any unneccesary funerals, because people like YOU want to go 75 in a 55 (or 65, who the fuck cares).


You were speeding - you've admitted that to the officer already. Why waste time going to court over $50, when that will just instigate more officers to tail your ass? (ESPECIALLY when you want disciplinary action on this officer who committed this "horrible violation of authority").


Screw installing features that will forcefully slow you down....





























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Guest Choken One
Never said I wanted any sympathy.

COming here and saying your fighting the cops on this bullshit indicates you wanted us to go





Fuck that. Grow a Set. You were speeding and you are a fucking repeat offender....You don't deserve to drive escalade or much less a geo or even a fucking 10 speed bike.


Go take Public Transportation so the local taxes aren't spent on your fucking crying and moaning because You have to pay a few more bucks on the ticket...Yeah what a fucking Injustice.


People should sue the city for keeping your ass licensed.


Why the fuck does it matter...in three weeks you'll get another ticket anyways.

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Why the fuck does it matter...in three weeks you'll get another ticket anyways.


...and he'll probably post about how he was right in that situation too.

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