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Guest HBK16

The "HBK16 gets arrested" Thread

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And then he'll start another thread about the horrible injustice. He needs to sit his punk ass in jail and have some big guy fuck his ass until he learns to slow the fuck down.

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Guest HBK16

I know for a fact that I was right here. I was speeding but was cited for the wrong reason. He could have cited me for going 73 in a 65 but he chose to cite me in the 55 zone which I WAS NOT IN YET. So technically I was right and I will fight it and since I already heard from the city that I was right I can get this ticket erased.

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He could have cited me for going 73 in a 65 but he chose to cite me in the 55 zone which I WAS NOT IN YET. So technically I was right and I will fight it and since I already heard from the city that I was right I can get this ticket erased.


God have mercy on your soul, if you ever THREATEN anyone I hold dear with your retarded logic.

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Guest Choken One
I know for a fact that I was right here. I was speeding but was cited for the wrong reason. He could have cited me for going 73 in a 65 but he chose to cite me in the 55 zone which I WAS NOT IN YET. So technically I was right and I will fight it and since I already heard from the city that I was right I can get this ticket erased.

Yeah go ahead and waste taxpayers money because you want to feel fucking special because then you wont have to spend a few more dollars.






You are exactly what's the problem with this country today...People are so fucking obnoxious to really fucking think shit like this is an injustice.


Fuck your spoiled ass...Be a fucking man and pay your ticket.


You DO realize no fucking judge will look at this and go "My goodness! This young man was a victim of a horrible injustice! Clear this ticket!"


It's pathetic that you are willing to "fight" something so meaningless.

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What will HBK do next? For his next ticket he'll pull out his cell phone and post that he is getting another ticket right now and he is using his cell phone to post this as the cop is writing the ticket.

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Guest HBK16

Its not like Im going off and sueing the fucking state here. When you get a ticket you have the option to fight it or pay it. Even if you pay it you HAVE to go to the court house. So I might as well say what I think. If I loose then I pay. No fucking big deal.

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Guest HBK16

I have a little over a month to pay I am going down first thing tomorrow morning to get this straightened out.

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I'd laugh if your insurance company kicked you off the policy for your stupid shit. As it is right now your insurance has go to be through the roof. Although since you are a spolied little brat I'm sure all that is taken care of by mommy and daddy. Because nobody paying their own insurance would be this fucking stupid and irresponsible.

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Guest HBK16

There you go again running your mouth like you own this fucking place. I pay my own insurance. Go suck a dick TSA.

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Guest El Satanico

This is pretty comical...people freaking the fuck out about someone going 73 in a 65.


Can you say overreaction...i think you can.


Until someone is on here talking about driving 90 in a school zone or on a residential street, save the "omg you're a mad man with no respect for huuumaaanity" sentiments.

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This is pretty comical...people freaking the fuck out about someone going 73 in a 65.

Hey, take the time to READ the posts before you; we've come to the conclusion that 8 MPH over a speed limit isn't a capital offense.


The problem is, this is the umpteenth time that HBK16 has been pulled over/ticketed/whateverthehellitis. He has YET to learn from his minor fuck-ups (as well as his major ones, including GETTING BLINDSIDED BY A CAR, which he ADMITTED WAS HIS FAULT.)


The main problem I have with him is, as originally stated by HBK-

He could have cited me for going 73 in a 65 but he chose to cite me in the 55 zone which I WAS NOT IN YET. So technically I was right and I will fight it and since I already heard from the city that I was right I can get this ticket erased. 


Do you want a man with this twisted sense of logic driving in your town?


In past, I've had sympathy for the situation he was dealing with; but NOW, with a $50,000+_ Cadillac Escalade, his documented history with these run-ins and the stubborn idea that he's still RIGHT in this situation, I'd have to change my mind.

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Guest El Satanico

Having bad luck doesn't make you a danger.


You and those freaking out are still overreacting.

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Guest El Satanico

Oh yeah it's kinda funny seeing TSA talking about bad driving...young women make up the majority of bad drivers.


Before you climb a high horse...that's not a sexist comment. All you have to do is watch them drive. Most of them drive like retards.

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HBK you fucking goob.


You drive a fucking escalade.


You're going to fucking kill someone.


You shouldn't be driving since you seem to have this IRRESISTABLE COMPULSION to go 75+.


Guess what. You're going to smash a Saturn in it's side and kill someone and you're going to plead innocent in court because the other person didn't get out of the way.


We all ALL fuck up from time to time.


But I've NEVER endangered someone else due to my stupidity. You are.


You understand your stupidity? Do you accept it? Do you like it? I think you do. At least you stand out in this place, congratulations, YOU'RE THE STUPIDEST PERSON HERE!!!

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And then he'll start another thread about the horrible injustice. He needs to sit his punk ass in jail and have some big guy fuck his ass until he learns to slow the fuck down.

I don't know which is worse-


TSA acting like a huge bitch (as usual) completely overreacting to everything and wishing HBK16 get raped in jail.




HBK16 being stupid enough to argue with a cop and whine and whine and whine. Here's an idea slugger- Next time- slow the fuck down and keep your mouth shut. That way- you won't fulfill TSA's dream and get raped.

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Having bad luck doesn't make you a danger.


You and those freaking out are still overreacting.

Right, because this...


God dammit!!!!!! I got another speeding ticket today! Thats my 6th speeding ticket and my 7th overall. He would have cited me for not wearing my seatbelt but he gave me a break since I was able to guess the exact speed I was going, 58 in a 40 zone. So I think this time I get my license suspended. I will find out soon. But thats what they told me last time. I cant go to traffic school seeing as I just went last month. FUCK FUCK FUCK!!!!!!!!! I dont wanna see what happens when my insurance company sees this. They already threatened to kick me off when I had my accident seeing as it was my fault. Im so pissed.


and this...


I dont know what it is with me and speeding. I try not to but I always find myself going over. Even if I dont try. It just seems like 40 is way to slow.


and this...


I will speed when Im coming home from my girlfriends and Im on the freeway at 2am.


oh, and this...


I have been pulled over for speeding 8 times. Got a ticket 6. One was by a volunteer police officer in an unmarked PT Cruiser. The other time I was tailing a police officer. He was going 80 so I stayed right behind him. If he can go 80 so can I. He pulled to the side of me, hit his breaks and switched on his lights. When he asked me what he should do about it I told him to let me off with a warning. He asked me why and I told him cuz he had no proof that I was speeding because he never had a chance to radar me. He told me I was right but to never say that to another officer. We laughed and he let me go.


...this too...


I also got a warning when I got pulled over for not making a complete stop at a red light to turn right.


...this too?...yes, this too...


Thats right a car accident. Not in my Escalade though thank God. It was in my dad's old car, Civic. I was making a left turn, stopped at the light to let someone else go and did my left turn and a car hit me on the passenger side. it was of course my fault. The whole passenger side is gone to hell. The front and back door went in about 8 inches. My girlfriend was in the front passenger and amazingly only got a scaratch on her elbow. The police, AAA and the lady who hit me were in disbelief. I wasnt injured. The car got toed to my parent's house.


...and this...


At that time I was pissed not mainlu cuz I crashed but because I did something that could have seriously injured my girlfriend and right now very hard for me to deal with it. If my girlfriend was hurt I dont know what I would have done. I dont think I would be here right now. The only injury I have to me is a few stitches to my hand. When the car was at my parents house, I was just examing it, got pissed off, punched right through the windshield. Fucked up my hand pretty bad.


This equals bad luck, right?

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There you go again running your mouth like you own this fucking place. I pay my own insurance. Go suck a dick TSA.

Don't encourage her. She's an uninhibited gal.


That said, I got the shit scared out of me by being a bad accident when someone else was driving, and flipped their car with me in it. Had I not had the seatbelt on, I would have been dead. That was enough to scare me straight into making sure I drove well, and while I'm not a "grandma" driver, I'm not a showoff or careless driver. To this day I do not have an accident or a ticket to my name.


That said, I'll echo the sentiments of most here and ask WHY THE FUCK HAVEN'T YOU LEARNED? One accident or one ticket can't scare you, so what will? You're going to have a suspended license by the end of the year at this rate, and you're only what, 18 or so? See that pedal they put next to the gas? It's called a brake...it can be used. Go ahead and pop it's cherry, will ya? If not for your sake, then for the sake of everyone on the road.

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Guest El Satanico

To get back to the actual point.


A difference in fine amounts is the only reason you should try fighting it. And please if this is the case, don't use the argument you gave us. Just use the argument that you were still in the 65 zone and should be fined for that and not for 55.


If the fine is the same, don't waste your time.

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To get back to the actual point.


A difference in fine amounts is the only reason you should try fighting it. And please if this is the case, don't use the argument you gave us. Just use the argument that you were still in the 65 zone and should be fined for that and not for 55.


If the fine is the same, don't waste your time.


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Damn, I wish I wasn't away from the computer for 2 days, I missed out on all of this shit! BTW, Bravesfan, your "clip show" post was awesome!


HBK your toughest problem in court is that it is your words versus the cops, and no matter what you say the officer can throw back "he was belligerent, and I had to take him", who's words is the judge going to look more kindly on?

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I *have* to disagree with you here Rendclaw. When I took drivers education as I know we all have, I was told spacifically, and I got points taken off because, "YOU DON'T HAVE TO GO THE SPEED LIMIT, BUT GO WITH THE FLOW OF TRAFFIC." Those were the exact words given to me, and as I've said, I had points taken off cuz I was going 67 in a 65 zone when everyone else was going like 75. So thats why I applaud HBK. I have no further statements you honor.



You got stopped by a prick officer, prolly a rookie. A cop with a few years under his belt will not stop you for doing 2 MPH over the limit, unless he's a total asshole. Were you doing that speed in the passing lane, and people were going around you on the right hand side?


I have only gotten pulled over once for speeding, and that was when I was working for Airborne Express, we all got out of the warehouse late, and we're rushing to our delivery/pickup areas. I was zipping down a street en route to the highway when i ran into a speed trap. I got clocked doiing 45 in a 30. Fortunately the cop, while being dickish about it, let me off with a warning.


I constantly do 75 in the highway here in Michigan, and there are state cops everywhere and they never bother anyone going 5 MPH over. Doing 80 and up, thats a different story.


HBK should fight this ticket in court, cause chances are the cop in question is not going to show up. He should not have started an argument with him, as he has the authority (you will RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAH~!), and it is going to make a bad situation worse, as HBK found out.

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::reads bravsfan's post::


The problem here is the Escalade is a hella powerful vehicle... you have a young well-off kid with some sense of entitlement driving it... with all of those accidents and tickets, its a WONDER you haven't had your license suspended, HBK.


But I am in agreement here, fight that ticket if you haven't already, but SLOW THE HELL DOWN.


I know an Escalade has cruise control. Use it. Set it at the speed limit, and take your foot off the gas. Be responsible, because differing speed zones aside, YOU are the only one responsible for how you drive when you get behind the wheel, and ONLY YOU.

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You know what my grandfather gave me my whole life? Can of Soup.

Did anyone else find this funny? I don't like Choken, but reading that part, I burst out laughing. Maybe it's just because it sounds so odd and I just envisioned Choken's grandfather on his deathbed and handing him a can of Campbell's, but whatever the reason, I laughed. Continue with the stupidity of the rich boy, if you must.

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maybe you should have lift your shirt up, and let him see your nipple.


but that only applies in Rhoade Island.


Cops are a pain in the ass, but this is the middle of the month. Maybe he is an ass.


Now if its like the end of the month, different story, don't fuck with them.

WTF? I live in RI, where did you get that one from?

Family Guy.


Anyway, as a 17 year old licensed driver, I really need to shake fist at HBK16.


Why must you speed? I find that at my level of inexperience (and maybe you have more, but still, you're inexperienced, being 18), I like to ya know....GO SLOWER. Driving scared the shit out of me for a while, but it got a lot easier, still, some aspects of it frighten me.


The first aspect would be speeding. I don't do it. Ever. I'm the guy who'd go right under a limit or a significant amount under it. Dude, there's just no need for it.


Cops are another thing. NEVER, EVER, EVER, EVER argue with a cop. Every city has their own breed of cops. Some are dicks, some are nice, some don't give a shit, etc. Just go along with what they say. You could've disputed the ticket in court, rather than on the side of the road.


HBK, it seems that you are a good guy, but you just have a few problems, that's all.


I know you've left the board now, but good luck in the future. Hopefully someone doesn't come on here and inform us of your death.

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