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Guest HBK16

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Guest HBK16

I only have about 11 minutes til the ambulance gets here. I put it in ice. Anything else?

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

HBK16=OJ Hart version 2.0


I'm actually starting to think they're the same person.


Think about it, they both do something incredibly stupid, and their top priority is to post the event, giving live play-by-play, on a message board.

Edited by ShooterJay

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Well, if this is legit, Ice That Shit, STAT!


But I'm not buying it honestly. This sounds too much like the thread about the guy getting shot in the arm and then posting about it.


I personally think he is just trying to change his gimmick from Speed Racer Redux, to Guy Who May Or May Not Have Chopped A Finger Off.

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Well, he plans on taking a picture, so there will be no debate. If he comes back here with some "against regulations" fuckery, though, this is bullshit.

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After cynicalprofit, anything even close to that is going to pale in comparison.


If this is bogus, (99.999% chance it is), this kid should be banned.


I was starting to doubt things after reading his pulled over by a cop thread. What person in his right mind would give his kid an escalade, then he would get into accidents and get tickets left and right and NOT get his license pulled?? if it was me, my license would be suspended by now.


I call BS.

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Guest KJ Brackish

WTF? What do you all have against HBK? He has a problem and ask's people that he trusts and may actually know what is going on. I agree he should call a hospital or ask the 911 he called what he should do, but still, I just noticed the bashing going on in his "got arrested" thread. Give the guy a break people. Just had to vent.... sorry.



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DeathFromAbove Posted on Aug 19 2003, 12:57 AM


WTF? What do you all have against HBK? He has a problem and ask's people that he trusts and may actually know what is going on. I agree he should call a hospital or ask the 911 he called what he should do, but still, I just noticed the bashing going on in his "got arrested" thread. Give the guy a break people. Just had to vent.... sorry.




If this is legit, than he is a fucking idiot for coming on TSM and posting about it while waiting for the ambulance(Yes I know what can happen with severe trauma...been there)


if this is fake, then he is a miserable little fuck who's just trying to get redirect heat away from his driving exploits threads


i have nothing personal against him, except for this thread. It hits way to goddamn close to home with me.

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Guest KJ Brackish

I agree with you, just alot of people post that he's a fake without having proof. I mean c'mon. I agree he should have asked 911 what he should have done. Again sorry for the flame-full post.



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I have reason to be cynical though. There have been threads about guys posting pbp while having sex in hot tubs, people posting threads not long after being shot in the arm.


I don't *know* for sure that he's faking this shit, that's why I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt so far.


I'm saving anything else for NHB if he comes and confesses that he lied or whatever. I guess it's all i can do if he did lie.

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This can't be real.


What kind of idiot would go to an internet forum and sit to type a message (much less several, with perfect punctuation) instead of doing something to dull the pain?


Hell, the typing looks too clean to be someone who severed a finger.

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Guest The Old Me

I hope he comes back with an update soon. This is the best thing in my life right now.

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Guest The Old Me
I hope he comes back with an update soon.  This is the best thing in my life right now.

It is?

Sadly while I'm at work today, yes.

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