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Guest Stennick


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Banky's not Stennick.  I've been familiar with Stennick for about 2-3 years now, as he used to fantasy book on Other Arena's fantasy booking section, where I used to be a regular contributor.  It's not a gimmick of his, or anyone's.

It's called sarcasm. :D


Banky is far too mature and bright to be stennick.

I know, but with your joking/sarcastic post, it could have led to another great influx of "OMG SO AND SO IS BANKY" threads by certain TSMers who shall remain nameless.

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Guest KJ Brackish

Stennick, you are by far......




The stupidest son-of-a-bizatch that I have ever heard. You get all pissed off at Incandenza because he had an opinion on one of your posts so you decide to come here and waste a whole thread on being a dumbass. Sure, you had to get it off your chest, but you did the childest thing, by starting the thread as an apology and turning it into a giant flame-ball. So why don't you have a NICE FUCKING DAY!



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Well, I'm going to respond and say that you having that incredibly cool Jericho sig pisses me the hell off you bottom feeding piece of shit.


Hopefully that will add some spice to the dreaded PAGE 6.

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I would've read this thread, but it was already up to six pages by the time I saw it. What'd I miss?

Blah blah blah, fuck fuck fuck, blah blah blah, fuck fuck fuck.


Then he said something stupid and I asked him to explain, and he then left.


Just the typical trollish twat actions, you know the drill.

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax

I dunno, that seems a bit much for just semi-nude. I think I'll stick with the beer.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
This thread was dead when he decided to SWERVE~! us all with the beganing of the post.


"I'm cool and nice and have lots of money and I want to bury the hatchet and....




HA HA, bet you didn't see that coming even though this is in the No Holds Barred folder!!! Now bow before my supreme intellect!!"

(Bolded to add emphasis)



Khan, I'm laughing at the superior intellect. [/Captain Kirk]

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Guest Stennick

You lame fuckers, I was expecting ten pages when I got back this morning and I find its only up to about another page and a half? Thats truly sad! It is nice to see that a full day after I leave you guys are still talking about it. I saw Incandenza's "farewell speech" I'm about to read it and then I'm going to do just as I promised, flame the fuck outta it!


Have another Nice fucking day!

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Alright...I'm starting a pool


*throws a dollar in*


I say....he makes it through the night but is gone by 9 tomorrow morning...any takers.

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Guest Stennick

All this talking of banning me and yet I don't understand it? I haven't done anything worse than anyone else on here! In fact it says in the title of this forum that flaming is ok. So what exactly have I done that breaks the NHB rules! And a big hardy FUCK YOU for implying I should leave when their are people just as bad as me on here!

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I'd got $5 that says he gets banned on account of rules #2 and #8, established by our esteemed Dames, and that it's by midnight tonight. No way he makes it another full day.

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Guest Stennick

So everyone wants to see me get banned huh?



FUCK OFF! I haven't done anything different than what 20 other morons have done here in their stupid clique threads, if this gets banned then I'll be back, and when I'm back I'll be worse than ever!



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So everyone wants to see me get banned huh?



FUCK OFF! I haven't done anything different than what 20 other morons have done here in their stupid clique threads, if this gets banned then I'll be back, and when I'm back I'll be worse than ever!




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Guest The Old Me

I'll take some credit for the Fooster stuff Inc.


I say this guy lasts until tomorrow, around noon.

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