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Guest EQ

Soul Calibur II

Which console version?  

42 members have voted

  1. 1. Which console version?

    • Gamecube (Link)
    • Playstation 2 (Heihachi)
    • XBOX (Spawn)

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No, he's right.


Want to hit B and X? Bring up your index finger to try and hold it down. WTF? That's hardly ergonomic. Back with SNES I could at least plant my thumb in the middle of the thing and apply pressure at the sides.


Cube controller is the second worst I've ever used, only beaten by almost the Sega 6-button, and just barely beating out all the other Sega controllers.


(I'll disagree from EricMM though and say that I think the Xbox Type-S is the best. More games are going analog stick and having a stick in the primary position is better than the secondary positions like the Dual Shock)

I just wanted to address this. Hitting B and X together is the same as trying to hit Circle and Square together on the Playstation controller. You can't do it properly on a Playstation controller either unless you turn your thumb on it's side and try to squeeze between the Triangle and X buttons without hitting them. You have to move your hand up and press the two buttons from above with your index and middle finger to do it accurately.


Now granted on the Cube controller the A button will keep you from doing the side thumb technique, but then again the side thumb technique doesn't really work. Basically the only button combo I have not been able to do is the B and X. All controllers have button combos you can't do with complete accuracy. I cannot hit X and Triangle and Circle and Square together on a PS controller without lifting my hand up and pressing from above.


I looked at my Cube controller and A, B, and X line up in a line kind of like A, B, and C did on a 6 Button controller. The tope line only has they Y button. So basically someone took out X and Z and made A bigger, but they're still lined up in a line.


I can hit A and B, A and Y, and Y and X together on my Cube controller just fine. In fact I just tried it a second ago. To hit X and Y together just raise your thumb a little higher when pressing (which is no more work than determining which shoulder button you're going to press on the 4 Shoulder Button top of a PS2 controller. You just have to remember to do it and that will come with practice just like any controller)


But maybe I just have fat thumbs that don't move very well?

Edited by LaParkaYourCar

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All controllers still pale to the excellence of the SNES controller, the one which PS stole it's design from.


I own the demo disc of SCII on gamecube and the controller thing is a non-issue for me. I have no trouble adapting to any controller to play a game, I don't see why you all make a big deal out of it.


Framerate and loading advantages (slight or major they may be), and Link make the choice a no brainer though. He's the only character that could even feasibly fit into the context of the game. Spawn? A modern comic character that uses guns more than anything, just another example of Todd McFarlane trying to get his thumbs into another pie, very weak. Heitachi, better, but he still doesn't fit as the only non-weapon fighter in the game.

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I never really liked the SNES controller. But back then it was much better than the Genesis controller so I wasn't complaining.


I never could properly hit the L button and do a Directional Pad movement at the same time on the SNES pad.

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Guest Sakura
I love how you people piss and moan about people buying Soul Calibur II on Gamecube and not bowing down and thinking your OPINION is an undeniable fact.

Why are you on my case over this? I am not pissing and moaning. You're the only one getting all emotional over me not liking Link.




Link does not fit into the context of the game as a serious character in the SC universe. None of them do, but Link may be the worst. He is totally a joke novelty character in for fun. If that's your thing then that's fine but there is no way anyone can say Link is a serious SC character. He throws cartoony bombs, he rides people like Epona, he is not even proportioned right....


Hei being weaponless is not that big of a deal, especially compared to a demon from hell and an elf. He has metal guards on his wirst and isn't the only one in the Soul series to fight in close. A kung fu expert owning someone with a sword isn't much of a stretch either. The Last Blade series is weapon based and has a martial artist who fights without a sword too. Also the SC series is about KOing the opponent, not stabbing them to death. What IS goofy and messed up about Heihachi is the fact that he is from the future.

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Meh was gonna stay out of this because it's been done sooo much before, but this post kind of annoyed me, shrug.


I love how you people piss and moan about people buying Soul Calibur II on Gamecube and not bowing down and thinking your OPINION is an undeniable fact. If anyone is a fanboy it's the people that get angry and put other people down for having different opinions on video games.


It always seems like it's the GCN people that get the most worked up over this, at least in the previous threads. I'll say that I'm buying the PS2 version because I prefer the controller and don't care about Link, and I'll be jumped on from people defending the controller and saying stuff like "you're not a true gamer if you don't like Link". It seems to almost always be the case that the GCN supporters are the ones throwing the "fanboy" word around. GCN owners are often really, really defensive about their system.


Nobody cares how good re at Street Fighter. I play SF with my friends all the time for FUN. When all you care about is winning and being "THE MASTA WITH MAD SKILLZ" then all the fun goes away.


You said this in the last thread, and I replied in the last thread that me and my friends enjoy being good at fighting games. We like holding and travelling to tournies to play SC2. You, having admittedly never been good at a fighting game, would have no idea if it was fun or not, neh.


Besides, no one even said that. I know for a fact that EricMM is horrible at SC2.


And when you decide that you like a controller better than another and then go crazy b/c people like the controller you hate...well then you just become sad.


I didn't see anyone "going crazy", they just gave logical arguments for why the GCN controller was ill suited to play SC2, arguments that haven't really been refuted. Coming up with ways to configure the controller to get around its problems doesn't mean that the problems aren't there.


Just because you have "MAD SKILLZ" doesn't mean you're right.


But if you have "MAD SKILLZ" (which no one even said) at SC2, you're more suited to determine what controller is suited for it than someone who's just toyed around with the demo. That seems pretty obvious to me.


Ok everyone I will admit it! Sakura could probably school me at SCII! Yes I would lose the game! But does that mean that her opinion on what controller is better and which version is better is better than my opinion? NO...it just means she's better at the game.


She only said she was good at MK:DA, and yes, being good at MK:DA, she's more qualified to say whether the controller works well for the game.


I personally don't like the GCN controller mainly because the D-Pad is too small and misplaced. Any decent fighting game player will tell you that if you're playing on pads, you use the D-Pad, and the GCN's D-Pad is horrible.

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I just don't see what Mortal Kombat, Street Fighter, or anything else has to do with the misshaped GCN controller.


Thats ALL I was saying.


AND it's very easy to compare controllers, with the new PS2/GCN things you can use a PS2 controller w/ a GCN. You know, I don't think they have one going the other way.


Hmm I wonder why???

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"You said this in the last thread, and I replied in the last thread that me and my friends enjoy being good at fighting games. We like holding and travelling to tournies to play SC2. You, having admittedly never been good at a fighting game, would have no idea if it was fun or not, neh."


When did I say I was bad? I'm good at some of them and bad at others. I'm just not good enough to enter a tournament and compete on that level.

And KoR Fungus...I went "nuts" because Eric basically said "it's a fact" when it's really just an opinion. And we tried to tell him "no it's your opinion" then the fanboy comments started coming.

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Ok fine they're both opinions.


But your opinion is W-R-O-N-G. And my opinion is R-I-G-H-T. And nintendo's controller is A-W-K-W-A-R-D.


It's backwards innovation. Why they had to warp their controller I'll never know.

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This thread is lame.


If you play with one controller for long enough it will be the easiest for you to use.


I've played with the XBox controller for so long now that I found Socom to be unplayable with the PS2 controller...and I used to spend HOURS every day playing it.


It just happens.

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Or, Eric, it could mean you S-U-C-K at using the GC controller and others don't. All of the controllers are fine basically. Your personal preference will be built around the system that you like the best.


And seeing as I am neutral on which system I like the best, I still say GC just because I can play that for long periods of time without any hand pain due to the way it fits in my hand.


To each their own. But it is pretty stupid to call someone else a fanboy because they like something you don't like.

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Guest Sakura

It's not about getting used to it. It's more than just the layout or just the comfort. No matter how much I play the Dpad is still going to be tiny. No matter how much I play the analog stick is still going to be too sloppy. No matter how much I play hitting B~Y is still going to be nasty.



I picked up my copy today.

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Guest EQ

I went to get my copy today and even though I was told it would be there today, they told me it was coming in tomorrow.




Anyway, I figured I'd throw in my two cents about the controller issues.


If the games were exactly identical across all three systems, I'd pick the XBOX version. Even though you probably would never be able to tell the difference with my TV, the XBOX has the best graphics (and I think sound too... even though I only play on Stereo as opposed to a fancy surround sound system). I don't mind the XBOX controller for this game. It's very similar to the Dreamcast controller, and I've spent enough (countless) hours playing Soul Calibur on the Dreamcast, that picking up Soul Calibur 2 on the XBOX wouldn't be much of a change at all for me.


After all that, I'm still getting the Gamecube version. Yes, I'm buying the game because Link is in it. I said it. There. I am enough of a Zelda fan (especially OoT... ask Dames) that I will get a lot of enjoyment out of playing as Link. I really don't care how well he fits into the series (I personally think he fits fine, but I could do without the projectiles... which I don't think I'll be using much uless they're part of a cool combo or juggle). It's Link and Link is cool.


As far as the Gamecube controller goes. I love it. It's a great controller..... just not for fighting games. On the Dreamcast, I always used the D-Pad to play Soul Calibur, and on the Gamecube controller, unless the D-Pad is used in a similar fashion as it was used in Star Wars: Rogue Leader for example, it's pretty much useless. It's impossible to play a game like Soul Calibur 2 with the D-Pad on the Gamecube. So, I'm forced to use the analog stick. I was worried about that at first, but then I got my hands on a Japanese version of the game (my friend bought it at an import store) and I finally got a chance to spend some time with the game using a Gamecube controller. It's not as bad as you'd think. Sure, it's not great, and playing the game with a PS2 or XBOX controller would be better, but it still works well. I had a little trouble getting used to it at first, but after a while, you start to get the hang of it. It's a little tough to do some of the moves where you'd need to hit say, the B button at the same time as one of the "kidney" buttons, but I suppose if you practiced you'd find a way that worked for you. Hell, even on the Dreamcast, I had a hard time hitting X and Y at the same time, and I had to do it for certain moves in Soul Calibur. If worse comes to worse, you move your hand real fast. I got used to it eventually.


Besides, if you really want to get the game for the Gamecube (either because all you have is a Gamecube or you just want to play as Link), you can always buy the Soul Calibur Universal Arcade Stick. Sure, it's extra money, but if you know that you will love the game, and if you think it's worth it, it's there if you want it. When they say it's universal, they mean that you can use it on PS2, Gamecube or XBOX.

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If you're going to get a stick, I'd really recommend an Hori. I prefer Japanese sticks to American sticks, but even if you have no preference, Horis are just higher quality. You'll have to import, but you can get them pretty cheap ($40 for the official SC2 ones) from playasia.com.

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Just curious, does anyone have the numbers in terms of sales for Soul Caliber 2 per console? I'd like to know if the Gamecube version is the one that is being sold the most.



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Guest EQ
Just curious, does anyone have the numbers in terms of sales for Soul Caliber 2 per console? I'd like to know if the Gamecube version is the one that is being sold the most.



I've heard that the Gamecube version has been the best seller, and that people are actually buying Gamecubes (they're pretty cheap) just to play SC2 on it.

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The GameCube version got the most preorders. We're going to have to wait until TRSTS releases August numbers (mid September) to see what actually sold the most the first week.

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Jesus Christ! An opinion is a fucking opinion! I own the PS2 to Cube adaptor (not because i prefer the ps2 controller but because it was a cheap soloution to a 4th controller) and I've played people using it in several games (Madden, THPS, SCII) and they have never had a distinct advangate because of the controller. And I wonder why there's not a cube to PS2 adaptor? Maybe because the PS2 owns so much of the market that there's a market for the thing.It really is absurd to call people fanboys when you try to preach opinion as fact. Makes you look like an ass too.

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