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Zed... i am slowly trying to get over my technical mastery more than my hardcore mastery...


...as i want to create the Apostle as a largely technical wrestler that also can brawl more than a brawler with some submissions...


I am working a bit better on my next match and i hope i can pull something out of my ass

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Well Lockdown seemed like a pretty good show to me. I read all the matches and promos but I don't think I have time to comment on the matchs, but if I do I'll add them in later.


The Wildchild/Ejiro promo was pretty intresting to me. I espicially liked this one line in regards to Johnyn Dangerous.


So wait in the parking lot and wear a mask or something and hit him in the face with a brick.


The only thing I'm not buying with this, is that Wildchild obligated or not, would simply do whatever Ejiro tells him to do. It's still a very cool angle (not Kurt) to work with.


I'll be back with more If I have some more time in a few.

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Silent's been bugging me to read his match, so...


I agree fundamentally with what Zed said. My personal feeling is that with the build the Demonstar has had, I'm having trouble buying it as a standard, oft-used finisher (J-Driller or no J-Driller). I see it more as having Burning Hammer status, being used once every few months if that. (Kobashi's used it twice, as I recall.)


The Dragon Sleeper seemed disjointed to me. Maybe that could be remedied by a closer read-through, but it seemed to be a slice of a different match between Kibagami and English Dragon. It fit the characters, but not the match.


The marker was cool. (Y)

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