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Philly, Boston, and NY fans all have the same mindset. The only big difference that pisses me off is the whole blame it on the Babe mentality many fans have in Boston.


In reality though I think Philly and Boston are the most similar, because we expect to lose. We have been conditioned to expect the worst to happen and until they are locked in the playoffs I doubt philly will buy into the Phils completely.


The problem I have with a lot of media is they talk about how the Philly fans are boorish and no one shows up to Phillies games. I heard a lot of small crowd digs during that Phils-Cards sunday night game. But a.) there have been some big crowds at the vet this year and b.) the Phillies killed off a whole generation of fans with poor ownership and 14 out of 16 losing seasons and that will take more than 70 wins by september to rebuild.

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Philly, Boston, and NY fans all have the same mindset. The only big difference that pisses me off is the whole blame it on the Babe mentality many fans have in Boston.

I've said it before ... there are almost NO FANS in Boston that "blame it on the Babe" ... it's a fucking media creation. Especially ESPN - the Patriots could lose a game to the Jets and they'd make some crack about the Babe Ruth Curse.


It's not like the Sox lose a game, or choke at the end of the season, and all the fans look at each other and say "oh, there's that curse again". People don't believe in the curse per se ... there's a ton of "reverse the curse" type of signs and bumper stickers, but most people really don't believe in that shit.

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That sucks. If that is the case I would never be able to watch ESPN without throwing something through the screen.


BTW, PJ Stock rules the fucking world. I was pissed when Clarke let him go. That man would have been a hero in Philly.

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When did Mo get "booed out of town at the height of his productivity?"

I think that would be when he signed with Anaheim. He was still a great hitter then, and there's no reason he should have been made to feel so unwelcome in a city where he put up some very good numbers.


Want to say minorities aren't welcome?  What about David Ortiz?  Paul Pierce?  Manny Ramirez when he plays like Manny can?  Ty Law and Lawyer Milloy?

If the attitudes have changed in recent years, great. That doesn't change the fact that Boston minority athletes have complained about racist treatment from the fans. Heckling a guy is one thing; you buy the ticket, you have the right to get on someone's case. Within reason.


Normally I agree with you, Tom, but that was a STUPID statement to make.

Please explain to Jason Kidd, his wife, and their child, how much class the sports fans of Boston have.

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BTW, PJ Stock rules the fucking world. I was pissed when Clarke let him go. That man would have been a hero in Philly.

You're right ... PJ rules. Other than probably Thornton, Stock gets the most love and the loudest pop of any Bruin. If one of the fights lasts long enough, the whole place starts chanting "PJ ... PJ ... PJ" and then goes deafening when he does his little wave while skating to the penalty box.


And, Tom, in regards to the way the fans treated the Kidd family - which I am not condoning in any way - it happens EVERYWHERE. Don't go insinuating that Boston fans are the only ones. I've seen fans in a bunch of cities yell horrible things to people that are rooting for the other team (whether they're fans, or family members or whatever.) I saw a Canadians fan spit on a woman and her young son at a game in Montreal - does that make all fans in Montreal class-less?

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Normally I agree with you, Tom, but that was a STUPID statement to make.

Please explain to Jason Kidd, his wife, and their child, how much class the sports fans of Boston have.

I'm sure there were MUCH worse things being said while the Lakers were in the Garden in the 80s.


It was a playoff series, and SOME fans who had a few too many "refreshments" got carried away. The media, naturally, blew the whole damn thing out of proportion.


How about when Philadelphia fans CHEERED a guy getting injured? The assholes aren't just in Boston.

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How about when Philadelphia fans CHEERED a guy getting injured? The assholes aren't just in Boston.

I'm aware. I said Philly and Oakland fans were also scraping the bottom of the barrel. It's a toss-up between the two of them, really: cheering for a guy getting injured, booing Santa Claus, and throwing batteries at JD Drew vs. beating up opposing fans and the occasional stabbing of an opposing fan. I can't say I'm positive on Boston sports fans, but they're still a bit above those from Philly and Oakland.

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You wouldn't know what being a Boston sports fan is like unless you actually ARE one.

Exactly...as a fellow New Englander, it pisses me off when people critize Boston sports fans when they aren't even one. They never had box seats at the Garden or the Fleet for the Celts & Bruins. They never were at Fenway. They just assume, but that's the case with many things these days.


Oh...and you are crying foul on Boston Celtics fans for the whole wifebeater thing?


Wait til Kobe returns....it won't just be Boston. It's society....not just Beantown.

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Guest Anglesault

And they say New York fans are bad. :P


We only pounce when someone does something stupid enough to piss us off. :)


Speaking of that, anyone else here have a coversation with John Rocker?

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Guest Anglesault
You wouldn't know what being a Boston sports fan is like unless you actually ARE one.

Exactly...as a fellow New Englander, it pisses me off when people critize Boston sports fans when they aren't even one. They never had box seats at the Garden or the Fleet for the Celts & Bruins. They never were at Fenway.

::Raises hand::


::has been to Fenway::


And the Boston media more than anything is ruthless.

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You wouldn't know what being a Boston sports fan is like unless you actually ARE one.

Exactly...as a fellow New Englander, it pisses me off when people critize Boston sports fans when they aren't even one. They never had box seats at the Garden or the Fleet for the Celts & Bruins. They never were at Fenway.

::Raises hand::


::has been to Fenway::


And the Boston media more than anything is ruthless.

I'm sure many people have been there 1-2 times before who don't live in the Boston area and aren't Boston fans...I should of said actually follow the team and go to the games to see what the fans are like, both in Fenway and outside of Fenway around New England.


And yes, Boston media is VERY harsh...but there is a gigantic love for sports and the bar is extremely high with the fans because Boston = Sports love while other cities like L.A (no offense) could really give a damn about some of their teams.

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You wouldn't know what being a Boston sports fan is like unless you actually ARE one.

Exactly...as a fellow New Englander, it pisses me off when people critize Boston sports fans when they aren't even one. They never had box seats at the Garden or the Fleet for the Celts & Bruins. They never were at Fenway. They just assume, but that's the case with many things these days.


Oh...and you are crying foul on Boston Celtics fans for the whole wifebeater thing?


Wait til Kobe returns....it won't just be Boston. It's society....not just Beantown.

I didn't hear any other group people hassle Jason Kidd's wife and kid at a basketball game. They can chant anything they want at Jason but hassling his wife and kid is uncalled for

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And the Boston media more than anything is ruthless.

Agreed on that point, especially the Boston Globe. Once Will McDonough died, that sports department lost all integrity (well, I like Michael Holly, but Bob "I'll Give You a Mulligan on That" Ryan, and the Curly Haired Boyfriend (who's book on Fenway lasted about 30 pages before I got incredibly bored) just get on my damn nerves.

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Hell, take a listen to WEEI for 1 minute to back up your point about the media in Boston. WEEI talks about the Red Sox all year round, and I'm not just exaggerating.


Hearld is loads better then the Globe, IMO. Bob Ryan is a douche.

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The Herald(which I read every weekday) is leaps and bounds better than that schill machine Globe.


Globe reporters are ALWAYS involved when there is some player comment controversy here. Coincidence? Me thinks not.


PJ Stock is the heart of the Bruins.


There is NO such thing as "The Curse", that was made up by a GLOBE reporter :)


One reason you don't hear about fans bashing Kidd and his wife in other cities, is that other cities reporters don't get as much national view than Boston reporters. if something happens in Boston that is sports related...it WILL be known. Whether it's real or just a bunch of overblown BS...the country WILL know about it soon enough.

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Half the fun of being a Red Sox fan is the anticipation of them finally endng the long streak of no championships.

See, that's the problem. The Red Sox will never end the streak.



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Half the fun of being a Red Sox fan is the anticipation of them finally endng the long streak of no championships.

See, that's the problem. The Red Sox will never end the streak.



Can I see your Psychic credentials?

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Guest Anglesault
Half the fun of being a Red Sox fan is the anticipation of them finally endng the long streak of no championships.

See, that's the problem. The Red Sox will never end the streak.



Can I see your Psychic credentials?

History is his guide :P


Really, though, until the Sox stop playing with this so called curse hanging over them, they are doomed to fail. Every little misstep or hiccup is suddenly "here we go again, we're doomed, we're never gonna win yada yada yada." No one can win like that.


Of course, they need to win to lift the "curse" so it's nothing but a vicious cycle.

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But you don't understand that Boston fans do NOT believe in the curse. Only people that even talk about any curse are fans of other teams or just causal baseball fans.


Hardcore sports fans like myself know better than to believe in some ficticious BS that a lame ass Globe writer made up.

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You know, its funny how people talk about all the times the Red Sox failed, but for all the times they've "choked," they've also had some amazing performances. Look at the 1967 pennant race. Game 6 of the '75 Series. The '86 ALCS. The '99 ALDS against Cleveland.

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The regular season seemed like they where beaten out by the Yankees (who where usually a better team). Also, the Red Sox have been in the postseason 3 or 4 times since they started the Wildcard.


As for the playoffs. I don't think they really choked in any series except '86. 1967-they went up against Bob Gibson. One of the best big game pitchers in baseball histroy. 1975-They took the Big Red Machine 7 games. They where beaten by a better team.

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While we're on the topic of a so-called "Curse" I just saw a commercial on HBO about a documentary of sorts about "The Curse". September 16th...Hopefully this show will do more to prove that the curse is just silly.

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Guest Ghettoman

Damn this is a big topic when it comes to subject.


I like how Boston fans use the excuse of "you can't generalize all of us" and yet in the same breath say things like "well at least were not as bad as Oakland fans". Everyone has bad fans, some more than others, and there's been times where it became very easy to think Boston had a bit more than other places, not to say it's true, but don't act like other people are stupid for thinking like that at times.


And alittle off topic but someone said something like "bandwagon jumpers of 96", and as a proud Yankee fan who's been privledged with fan parent's, but wasn't alive to see anything before 85 I take offense. I knew about Yankee history before 96, i knew names, I knew dates, I understood the tradition. But I didn't know the magic, the feeling of supporting a winner, a champion until 96, and it wasn't until 96 that I became a big fan. That was the year a whole new generation of young fans were born. Kids who are 10-20, thats what they have. They don't have the memories of Maris and mantle, DiMaggio and Ruth, Guidry and Mattingly. They have Jeter and Bernie, Pettite and Rivera. Thats not bandwagon jumping, thats the birth of a new generation of fans. The best way to appreciate history is to relivie it, and for a lot of people, especially younger fans, thats what 96 was.

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Ghettoman, I agree with you that everyone here says "don't lump us all together" and then turns around and lumps everyone else all together. And all fans do that: Sox, Yanks, West Coast, etc.


But I don't agree with your second paragraph. You say that you only became a big fan once you got to root for a winner. (Direct Quote: But I didn't know the magic, the feeling of supporting a winner, a champion until 96, and it wasn't until 96 that I became a big fan.). That's being a bandwagon jumper. For example: I'm a diehard Bruins fan. Used to go to every home game, and went to another 10 or so road games. Them winning it all would NOT make me a bigger fan. I'm not saying that I'm a bigger Bruins fan than you are a Yankees fan, I'm just saying that rooting for a team more passionately because they win is being a bandwagon jumper.

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Guest Ghettoman

Am I fan as a result of the 96 season? Yes. Does that mean the second the Yankees have two straight under .500 seasons I'm no longer a fan? Of course not.


All the 96 season did for me was make me a bigger baseball fan, and help me understand what my dad was talking about. It made me feel like I could relate to the generations past of Yankees fans, and that drew me in. And I'll be the first to admit if they didn't win that year I probably wouldn't be as big of a fan as I am. But why is everyone who was drawn to either the club or the sport because of a winner make them a bandwagon jumper? I got nothing to gain out of being a Yankee fan, it's just a treat, I get to feel like I'm a part of something bigger than the players on the field, the managers in the dugout and even the fans watching at home on TV. So what if winning was the catalyst of all that, it's not the only reason I'm a fan.


I think a lot of people are confusing bandwagon jumper with a new generation of fans that are a result of success. Kids aren't going to get into a loser, there gonna get into a winner, and I did. They could go on a drought that makes the Cubs look like they win too much, I'd still be a fan, and it's because of 96.

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