Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted August 25, 2003 Vengeance bored me. Summerslam was more entertaining. That's because you were pissed about your $7 the whole time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iliketurtles 0 Report post Posted August 25, 2003 I would say the PPVs rank as (I missed a few...) 1) Vengeance 2) Mania XIX 3) Rumble 4) Bad Blood 5) Backlash Bad Blood over Backlash? I don't get that...there's not one good thing about Bad Blood. I was one of the few who thought it was decent. Really, Rob? I'd like you to tell me what you liked about it...because I've honestly tried to take the time to think of something good that came out of it and all I could think of was Steiner's leap of death. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest ManKinnd Report post Posted August 25, 2003 1. Mania - HBK/Jericho and Brock/Angle with a pretty decent undercard. 2. Vengeance - US match and World Title weren't as good as the top 2 matches at WM. 3. SS - Nothing too terrible and 3 entertaining matches. 4. Rumble - ***** match but NOTHING else. 5. Backlash - Cause I didn't watch it and I had to suffer through NWO and BB so there. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Coffey Report post Posted August 25, 2003 Vengeance (turned out great) Wrestlemania (a couple good matches) Royal Rumble (just for Angle/Benoit) The rest are junk. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest JumpinJackFlash Report post Posted August 25, 2003 Top PPVs of the year 1. Wrestlemania 19-I feel that this was one of the top 3 greatest Wrestlemanias. Jericho vs. Michaels is one of my favorite matches. 2. Vengeance-I loved this PPV! Guerrero vs. Benoit and the triple threat match were great. Bar room Brawl was funny. 3. Summerslam-4 way for US Title was great. EC was pretty good, especially the whole Goldberg thing. He was on his A-Game tonight, if he even has an A game. I mean, did you see him kill Randy Orton? WWE Title match was great! Coach was awesome, as well as La Parka! 4.Royal Rumble-I will say Angle vs. Benoit is one of the best matches I've ever seen. Rumble match was good. Lesnar vs. Big Show was suprisingly good. Steiner vs. HHH forced me to not like this PPV as much. I mean, I have this on DVD, and I only watch the video before the World Title match, because that was the only thing good about that math. 5. No Way Out-Jericho vs. Hardy was a great match. Undertaker vs. Big Show suprised me. Austin's return was great. And when you talk about the Kane mess up tonight, I saw it coming a mile away. Wanna know why? Because ever since I saw Frankie Kazarian fuck up in the Ultimate X match by bouncing off the ropes the wrong way, I knew that anyone who steps on the ropes will mess up. I got THAT skeptical. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Decadent Slacker Report post Posted August 25, 2003 I liked the show, & since i decided against ordering Vengence, it's my either my 2nd or 3rd favorite of the year (WM is #1, I'm torn on where the Rumble falls since i was incredibly into it). That being said, i'm looking forward to No Mercy. However, i still find the Coach turn fucking retarded. Fun, but retarded. What is there for him in the long run? He looks like he's been bulking up a little too. But i still enjoyed the show, save the Shane/Bisch match & antics, & the EC finish (which makes more sense the more i think about it, actually). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lightning Flik 0 Report post Posted August 25, 2003 He looks like he's been bulking up a little too. The Coach will now become a wrestler on Raw if I took that as the literial meaning. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
hitman2003 0 Report post Posted August 25, 2003 I think that this years SummerSlam was ok. It wasn't as good as last years. But it was better then I expected it to be, so I guess I was somewhat satisfied. Personally I loved Angle v. Brock and the 4-way, everything else was either ok or bad. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Choken One Report post Posted August 25, 2003 Good Point...Coach was really ripped here... Wasn't he wearing a WHITE shirt during the pre-match? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mecha Mummy 0 Report post Posted August 25, 2003 I'd mark for Coachman as a biased heel interviewer. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iggymcfly 0 Report post Posted August 25, 2003 GOD DAMN IT! I can just tell that I would have loved this show. Surprise Angle win + surprise HHH win over Goldberg would have made my fucking night. I would have marked out like a mother for both of those and the rest of the show looked pretty good too. Why did I have to miss this show?! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ed Wood Caulfield 0 Report post Posted August 25, 2003 I thought this year's SummerSlam was good. Not as good as last year's SummerSlam, but good none the less. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ultra Violence 0 Report post Posted August 25, 2003 I loved the whole PPV apart from HHH retaining. The Coach turn was genius Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest BionicRedneck Report post Posted August 25, 2003 The PPV sucked a big, smelly weiner. Bad matches, questionable booking and a lot of stuff that people just didn't want to see. Awful. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest MissMattitude Report post Posted August 25, 2003 I loved the whole PPV apart from HHH retaining. The Coach turn was genius Glad to see someone else hated it as much as me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
TheFranchise 0 Report post Posted August 25, 2003 Just wondering... Is this Coach thing going to come up in all the future 'when was the last time you were truely shocked/swerved' questions? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Retro Rob Report post Posted August 25, 2003 I would say the PPVs rank as (I missed a few...) 1) Vengeance 2) Mania XIX 3) Rumble 4) Bad Blood 5) Backlash Bad Blood over Backlash? I don't get that...there's not one good thing about Bad Blood. I was one of the few who thought it was decent. Really, Rob? I'd like you to tell me what you liked about it...because I've honestly tried to take the time to think of something good that came out of it and all I could think of was Steiner's leap of death. Ok... Jericho carried Goldberg to a fun match. Shawn and Flair did a good job with the time that they were given and the HIAC was no where near as bad as what people were expecting mostly because of Foley being the referee. Those were also the three most hyped matches, so in a round about way they kind of delivered. Compared to Backlash who had one good match (SD Tag) and three bad main event matches. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eclipse 0 Report post Posted August 25, 2003 The card looked bad on paper, but SS was awesome. Every match kept me entertained for once. Even though HHH winning was a common site, the way he won was great. HHH is way more of a heel now. It just made me hate Evolution even more. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest netslob Report post Posted August 25, 2003 well, i usually don't get to see an WWE PPV's, mostly because i don't have $40 burning holes in my pockets, and lately i haven't watched any WWE programs, relying solely on internet reports. however, my buddy at work got the ppv and taped it and lent to me, and i spent all morning watching it and tokin' up, so here's how i saw it: -The La Resistance vs. The Dudleys: didn't care, i just kept it on as background noise as i packed my bowl, and then Fast Forwarded thru the rest. -Undertaker vs. A-Train: FF'ed it...i don't care to watch Dead Weight Inc. stroke his penis on my tv. -Shane McMahon vs. Eric Bischoff: FF'ed it until i saw someone attack Shane, so i Rewinded and was SHOCK~ed to see Coach. Coach, you STUD, you! who knew he had a sack. i like his little JR-isms, cute touch Eddie Guerrero vs. Rhyno vs. Chris Benoit vs. Tajiri: watched the whole thing, quite liked but i'dve like to have seen Tajiri win it. good match. Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar: watche the whole thing, good match, but i didn't buy that weird inverted leg-sleeperhold thing Angle tried. didn't look believeable at all. plus the finish blew...btw, was it fuckin' "Tacky Shirt Nite" tonight or something? i mean someone with vison needs to start dressing Vince, Lawler and Shane. Kane vs. RVD: watched the whole video package and match and have got to say that MAYBE unmasking Kane wasn't such a bad thing, his look is growing on me, and his character is kinda cool, and i ALWAYS dig RVD so this match gets 2 thumbs up. Elimination Chamber: i didn't see the first Elimination chamber, and have got to say, i like the cage and the concept, except i would have kept it as an Survivor Series only match, to try and keep something special about that particular show, but cest'la vie...the match was cool for what it was, and the order of elimination surprised me...i had it pegged as Orton first, then Jericho, Nash, Michaels, HHH and Goldberg winning...that's what I would have done...but christ knows i'm not the billionaire carny wrestling genius...the match was fine until it was down to Goldberg and HHH...the entire match, HHH did fucking NOTHING but sit in his cell-thing...even the announcers were forced to ignore the fact that he wasn't doing anything and was basically just sitting there...y'know, Trips, if your hurt, and you NEED time off to heal, and rehab a little, get married, honeymoon, and maybe shoot a movie, that you would at the very-FUCKIN'-least job the title to SOMEONE, even if if it's one of your 'long-time-companions' (*wink wink nudge nudge*), that you would do it, since you LOVE the business and respect the industry so fucking much, but what the hell do i know (*damn that was one hell of a run-on sentence, wasn't it?*). Trips, buddy...go fuck yourself. btw, you looked real SWTHEET in those biker-shorts. does Patterson dress you? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Trivia247 Report post Posted August 25, 2003 it was a good show...was it better than Vengance maybe...will it be better than Unforgiven..heh probably. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Decadent Slacker Report post Posted August 26, 2003 Just watched it again, for some reason. Brock/Angle & the 4 way were the highlights, everything else was just either predictable (EC), bizarre (Coach) or useless (Tag title match). Kane/RVD could have been lightyears better from a "holy shit"/storytelling persepective (ie i wish it was them 2 years ago, when Kane looked like a beast & RVD wasn't toned down as much). But it wasn't a bad show by any means, just underwhelming. Still one of the best shows of the year though, although that doesn't mean much, does it? I'd mark for Coach as a heel guy, if they give him a know it all smark gimmick. Give him a few months & force him to watch the best of Ventura/Heenan/Heyman, he should pick up heel commentary easily. I just never want him near the ring. Ever. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites