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The Dames

The Dames' Diatribe on WWE SummerSlam 2003

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Top of the forum or on the main page...let me know what YOU think.


Also, I got a bit of a backhanded plug by Scott Keith. Then again...most people wouldn't know it. He put in his SummerSlam Rant that I just read right now, an angry e-mail from someone that I'm pretty sure I've banned here:


Hey asshole you wonder why your fucking readership isn't as large as it once was, why don't you stop being a fat lazy faggot and post your piece of shit recaps quickly you fucking bastard...where the fuck is it? i don't want to read any other goddamn recaps as i dont want to give hits to dick licking faggots like that fat mexican who runs your old message board, so p9ost your shit fag


That’s from [email protected], for those who wonder if people this dumb really do exist. But hey, who am I to argue with an eloquently-written letter like that one?


So, apparently...I'm a fat mexican now. That's pretty funny...



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**** for the US title match?


Maybe I'm just used to the Dames that tends to be more timid with his star ratings so that they mean more when they are dished out...


but I did not see a **** match last night...let alone a Dames ****

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Wow...of all things, I'm getting flack for the US Title match. I figured it would have been for something else for some reason.



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Everything else is pretty much where I had it.


I put the 4 way at about *** which is my rating for "Fun match that was less about being a match than being fun". *** is the best a match of that description gets from me. I think most people will know what I mean.

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Bob, I'm not a fan of the EC.


However...rest ASSURED that after I read all of the BULLSHIT spewed by Keith and Keller and Meltzer about the Ultimate X match...I'm going to say something.



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I thought Elim Chamber 2 was much worse then Elim Chamber 1.


It was too rushed, had one cool spot and didn't have a great final sequence like Elim Chamber 1 did

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You're not mexican, that's for sure. :P


The **** US match surprised me, don't you think it was too short for that?


I pretty much agree with everyting else, great read.

he's not mexican, he's an israli ;)

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No...I'm Puerto Rican.



that makes sense...


so Dames are you still watching me? (after my admission upon originally signing up of hacking PWS)

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I read that quote in SK's rant, and I laughed out loud at how stupid it was.


Good review Dames, I liked it. But, I think you overrated Angle/Lesnar, as it felt a little too slow for me. But, opinions are opinions, and I really enjoyed reading the review!

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I loved the reivew Dames, your star ratings were fair, but I didn't agree with Angle-Lesner getting less that the US title. That was MOTN, IMO.

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