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Guest Suicide King

Oh, and major props to English Dragon who took Judge to the absolute wire. Edwin was sweating his decision.

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Oh, and major props to English Dragon who took Judge to the absolute wire. Edwin was sweating his decision.

You think HE was sweating? I was drowning...

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Great, great show. Thugg wrote a ton for this show, and the promos kicked some major ass overall. The tourney action was great, and next round is looking to be even better. I may or may not comment all in-depth, due to me packing up for college this week. We'll see what happens.

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Guest Evolution

Once again, I would like comments on my match, if it's not too much trouble. Anyone can feel free to make general comments, I'll take all the help I can get if I can get it.

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Guest Space_Cowboy

In a completely unprecedented event, Stryke no showed. I'm sure you're all shocked.

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Oh, and major props to English Dragon who took Judge to the absolute wire. Edwin was sweating his decision.

Well, I just read Judge's match and I have no complaints at all, I loved it. I'll put my match up in a losers thread a little later anyway.

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No showing = I.


Sad and lonely = I.


But life goes on, and so does the tournament. Very impressed am I with the quality of the work being produced. I love tournament time.


But Tarakanov = Dead.

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I've gotta stop writing for this fed because it seems that whenever I do, people stop commenting on shows.


Da "you people suck" H

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Work is boring and I feel like commenting. This is a Franchisable comment, so if you no-sell it, you'll get an ICTV belt shot to the head. 47 days and no belts shots yet, don't be the first.


John Duran vs. Aecas


I liked the way you established Duran early by the sneak attack. It isn't as cliché as people think. Both men work the back, Duran more than Aecas, and Aecas works the rib cage, slightly. This is a brawl and I'm not the best at stringing those together, but, maybe you need a bit more description, cause I couldn't get into it. I like how Aecas keeps going back to the boot, while Duran seems to use knees to take control. I would have done something with that, like, have both men realize how the other gets control and counter it at some point, only to be surprised by the opponent using their own strike against them to gain control.


I like that the Boston crab spot came back latter in the match, too. Key spots always need to come back later in a match. It's one of the basic ideas behind ring psych. The Fujiwara seems like a rest hold, here. It's a little wonky cause it doesn't work the back, after Aecas just keyed in on it. A standing surfboard or rear chinlock with his spine posted against the knee, would have been better, although you do explain it. Still though, it's not a great explaination. To add to it, put over how Duran's arm is a vital part of his Chokeslam and like the back, is necessary to lift somebody into the Ultimate Sin.


I think the face comeback wasn't timed as well as it could have been, unlike your teased one early, which was at the perfect time. Duran had gotten the upperhand and Aecas pulls out a big strike to turn the tide early, only to loose control after a knee to the gut, of all things, which is a running theme. It's hard to say exactly when you should do it, it's more of a feel thing. It's all about the pacing. I, personally, think it came a little late and hampered the amount of offense, Aecas could get during his comeback. The selling after the Duran Boston crab could have been better, maybe even a delayed cover after holding the back/rib cage on the Gore. I really would have liked to see another high impact move and pin, before the Gore.


The Gore getting kicked out off, then followed by the Aecas crossbody spot, put over how desperate he was at the time to win, since, being 7', he doesn't go up top a lot. Also, I swore that you were going to roll through the top rope crossbody, the way you were setting it up, but allowing it to get a near fall, was a much better way to go. Nice job with that. The backwork comes into play at the end, which is always good, and ties the match together. A good match with things that could have been improved, but they aren't that hard to fix, at all.


Next up: Nathaniel Kibagami vs Andrew Blackwell


Eh, give me a minute Thugg

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FYI guys, I'm gonna try and say as much as I can about the show, but I don't expect to get too much on this thread. Looks like I'm going to be rocking 18 credits this semester, woo.


In any case, if you feel you need my customalicious comments, especially if I've marked your match, hit me with a PM and I'll do my best to get back to you specifically, or post them publically if you think they'll be helpful to others.


What I will comment on now is the big show-wide letters angle, which I thought was great. Though it was patently obvious by the parking lot meeting who it was, once the Thugg-speak started to drop. Still, I think it was really well-executed--I love when someone takes the time to drop 3 or 4 vignettes across the show to tell a little story, and think more people would have less trouble keeping their characters in order if they tried the same now and then. I also like the general idea of a big name from the past coming in and rallying the troops. The whole ICTV thing with Mak was cool too, and I'm glad he got to stand up in the end and get his belt back.


Usually I don't like "dueling authority figures" type angles, but I love these two characters and think this should be fun. I would suggest, though, that King or Thugg take a little time to pull together a history promo so people can feel on the rivalry between these two, which goes back quite a ways.

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Nathaniel Kibagami vs Andrew Blackwell


This is your Smarkdown main event, by default, since the show ends on a in ring promo. Leg lariat and a quick, makes sense and it doesn't. On one hand Sacred is a vet and an early pin gives a psychological advantage, but on the other hand he should know not to waste a pin fall attempt early after that attack and just continue on the offensive. It would be a good thing to point out through Riley/Comet antics, since it was a weak move to make a cover on. Quick and dirty counter wrestling early. Basic transitions and the like and a tease of the doushime sleeper. I would have liked to see this come back in the match later, since it was such an important move that Blackwell went into the ropes to break it. I like working off the headlock to start and the mat sequence is well though out and described. It's a good spot to work with, but it definitely drags - I assume you wanted it to from commentary. Pissing off the crowd is fine, and you explain it, but people didn't like Michaels/Jericho, the Wrestlemania rematch for the same reason. Definitely adding some other shoot style/MMA or amateur moves to the sequence, would have made it, so that it hadn't dragged as much as it did and still given the desired affect. Working off the headlock is fine, actually getting me bored while reading it isn't. The teased face comeback, was well timed, because as a fan fromed the audience I'd have really been ready for some action, and as a reader I was starting to think: 'okay, this is the part where he'll stop trying to bore the crowd, right here'.


A backdrop suplex landing high and tight is a very solid transition to end the false comeback and firmly puts Sacred back in control. In chat, you said you character could get any head drop over and it rings true here, giving Sacred time to sell your offense and regain his wits. If you had gone back to the side headlock here, as a resthold, I'd have killed you. Blackwell is all about repeated strikes, so a few more knee drops before the cover, would have been more in character, but thats not even important in the grand scheme of things. It's a striker vs. all around grappler match up and you put that over, by having Kibagami take control of brawling situations, but the crafty Sacred pulling out nice moves like the R.K.O into Superman 3 combo. The 3/4 facelock comes back nicely with the Diamond Cutter, because now that Sacred is more in control he hits the move he wanted earlier. The Superman 3 in addition to it, is a great near fall device. It's the perfect combo m in that situation, with Muzz's moveset, when you need a close count, but not a three. Muzz said you guys had worked something out and the 'Join the Experiment' in Kibagami's marker, is a great touch. Kicks a go-go and a 'cute' way to finish the match, with the enlarged X. I, like Z and Tom, expected a little more description on the Demonstar, (yes, it gets bold font) set-up, but whatever.


To tell you the truth, it's a good match, but threads are missing that tie the beginning to the end. Also if the head drop transition was such a big attack, why wasn't there a dealyed pin following it to help get it over? There was, but, it felt a little too delayed, if you can understand that. It took away from the supposed, near falls believablity. Once again, a good match. It has flaws, which can be corrected, fairly easily.


Next: Whatever match somebody asks for I'll get to more general comments after lunch.

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Guest Goodear

I need the commentary there Mak... I'm thinking I might be jerking a little too much from Sports Entertainment to wrestling a bit too abrubtly but I would love a second opinion.

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About the "Thugg-speak", I thought about that as I was writing it, and decided to speak subtly like Thugg. I figured, it wouldn't be realistic to have him talking all proper just to fool everyone reading, because that couldn't happen in real life. I thought that people like you, Sacred, probably Frost and Tom, would know it was me easily, but some of our newer people wouldn't know. The idea was to try and surprise, but be realistic...also, this wasn't the mark out moment for the angle, so while I wanted to surprise people, it was more important for me to tell a good story.


Also, anyone that's seen me write here knew it was me cause the "() - " is my style.


I would like to thank all the people who let me use their characters for this. I know that I butchered most of your characters (especially Va'aiga), but what can you expect from someone who's been gone so long. So, thanks for letting me use you...and I may call on you in the near future for more help.


A note about the Thugg character...


He is like King or any of your IC management guys. In that, he can be used by you. You know, if you wanna have him make a match for you to set something up or something, you can use Thugg to get it booked (assuming you clear the match with your opponent and CC). Please don't PM me asking me if you can have a match...I don't make those decisions. Thugg's role as part owner is only IC, you still have to go through the normal process you have been to get matches and such. If you wann use Thugg to set up a match or something, you don't need my permission. I trust people will use him in the construct of his character and the framework of this angle. However, you may wanna drop me a PM because I can probably help you out or help you place your promo better since chances are i'll probably be promoing too.


Just a note is all...


Da "just notes" H

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Guest Goodear

I really, really liked the major angle that ran through the show, Thugg. At first I was all, "hey maybe its The Strangler" from his arrival promo and the way he was all in King's face. But then at the end of the promo he also got a letter and my thoughts were leading towards Grand Slam. But then came THUGG in a wheel chair~!~!~! and I was all a shiver. Which should lead to some freaking lovely promos and dueling owner battles... until we find out the other 50% of the company is owned by Cutthroat.


Of course, I'm still waiting for Stevens to show up again. :unsure:

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Well, obviously Cutthroat is the mastermind behind it all. This is really his angle, and now you've ruined the blow off surprise for everyone...


...the return of Cutthroat!


Da "I would kill myself" H

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The overarching story of todays show is... wrestlers band together! Yea! On a serious note, I'm pretty please with the way things worked out. Thugg likes to run with WWE like ideas, and I see no problem with that. I just hope that Mark wasn't fodder and gets in on the action, in some way, the best of which being an in ring return and proper blow off to the feud with King. Never let it be said that Thugg doesn't put his work boots on. Seemed like six promos or something like that, he did. Maybe even more. One has to wonder what will happen when the heel troops try to rally. The ICTV title stripping and subsequent renstatement, was a nice touch and will help me further some things that I hope will lead into my Genesis feud. But what else can I say about it since I actually knew ahead of time.


Nothing else to talk about in general, except I hope some people actually comment on the show, other than whats been said now. And Ejiro I'll get to your match after I get off work.

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The whole show was filled with promo-y goodness, courtesy of none other than the Thugg himself. I thought the promos were very good, and I really liked the reactions from the various superstars as they read their notes.


BTW, would you mind educating us rooks on how Thugg got in a wheelchair in the first place? Or, at least point me in the right direction to look myself?

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Guest Goodear

I do believe Perfect Bo crippled him at Clusterfuck last year but don't quote me becuase I'm saying that right off the top of my head.

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8 promos Mak...8!


Da "I mean, if we're counting" H


PS - I might actually have some comments on the show too when every it is I can get time to read it considering my computer at home decided that it did not like my hard drive.

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You'll have to go WAY back in the day...I think it was the May 2002 PPV where Thugg was originally paralyzed in a match with Bo and Edwin....or so we thought. As it turns out, he came back and then at Clusterfuck, Bo crippled him again. So, yes Fasaki, you were right...that's how he got in a wheelchair.


You can look for me to try and do something in the way of a promo to catch people up on the Thugg character for those that don't know.


Da "going home now to internet blindness" H

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He had. Twice, even! Heh.


Thugg's neck was always a sore spot. His first retirement was after a last man standing match vs. Perfect Bo and Edwin, at Crossfire in May 2002. Bo, Stubby, King, Jay Dawg, and Sacred--then united as the stable Creative Control/Da Pound, who had previously been Thugg's allies--attacked Thugg after the match and basically took him out completely. He left the fed injured, as a somewhat sympathetic face for the first time in a long time.


Over the summer of 2002, Jay Dawg went on a huge run with the hardcore title and starting spewing challenges that he wouldn't stop beating asses until Thugg came back and fought him. And so Thugg did for one night only, and so JD beat him at Apocalypse in August 2002 and I think Thugg disappeared again.


Then Perfect Bo and Thugg both made returns around Clusterfuck, and he and Thugg picked up their long-standing feud...and this time it seemed like Thugg was crippled for good after Bo just annihilated him at the PPV. And now he's back, and in a wheelchair! Hoorah!


King and Thugg also have a big world title history--King ended Thugg's first world title reign, and they were part of a pretty bizarre triumvurate. El Luchador Magnifico could never beat Thugg, Thugg could never beat King, and King could never beat Mag. But Thugg beat Mag, Mag beat King, and King beat Thugg. Wackiness!

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I would like to thank all the people who let me use their characters for this. I know that I butchered most of your characters (especially Va'aiga), but what can you expect from someone who's been gone so long. So, thanks for letting me use you...and I may call on you in the near future for more help.

You got the appaling grammar off fine, and other than missing a fine chance for an over the top threat..


"Why don't we go into his office and give King a beating" would be better as


"Why don't we bust into King's office and shove his damn commissioner table up his ass"


Other than that it's all cool :) I trust the Thugg!

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