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TONIGHT'S Smackdown Spoliers

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Guest Your Olympic Hero

I second the guy who said trade UT to Raw for RVD. Raw needs someone like UT to feud with Kane. A decisive win over UT would give Kane the momentum to get into a ME feud with Goldberg after Goldberg beats HHH.


RVD needs to go to Smackdown because Raw has flushed any chances of an RVD push right down the toilet. Plus he could have better matches with almost anyone on SD than he could on Raw.

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You expect WWE to figure out how to do a trade between the two sides? Too many holes in storylines now.


Maybe Brock and Angle are doing all these clean jobs as a message to Triple H? Especially Brock's job last night for that "second rate, paper champion" comment. It's almost like "we here on Smackdown try to do the right thing!"


Of course Taker will come along and piss all over that game plan.

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I second the guy who said trade UT to Raw for RVD. Raw needs someone like UT to feud with Kane. A decisive win over UT would give Kane the momentum to get into a ME feud with Goldberg after Goldberg beats HHH.


RVD needs to go to Smackdown because Raw has flushed any chances of an RVD push right down the toilet. Plus he could have better matches with almost anyone on SD than he could on Raw.

**marks the fuck out for someone agreeing with me**


***drools at the prospect of RVD vs Rey Rey***


****realises Vince would never do something so logical****

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A few notes..


Hard to believe that there was only 4 matches, and they were all really good, although I would say Benoit A-Train was kinda eh. Lame finish too, considering its kinda hard to miss the fact that A-Trains legs are sticking out a bout a foot over the edge of the ring. Everyone must hate the idea of a Benoit A Train fued out of nowhere...


Rey vs Nunzio was a solid match. Nothing earth shattering but not anything on the level of RAW or the like either.


Cena/Eddy gets 2 segments, and it was probably the best match of the night easily. Few notes though. Eddy's car wasn't stripped down, his left front tire was missing and it was propped up. Also, the F-U on Eddy after the match is on THE WHOLE TIRE..Cole keeps on saying STEEL TIRE, although I doubt it's steel..probably aluminum..and to top it off, Eddy's mother is in the crowd, although she must have not stood in line the day tickets were on sale cause she was halfway back somewhere. They kept showing here with her hands over her face.


Next week, I don't know where they are, but someone's mother needs to show up to keep the mother gasping at her son getting his ass kicked drama.


The main event gets 3 segments! Surprising good for who was involved although the end seemed to be just a big mess. Kurt was kinda eh on commentary.

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Guest TheGame2705

I HAVE to watch this show. Sounds real good. ESPECIALLY Brock jobbing...to Undertaker. Two good things for the price of one.

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I HAVE to watch this show. Sounds real good. ESPECIALLY Brock jobbing...to Undertaker. Two good things for the price of one.

I hope your being ironic......


yet again with a name like "thegame" who knows?

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There's no way Taker is going to win, and I see Angle winning, but there's going to be some shady ending. We could see a tap-out by the Undertaker, and that would put Angle over as a serious and great champ even more. Even AS has to admit, Angle is looking strong and not like a joke.

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