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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620

Coach, Trips, and Goldberg

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The thing is DH that is where the problem is.  I don't think that they were dominating the show.  With that being said there is no reason for this discussion to go on any further.

The non-workers were the focal point of the three main angles/programs on RAW, and have been the focal point of various angles for the past few years.


If they aren't dominating, then please tell me who is, especially on RAW.


Vince, Linda, Shane, JR, Lawler, Coach, Bishoff, and Austin were ALL the focal point of RAW, each in their own different way, and in each case were using wrestlers as pawns. So please, tell me who was dominating.


Hint: It wasn't the pawns, ie, the Pro. Wrestlers.

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Guest Trivia247

Of course Goldberg is obvilious..... He would have to care about the other wrestler to be concerned with how sloppy he can be.


its about looking good getting paid, getting back to his spacious Broom closet exclusive Dressing room, wagging his tongue and jetting out in his limo after his match.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu
JR gets on Lawler for not calling the match a lot.

I'm nbot 100% sure this is true, but didn't J.R once get on Lawlers case on RAW about not paying attention to matches, and it got some reactions backstage from the wrestlers who felt the same way?

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Guest Choken One

Yeah Ross has said that in ways "Pay attention to the match King" "Will you call the damn match king?"

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Yeah Ross has said that in ways "Pay attention to the match King" "Will you call the damn match king?"

Isn't if funny though that the play by play announcer is asking the color commentator to pay attention to the match. If I wasn't mistaken, shouldn't it be JR's job to call the match and King to make the verbatum nonsense?

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Guest Choken One

but not when King is not even talking about the match...


Madden at least ties his rambling to the game itself...

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

One of the first times Lawler really annoyed me was when Molly once joined them for commentary when she was Womens champ, and he just kept bugging her about stupid shit that made her uncomfortable..for the whole match! I don't even remember who Trish was fighting, because it was a Lawler talk-fest about nothing.

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but not when King is not even talking about the match...


Madden at least ties his rambling to the game itself...

You got me there, but the irony of it is that whenever JR bitches at King, JR NEVER CALLS THAT MATCH~!


Seriously, it's stupid really.

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Guest The Grand Pubah of 1620
The thing is DH that is where the problem is.  I don't think that they were dominating the show.  With that being said there is no reason for this discussion to go on any further.

The non-workers were the focal point of the three main angles/programs on RAW, and have been the focal point of various angles for the past few years.


If they aren't dominating, then please tell me who is, especially on RAW.


Vince, Linda, Shane, JR, Lawler, Coach, Bishoff, and Austin were ALL the focal point of RAW, each in their own different way, and in each case were using wrestlers as pawns. So please, tell me who was dominating.


Hint: It wasn't the pawns, ie, the Pro. Wrestlers.

I see what you are saying DH, and it makes sense. But I guess I am giving the WWE the benefit of the doubt. (Why I don't know). But I can see that by using these people they are trying to help further storylines. If they don't then oh well, you are 100% correct. But if they do, and that is a big if, then maybe it'll be a good thing and we can have a good laugh.


Honestly, I am trying to be positive and I think you are being a little too negative. But hey, I have gotten as pissed off at WWE programming as you are right now, so I understand.


So is that your way of admitting you were wrong Johnson?


Yeah, but I think this is more of a difference of opinion then who is right or wrong. The examples I gave were before the WWE had two shows on national television, so the storylines weren't the same as they are now. They have to fill a lot more time now did they in the Dibase days. Plus, DH and me get along pretty good and he is a cool guy, so I can agree to disagree. :D

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One of the first times Lawler really annoyed me was when Molly once joined them for commentary when she was Womens champ, and he just kept bugging her about stupid shit that made her uncomfortable..for the whole match! I don't even remember who Trish was fighting, because it was a Lawler talk-fest about nothing.

I remember that distinctly. I made a joke image about it, I was so pissed.


It was Victoria's first or second match with WWE. She did the fake injury thing (similar to what they just did with Test). Unfortunately, they were also in the middle of the "Molly is a virgin" angle. So while Molly tried to put over Victoria, Lawler was babbling about her virginity. There was virtually no comment on anything Victoria did as a result. I don't care if Vince was on the other end telling him to say that stuff or what, but that night Lawler's shtick actually deprived someone on some heat.


Molly just couldn't handle Lawler's horseshit. Sometimes that happens to JR too. Lawler goes into overdrive and JR can't get a word out.


"Victoria and I have been training, and she really-"

"Molly, are you a virgin?"

"I don't know, Jerome. Are you a child molester?"


That might have shut him up.

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I see what you are saying DH, and it makes sense. But I guess I am giving the WWE the benefit of the doubt. (Why I don't know). But I can see that by using these people they are trying to help further storylines. If they don't then oh well, you are 100% correct. But if they do, and that is a big if, then maybe it'll be a good thing and we can have a good laugh.


Honestly, I am trying to be positive and I think you are being a little too negative. But hey, I have gotten as pissed off at WWE programming as you are right now, so I understand.

To start with, this bullshit with Coach is not, and WILL NOT, do anything at all to further any angle about a Pro. Wrestler. It's being done only to show that he is now a heel announcer, and it's being done for that reason alone. I love the fact they are trying to turn him heel and to freshen things up at the booth, but damnit to fuck...


...it should NOT be at the expense of the true talent on the show, PERIOD.


As for the McMahon saga, if history has taught us anything, it's that their storylines are done ONLY to stroke the ego of that family. It's quite different right now, as it's a feud BETWEEN the family members, so no matter what happens, a McMahon will get the upper hand, not a true talent. The entire issue is that the focus isn't on the correct people in the company, the actual wrestlers.


As for Shane/Kane, it damn well better end with Kane taking Shane out 100%, only for Shane to not be seen on TV for a VERY long time once again. I hope and I pray that they don't just ship Kane off to SD after what Shane did to him. It not only makes Kane look like the biggest pussy of all time, but it makes RVD (and anyone else that has went against Kane) look like shit, because when they couldn't take him out, Shane McMahon, once again a non-wrestler, got the job done.


Again, this is just another example of the non-wrestlers being the focus and going over, while the actual wrestlers simply being used as worthless pawns.


As for everything else, I'm like, the most positive guy here for the most part. I've forgiven WWE for just about everything, and I've NEVER (I'm dead serious, I mean never) missed a WWE show, ie RAW or Smackdown, since RAW began way back when. I also never missed a WCW show starting back before RAW started up. I'm die hard, and I have seen them through shit and thin.


It doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand that the non-wrestlers are dominating the show, and to take it further, to realize that this is WRONG, and should end ASAP.


Yeah, but I think this is more of a difference of opinion then who is right or wrong. The examples I gave were before the WWE had two shows on national television, so the storylines weren't the same as they are now. They have to fill a lot more time now did they in the Dibase days. Plus, DH and me get along pretty good and he is a cool guy, so I can agree to disagree. :D


There is no right or wrong. There is only WRONG, and that one is on your side. Never before in Pro. Wrestling, has non-workers dominated the industry as they do so today, and that's all there is to it. With Dibase, and I assume you are talking about Money Inc., he was simply a manager and his wrestlers were the true focus. With Bobby Heenan, he was always made out to look like a chump and an ass, and was never made to look better than any actual talent.


*ahem* Anyone remember him getting put into the weasle suit?


I mean, I don't know what else to say, it's just how things are. Ever sine the Attitude era began, we've seen non-wrestlers be a main focus more than actual wrestlers, and it's never been more dominant than right now, especially on RAW. On Monday night, WWE gave us the perfect example of what Pro. Wrestling should not become, and what every promoter out there should strive to not allow happen.


Well, it wasn't an example, as it actually happened, and that's what pisses me off the most.


I'll continue to watch, I'll never give up, but I realize when things are really hurting, and like it or not, RAW was really hurting...especially if you love what really matters, the true workers of the industry, the Pro. Wrestlers.

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If this were 25 years ago, I could totally see DH sending death threats to Howard Cosell.


"You're supposed to focus on the football, damn it! Nobody cares what you think. Quit putting yourself over the actual players on the field, you bastard! Get off my fucking TV and get a real commentator!"

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Yea- Molly sounded really uncomfortable during the whole thing. I felt bad for her and the two women in the match

The problem is they keep turning her

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Guest Goodear

All you needed to do was watch Smackdown and you could see what a complete difference and improvement it makes to have the wrestlers be the focus of the show. They even managed to take their nonwrestlers last night and use them appropriately as Sable seems to have been placed in a managerial roll and Stephanie basically came out to make a match and then was not seen again. THATS what nonworkers should be doing... not facing each other in contests no one cares about like Lawler vs. Coach.

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