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Hank Kingsley

The One and Only Calvin Szechstein Thread!

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Guest The Shad0w
Shadow morphs into Caboose and hits him with an Emerald Fusion. He then hooks him into The Bewilderment as CWM delivers kicks to the face. CWM turns around to celebrate, and when he turns back around, Shadow morphs into CWM and delivers a PollyCutter. Shadow unmorphs and walks off into the darkness.

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Guest The Shad0w

No one from your simple mortal world can hold down a man of my stature. Even the almighty Triple-H's political power is miniscule compared to the power I posess.


Shadow nails Caboose and AlfDogg with The Enigma, then sprays a giant "?" on both of them. Shadow leaves into the darkness.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

Oh Yeah?


*Smashes a chair over Chosen one's head and then licks the blood off his head*

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Read the American Gladiators match.


You have no idea how much stress went into that, and that was just a midcard match. The entire show is fucking amazing, seriously, and it's a must-read (in my mind) for anyone interested in a match-writing fed.

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Guest The Shad0w
Shadow attacks Chuck Woolery from behind, delivering a piledriver onto a tree stump. He then hooks the Bewilderment on Woolery, who screams like a bitch. Shadow releases and delivers the Shadow Splash off the tree stump. Shadow then disappears into the darkness.

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::no-sells everything on the count of the Shadow being a shitty wrestler who had to resort to destroying the World champ without permission to get any semblance of heat, and still has little to none despite twenty+ posts a day on the OAOAST boards.::

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Guest The Shad0w
Your post holds lots of flaws, young cretin. First of all, no one in the OAOAST has ever seen me grace the squared circle, thus no one knows if I am really as "shitty" as you claim. Secondly, a man of my greatness does not need your or anyone else's permission to destroy anyone, even the world champ, especially a paper champ with a stupid screenname and a stupid avatar, such as yourself. Thirdly, all of the OAOAST "veterans" are too afraid and/or selfish to let new people have any heat. And finally, seeing that this is only my tenth post, it is impossible for me to have twenty a day. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm done dealing with your utter stupidity.

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Guest The Shad0w
If I'm a tool, at least I'm one with an ounce of creativity, unlike you and your homoerotic "Hot newzwire" gimmick.

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I'd really like to avoid this, but I find your third point hilarious, as you say that OAOAST "veterans" are too afraid and/or selfish to let new people have any heat, yet you're obviously a returning veteran yourself and you went behind the champ (who himself is far from an OAOAST veteran) to steal some heat for yourself.

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Hot Newzwire, oooh! It's an oattoast veteran!


Work on your word choice, though. Hot Newzwire was usually concerned with female breasts, so I don't think there's anything 'homoerotic' about that.

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Guest The Shad0w

Okay, I guess I need to point this out for the sarcasm impared:






I'd think since we're all competing in a PRO WRESTLING e-fed, you'd get that, but apparently you forgot to loosen the vices on you vaginas before you replied to me.

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