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Teddy Hart is great

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood
Only japanese wrestler I gave half a shit about was Jushin/Jushyn/Jyushin/whatever Liger/Lyger.


I did that because everyone spells it different and I won't let anyone out of this.


And since he's a little past it, Japanese wrestling doesnt matter since you, know, I don't live in FREAKIN Japan.


Tsuruta who?

I don't live in Nashville, so I guess I shouldn't give a shit about TNA then, right?




Jumbo Tsuruta is one of the best ever. If you don't want to care about him it's your loss. You're only missing out on a ton of great wrestling...

Jumbo Tsurata couldn't break an egg with his strikes.


Just sayin'

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Guest Ray


What were you expecting when you bought this show? You could've read the spoilers or even the match listings and could've figured out this wasn't going to be a technical wreslting fest

I wasn't expecting anything.


I turned on my TV and ordered the show....that's all.


I watched, I saw, I wasn't impressed.

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I think Angle is overrated as well, but he is still funny to listen to.


And I feel you on that Japanese commentary. Its annoying as fuck. I have an ECW vs FMV tape and I have only watched it once.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

if DAMES can call it the best TNA of all time...that means it sucks. Wow. Dave Meltzer I think said it was really good...i guess it still sucks. (Yet to read SK's rant)


Before reading any of that stuff it was a really good show.


Teddy Hart = needs a TNA Contract.

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Is it because of the high flying nature of the matches?


Then DUH- it's the ULTIMATE X show.


Did you read the preview or spoilers before the show?


This show sounds like it was an amazing exhibition cruiserweight action featuring lots of fun wrestling.


The show was designed to be a show mostly of cool spots and can you top this spots-


If you read the preview or spoilers- You would've figured this out and could've avoided wasting $10

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Scott Keiths Bottom Line:


"The main event wasn’t worth much, but you MUST go out of your way to catch the final two rounds of the X tournament. See the replay, bribe your friends, whatever. Another great, blowaway show for TNA, and they’re offering the 1 cent PPV next week with the Match of the Year thus far and some other great stuff, so get that too!


Geez, I’m starting to sound like Don West now."


obviously from 411mania.com.

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Ray...you don't say you hate Angle.


That's the smart part of you.


Instead, you constantly bring up/mention/bitch about/moan about/whine about/compare/insult with the old 'Angle can't sell leg injuries'. The 'it's not always a damn carry' thread. The ironman thread. This thread(I think). It everywhere you go recently. That's why people assume you hate him. Because you don't say he's overrated in one thread about it, and leave it in that thread. You have to take it everywhere you go. That's why.



And something I failed to mention...yes, the nip-up spot sucked. But it's not an isolated case. Michaels, Jericho...Rock almost every over match. Just like the spots, it's used to bring up the crowd reactions. To be honest, it's as bad as, but at the same time as effective as, the Hulking Up.

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Guest Ray
Ray...you don't say you hate Angle.


That's the smart part of you.


Instead, you constantly bring up/mention/bitch about/moan about/whine about/compare/insult with the old 'Angle can't sell leg injuries'. The 'it's not always a damn carry' thread. The ironman thread. This thread(I think). It everywhere you go recently. That's why people assume you hate him. Because you don't say he's overrated in one thread about it, and leave it in that thread. You have to take it everywhere you go. That's why.

I'll stop bringing it up when everyone else stops the "Kurt is the best ever!" and "Kurt is better than Benoit because he has Olympic gold!" talk.



I'm not going to stand by and allow people to say such ridiculous things.


I only criticise Angle because everyone worships him so much.


Ignore the false god known as Angle. Worship thy true god, his name be BENOIT~!

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It's funny Ray because-


a) No one cares about your crusade

b) It's not like these Angle marks don't hate Benoit.


It is possible to like Angle and Benoit.


I still want to know why you ordered the ULTIMATE X show when you wanted to see technical mat wrestling

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Guest El Satanico

It's true that Angle is overrated as a wrestler, but his total package more than makes up for it. In no way does that make me hate him. In fact Angle in one of my favorite North American guys. But in no way is Angle a better wrestler than Beniot or Eddy.


Angle is great at WWe style wrestling, but that doesn't mean shit.


Oh and another thing. Beniot happens to be my favorite wrestler AND I like spot fests. People don't have to pick one style to like.

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Guest Burning Hammer

I've always wondered why people can't enjoy more styles of matches. Hey technical wrestling rocks but so does a good spot fest. A good brawl is awesome to. Great Lucha matches rule as do great matches from Japan. If its a good match what does it matter what style?


If you can't enjoy a good spotfest its your loss not mine.


Jumbo Tsurruta was a great wrestler but I still enjoy RVD, Sabin, Kazarian, Ricky Marvin, and Zumbido just as much when they have a good match.


Isn't the point of being a wrestling fan being open to all the styles that wrestling has? Being a Puro elitist sucks, being a Lucha elitist sucks, being a North American elitist sucks, Being a garbage elitist sucks, being a technical elitist sucks, being a spotfest elitist sucks. . . I think you get the point.


I love Misawa/Kawada matches I love RVD/Jerry Lynn matches and I love Santo/Negro Cassas matches. All three of these matches are competely different styles but all of them have brought me enjoyment. What the fuck is wrong with those of you who can't enjoy other styles? Seriously I want to know.


Now I'm done making my point several times over the course of one post.

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I've always wondered why people can't enjoy more styles of matches. Hey technical wrestling rocks but so does a good spot fest. A good brawl is awesome to. Great Lucha matches rule as do great matches from Japan. If its a good match what does it matter what style?


If you can't enjoy a good spotfest its your loss not mine.


Jumbo Tsurruta was a great wrestler but I still enjoy RVD, Sabin, Kazarian, Ricky Marvin, and Zumbido just as much when they have a good match.


Isn't the point of being a wrestling fan being open to all the styles that wrestling has? Being a Puro elitist sucks, being a Lucha elitist sucks, being a North American elitist sucks, Being a garbage elitist sucks, being a technical elitist sucks, being a spotfest elitist sucks. . . I think you get the point.


I love Misawa/Kawada matches I love RVD/Jerry Lynn matches and I love Santo/Negro Cassas matches. All three of these matches are competely different styles but all of them have brought me enjoyment. What the fuck is wrong with those of you who can't enjoy other styles? Seriously I want to know.


Now I'm done making my point several times over the course of one post.

*gives Burning Hammer a standing ovation*


damn... and I had to weed through pages to crap to find this gem.

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I've always wondered why people can't enjoy more styles of matches. Hey technical wrestling rocks but so does a good spot fest. A good brawl is awesome to. Great Lucha matches rule as do great matches from Japan. If its a good match what does it matter what style?


If you can't enjoy a good spotfest its your loss not mine.


Jumbo Tsurruta was a great wrestler but I still enjoy RVD, Sabin, Kazarian, Ricky Marvin, and Zumbido just as much when they have a good match.


Isn't the point of being a wrestling fan being open to all the styles that wrestling has? Being a Puro elitist sucks, being a Lucha elitist sucks, being a North American elitist sucks, Being a garbage elitist sucks, being a technical elitist sucks, being a spotfest elitist sucks. . . I think you get the point.


I love Misawa/Kawada matches I love RVD/Jerry Lynn matches and I love Santo/Negro Cassas matches. All three of these matches are competely different styles but all of them have brought me enjoyment. What the fuck is wrong with those of you who can't enjoy other styles? Seriously I want to know.


Now I'm done making my point several times over the course of one post.

Couldn't have said it any better myself!


Good Job, Hammer :cheers:

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Guest Ray
I've always wondered why people can't enjoy more styles of matches. Hey technical wrestling rocks but so does a good spot fest. A good brawl is awesome to. Great Lucha matches rule as do great matches from Japan. If its a good match what does it matter what style?


If you can't enjoy a good spotfest its your loss not mine.


Jumbo Tsurruta was a great wrestler but I still enjoy RVD, Sabin, Kazarian, Ricky Marvin, and Zumbido just as much when they have a good match.


Isn't the point of being a wrestling fan being open to all the styles that wrestling has? Being a Puro elitist sucks, being a Lucha elitist sucks, being a North American elitist sucks, Being a garbage elitist sucks, being a technical elitist sucks, being a spotfest elitist sucks. . . I think you get the point.


I love Misawa/Kawada matches I love RVD/Jerry Lynn matches and I love Santo/Negro Cassas matches. All three of these matches are competely different styles but all of them have brought me enjoyment. What the fuck is wrong with those of you who can't enjoy other styles? Seriously I want to know.


Now I'm done making my point several times over the course of one post.

I do like many styles of wrestling. I just don't like SHITTY wrestling.


I love Stan Hansen. I also love Chris Benoit. And I love Ric Flair.


Do those men wrestle the same style? Hell no!


If I'm an elitist for not liking shitty spot fest wrestling, then elite me up!


It is possible to like Angle and Benoit.

Congratulations! You missed the point.


I also LIKE BOTH. The point is, it's insanely stupid to say Angle is a better professional wrestler than Benoit BECAUSE he won Olympic gold medals.


I still want to know why you ordered the ULTIMATE X show when you wanted to see technical mat wrestling

Did I say I wanted to see "technical mat wrestling" ? Nope!

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Guest Jay Z. Hollywood

Anybody think that Kurt might be better than Benoit because of his charisma and promo ability? That's a BIG part of being a professional wrestler.

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Guest El Satanico

If we're talking about total package, then yes Angle is better than Beniot.


While I know Beniot isn't a great total package, I believe he's underrated in terms of "charisma" because he doesn't have the Hogan or Rock type of charisma.

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I've always wondered why people can't enjoy more styles of matches.  Hey technical wrestling rocks but so does a good spot fest.  A good brawl is awesome to.  Great Lucha matches rule as do great matches from Japan.  If its a good match what does it matter what style? 


If you can't enjoy a good spotfest its your loss not mine. 


Jumbo Tsurruta was a  great wrestler but I still enjoy RVD, Sabin, Kazarian, Ricky Marvin, and Zumbido just as much when they have a good match. 


Isn't the point of being a wrestling fan being open to all the styles that wrestling has?  Being a Puro elitist sucks, being a Lucha elitist sucks, being a North American elitist sucks, Being a garbage elitist sucks, being a technical elitist sucks, being a spotfest elitist sucks. . . I think you get the point. 


I love Misawa/Kawada matches I love RVD/Jerry Lynn matches and I love Santo/Negro Cassas matches.  All three of these matches are competely different styles but all of them have brought me enjoyment.  What the fuck is wrong with those of you who can't enjoy other styles?  Seriously I want to know.


Now I'm done making my point several times over the course of one post.

*gives Burning Hammer a standing ovation*


damn... and I had to weed through pages to crap to find this gem.

stands up and applauds


That was spoken perfectly, and I think alot of us on TSM feel that way

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If we're talking about total package, then yes Angle is better than Beniot.


While I know Beniot isn't a great total package, I believe he's underrated in terms of "charisma" because he doesn't have the Hogan or Rock type of charisma.

Fuck that. Angle is violently overrated. Good? Yes. Great? Yes. As good as Benoit? Hell no. Benoit can out-brawl him, Benoit can out-technical him, Benoit can out-fly him, Benoit can out-face him (I mean, better as a face). Angle is a better heel, but that isn't enough.

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Benoit is better wrestling wise says I, but Angle has the charisma going his way.


But I'd rather watch a match than hear a promo, so Benoit wins.


Angle is no slouch either. He CARRIED UT last night to a near **** match I think. Taker had his workig boots on too I guess.

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I do like many styles of wrestling. I just don't like SHITTY wrestling.


And what TNA gave you on Wednesday was not shitty wrestling.


If I'm an elitist for not liking shitty spot fest wrestling, then elite me up!


Yes Ray- you are an elitist.


Congratulations! You missed the point.


I also LIKE BOTH. The point is, it's insanely stupid to say Angle is a better professional wrestler than Benoit BECAUSE he won Olympic gold medals.


Congratulations- I didn't.


I find it funny that you keep talking negatively about Kurt Angle and then backpedal and go: BUT I LIKE HIM!


You act personally offended when people say they like Angle more then Benoit. Remember- for SOME people- it's not always about the workrate.


Did I say I wanted to see "technical mat wrestling" ? Nope!


You obviously ordered it for some reason but you keep avoiding the issue. I think you just ordered this show so you could shit on it

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Guest Ray
And what TNA gave you on Wednesday was not shitty wrestling.

Yes, it was.


Yes Ray- you are an elitist.

Better to be an elitist than be one who thinks shitty wrestling is good...


I find it funny that you keep talking negatively about Kurt Angle and then backpedal and go: BUT I LIKE HIM!

It's not "backpedalling."


Apparently you can't understand the concept of criticising a wrestler and still liking him.


I never said Angle is bad, or worthless, or shit. I said he is OVERRATED. Do you not know what that word means?


You act personally offended when people say they like Angle more then Benoit. Remember- for SOME people- it's not always about the workrate.

WRONG. People don't say they LIKE Angle more. They say he is BETTER. Some fools even say he Angle is a better professional wrestler BECAUSE of his Olympic medals. How can one not see the absurdity of that?


There is a difference between LIKING a wrestler and a wrestler being BETTER. There's nothing wrong with LIKING one wrestler more than another. There IS something wrong with calling one wrestler BETTER when he obviously isn't.


You obviously ordered it for some reason but you keep avoiding the issue. I think you just ordered this show so you could shit on it

What "issue" am I avoiding?


You honestly think I would buy a PPV just to shit on it? :lol: Yeah, next week I'm going to order 12 Volumes of Best of Undertaker tapes just to shit on those too, and I might buy 6 or 7 Hogan tapes just so I can bitch at them, and then I'll buy a new computer just to say "this thing sucks!" and throw it out the window.


I noticed NWA-TNA on my TV, and thought "I'll order this to see what it's like", and I saw shit. SIMPLE AS THAT.

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Yes, it was.


So Chris Sabin, Frankie Kazarian, Teddy Hart and Juventud Guerrera tearing down the house and delivering some of the best action TNA has seen to date=shitty wrestling.


A TNA show where they put the focus on the in-ring product and not on backstage skits equates to a shitty show.



It's not "backpedalling."


Apparently you can't understand the concept of criticising a wrestler and still liking him.


I never said Angle is bad, or worthless, or shit. I said he is OVERRATED. Do you not know what that word means?


Page after page, thread after thread you constantly bemoan Kurt Angle's wrestling ability. Then when someone calls you on it you claim you like him.



You act personally offended when people say they like Angle more then Benoit. Remember- for SOME people- it's not always about the workrate.


WRONG. People don't say they LIKE Angle more. They say he is BETTER. Some fools even say he Angle is a better professional wrestler BECAUSE of his Olympic medals. How can one not see the absurdity of that?


Again- People could like Angle BETTER because he entertains them the most. Pro wrestling is not just about the in-ring product.


There is a difference between LIKING a wrestler and a wrestler being BETTER. There's nothing wrong with LIKING one wrestler more than another. There IS something wrong with calling one wrestler BETTER when he obviously isn't.


It's not all about the workrate Ray.




What "issue" am I avoiding?


You honestly think I would buy a PPV just to shit on it?  Yeah, next week I'm going to order 12 Volumes of Best of Undertaker tapes just to shit on those too, and I might buy 6 or 7 Hogan tapes just so I can bitch at them, and then I'll buy a new computer just to say "this thing sucks!" and throw it out the window.


I noticed NWA-TNA on my TV, and thought "I'll order this to see what it's like", and I saw shit. SIMPLE AS THAT.


Did you know what matches you were getting?

Did you know anything about the product or the storylines going in?


TNA puts out those previews for a reason.

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Guest Ray
So Chris Sabin, Frankie Kazarian, Teddy Hart and Juventud Guerrera tearing down the house and delivering some of the best action TNA has seen to date=shitty wrestling.

Spotfests...no-selling...lack of pacing and psychology = shitty wrestling. Yep.


A TNA show where they put the focus on the in-ring product and not on backstage skits equates to a shitty show.

When the in-ring product they focus on is shit, then yes.


Page after page, thread after thread you constantly bemoan Kurt Angle's wrestling ability. Then when someone calls you on it you claim you like him.

When someone claims Angle is great, or the best, or he carries everyone, I'm going to point out that they're wrong.


He isn't the best ever. Benoit is better. Benoit being better does not make it impossible to like Angle.


Again- People could like Angle BETTER because he entertains them the most. Pro wrestling is not just about the in-ring product.

People can like him all they want. People can LOVE him if they want. Just don't tell me he's the best WRESTLER ever. Don't tell me he's perfect. Don't tell me he's a great seller, because he ISN'T.


Instead of using words like "best" or "great" people should learn how to use "like" and "favorite."


It's not all about the workrate Ray.

When discussing IN RING SKILL, it is.


Did you know what matches you were getting?

Did you know anything about the product or the storylines going in?

No and no. I didn't even know who was on the roster, aside from Jarrett and Styles.


How does any of that make the wrestling NOT shitty?

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Guest Devin

The better wrestler is completely up for interpretation, plain and simple. There IS NO better wrestler. I don't think Benoit has done anything phenomenal in the ring, in quite a while. In fact, I'd say there are at least three guys on Smackdown right now, who are putting out better matches more consistantly then Benoit.


Does that make it a fact? No, it's just my opinion. Just like you believing Benoit is the greatest wrestler alive, and that Angle is overrated, is not a fact. You can believe it all you want, but it is only your opinion.

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Guest BionicRedneck

Am I the only one who gets annoyed when the "It's my opinion" line comes out?


Here is an opinion: Tiger Ali Singh is the greatest wrestler ever. I have absolutely NO logical thinking or evidence to back up my opinion, but BAH GOD, it's my opinion so you can't argue it!


Some opinions are just wrong.

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Am I the only one who gets annoyed when the "It's my opinion" line comes out?


Here is an opinion: Tiger Ali Singh is the greatest wrestler ever. I have absolutely NO logical thinking or evidence to back up my opinion, but BAH GOD, it's my opinion so you can't argue it!


Some opinions are just wrong.

You stole that opinion from me. BAH GAWD TIGER ALI SINGH!

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Benoit isn't good enough to lick my boots. Angle totally carried his ass to **** matches.


Benoits charisma is equal to a toasters and bagel maker.

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Bret would play possum until the opponent was in a position for Bret to surprise them with an offensive attack.

Does Teddy do that spot that all Harts do when they are thrown into the turnbuckle chest first and bounce like 20 feet back

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Guest Rob Edwards

I know Ray a lot better than anyone here and trust me that he doesn't hate Angle, he's just prone to getting over excited at people caiming he's better than Guerrero


and to an extent he's right to..


.. Angle's great he really is, it's amazing how quickly he came along in the ring, but then it's also amazing how quickly he stagnated, If anything he's slightly frustrating, there's no doubt whatsoever that Kurt has the physical tools to be an all time great, but he's yet to put his mental game together to be able to hold a match together himself past the 15 minute or so mark, Now thats not entirley his fault, he was pushed very quickly as a worker and someone to expect great matches out of and as such there was always a huge pressure on him to work the match of the night and no scope for experimenting, and learning from his mistakes, or working endless matches with smarter veterans (like Austin or Benoit) where he'd be guided to decent (but probably not great) matches whilst learning the trade, It's fairly evident today, sometimes rather than leaning back on some psychology to carry a match forward he'll turn into a suplex spot fest to elicit a cheap pop from the crowd which is annoying when you know he could be so much more


Angle has 100 times the pshycical ability of Austin yet Austin is easily 100 times the wrestler Angle is, that alone shows the lack of development in his mental game



and does anyone else find Raven1919's Japan tirade confusing when the guy has a Super Delfin avatar? Make your mind up dude!

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Guest JacK

Am I the only person who thinks that a thread titled 'Teddy Hart is great' should focus on Teddy Hart and not some guy bitching about how he dislikes TNA (and Kurt Angle!)?


Some people like TNA! Some people like spots! Get over it!


Moving back onto topic; just two questions, what is the 'Hart Attack' finisher, because I've never seen it; and just what was wrong with his selling (I didn't see the show, I'm an Aussie!)

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