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Guest jm29195

Edge in 2001

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Guest jm29195

I've just been watching the Action DVD that wwe released in 2001 and one of the extras is the Edge King of The Ring acceptance speech. He notes to Billy Gunn that if he isn't wrestling at the 2003 KOTR event defending a major title then Gunn should just shoot him in the head.....


Apart from the obvious, would you say that Edge 'Billy Gunned' his inital push in 2001 and what do you think he would be up to if he wasnt injured now??

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No, I don't think Edge "Gunned" his push, he was pretty active in the SD Main Event scene in 2002, even if he never got a decent title shot.


If he hadn't been injured, he'd probably be facing A-Train at Pay-Per-Views... wait, that already happened, didn't it? Actually, I think he'd probably be in the US Title hunt, if not the US Champ himself.

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Guest Goodear

Nah, because if Edge wasn't injured you know we would be a major part of SmackDown at this point.

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Guest Coffey

I hope Edge eventually wins the WWE title. I hope Billy Gunn never wins gold again.


I think that about sums it up.

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Absolutely not.


Edge has gotten over since winning KOTR.

Billy Gunn didn't get over.


Now how did he Billy Gunn the title?

The fact that his character stayed absolutely the same after his face turn after winning the KOTR? The fact that he should have lost his feud with Kurt Angle and received the shaved head treatment in order to get him the hell away from his tag team persona? The fact that the closest thing to a real and substantial push he received was when he was playing FANBOY! to Hulk Hogan and winning the tag team belts with him?

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The fact that once he got his push he became very very over (except in NY)


The fact that he put tons of great matches in 2002.


And the fact that if it wasn't for his injury- he'd still be very over.

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Guest Coffey

If Edge would've lost his hair, his character would've died. His hair is his entire look. Just like Vampiro.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

I hate to Inform all y'all, but apparantley he's gone and after getting a very CM Punk-esque haircut

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Where did you hear that? (About the haircut)


I think Edge did very well with his push, and he seemed to be given the right treatment as a slow build into marquee matchups. He never was in line for a Lesnar like push and hasn't had feuds with people like the Rock in an attempt to quickly and unjustly catapult his character and career.


He's been pushed just like he should have been, and when he returns he'll probably have a significant amount of momentum leading into a great place on the card for a long time.


Take a look at Gunn from KOTR 99 ro Late 2000. Completely done for. Edge has been VERY consistenet and although he didn't ge any god push or big Show miracle push, he's steadily continued upward.

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist

Ok, he's apparantly after getting his hair cut, and it looks like CM Punk's, in the sense of length, and what he's doing with it

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
Where did you hear that? (About the haircut)

His stupid column on WWE.com

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Guest Coffey
Ok, he's apparantly after getting his hair cut, and it looks like CM Punk's, in the sense of length, and what he's doing with it



Ok, so I'm going to assume that you're talking about Edge, not Vampiro because everyone already knows about Vampiro.


You shouldn't post "he" or "she" after a couple of different subjects have come up. Same with abbreviations.


Anyway, I haven't seen CM Punk before, so what does his hair look like? Can you post a picture?


Also: Source?


EDIT: Ok, I saw you said from his "stupid column on WWE.com" Can you link to it please?

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I think Edge is going to get a monster pop when he finally comes back. A smart company could take that and push him to the top.


Don't you wish Edge worked for a smart company?


Hopefully he doesn't go the HHH route from there.

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Guest Ray



Edge had a real hot streak from Backlash 02 until the A-Train feud began.


Edge is easily a high mid-card wrestler, who can do the occasional main event.

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I'm thinking of the end of a Smackdown when HHH was busted open earlier and he comes to the ring during a match Edge is in and clocks everyone in the ring with the sledge in a fit of rage. Edge confronts him the next week and they look as if they are building toward a feud. then nothing at all happened.

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That was during the HHH v. Everyone feud on Smackdown where Vince was making life hell for him and using Jericho as his hired gun.


The next month they thrust HHH back into the title feud and Edge got hurt so it was all forgotten

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Guest Dave O'Neill, Journalist
Ok, he's apparantly after getting his hair cut, and it looks like CM Punk's, in the sense of length, and what he's doing with it



Ok, so I'm going to assume that you're talking about Edge, not Vampiro because everyone already knows about Vampiro.


You shouldn't post "he" or "she" after a couple of different subjects have come up. Same with abbreviations.


Anyway, I haven't seen CM Punk before, so what does his hair look like? Can you post a picture?


Also: Source?


EDIT: Ok, I saw you said from his "stupid column on WWE.com" Can you link to it please?

Thats really mean and prissy of ya..and quite rude, actually


I am talking about Edge


The WWE only archives X abounts of columns back, and I can find it, which means it was a while ago


As for Punk, I cant believe youve 3000 posts here and dont know what he looks like, since he's practically worshipped in the Misc. Boards



Thats a not a really good pic, but thats the length he indicated

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I only remember Edge stating in his column about a month and a half back that he had "chopped off the lion's mane" as he put it, and also said he just didn't see the need to have it right now. This could have simply meant that the maintenance at that point to have hair that long wasn't worth it after surgery of that magnitude. He could very well grow it out again for his return, which is still roughly 6 months away. Yeah, it might be shorter when he comes back, but I don't think it is completely gone, nor do I think it will be as short as CM Punk's when he returns. A good thing to do would be to e-mail him and ask what length his hair is right now, and what length is he planning on having when he comes back. If enough of us ask, he will answer it in his column.

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I actually created a topic just like this around KOTR 2002 time.


As far as I'm concerned, if you don't do anything major in the year following your KotR win, it was wasted like Gunn's.


Bret's win--certainly not a waste.


Owen Hart was turned into a credible contender for the title by winning KOTR and was in a major feud with Bret.


Mabel--let's not discuss it.


Austin--everyone here knows that little story of course.


HHH--wow, he sucked then. I can't think of a single fucking notable thing he did after this--oh, he switched his theme to "Ode to Joy" and got the IC didn't he? No one cared about him until he joined DX, but his KOTR had no real impact on his career so I consider it a waste.


Shamrock's win could have lead to something, but turning heel and joining the Corporation sank his career. He was massively over before then, though.


Gunn's win was nonsensical, and only lead to a feud with the Rock which ended with Gunn's push aborted. Did nothing notable afterward.


Angle's win was followed by other great successes, and he won the title soon after.


Brock's win--part of the megapush from hell, so it made sense. He won the title later the same year, too.


Edge didn't Billy Gunn his title; but it did lead to the E and C split, the IC title win, and helped establish him as a credible singles guy. However, it wasn't until well over a year later when he really became to come into his own. Jericho would have been a better choice for the 2001 KOTR, I believe.



Better KOTR than: Mabel, Gunn, HHH.


However, not as beneficial as the other wins for their respective winners.

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Ok, he's apparantly after getting his hair cut, and it looks like CM Punk's, in the sense of length, and what he's doing with it

Uh, he was joking. His hair is still in tact. He was recently in Vancouver for the Molson Indy and his long hair was still indeed there.

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I'm surprised Edge didn't become the WWE Champion before he got hurt.


(I figured winning KOTR would have been a huge factor in him winning the title)


*waits to mark out for Edge's boyhood dream to come true someday.


And about Billy, it was hilarious when JR asked Gunn about his thoughts on KOTR 2001 while he was pulling host duty at the world and he bitched about not being in the tournament at all. :D

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I'm not surprised. I think he probably would have been a huge contender this year if he didn't get hurt. THat or he would be feuding with Eddie or Benoit right now. When he comes back, I'm confident a title reign isn't far behind.

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Guest jm29195

I wasn't being negative towards Edge- I just thought it was ironic and unfortunate tht he said what he said in that speech back in 2001. I believe he would've been a contender if he hadn't gotten injured aswell- feuding with Rhyno up until Wrestlemania (I think I saw them building to tis be fore No Way Out), but I'm not sure how he would fit in post Wrestlemania XIX?

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Hey was this the same interview where he said "X-Pac...hanging out with really cool people does not make you really cool." Yes...that was classic....and so true...

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I think that when Edge comes back he's going to take John Cena's spot in the upper-midcard and feud with the likes of Eddie again. Perhaps the WWE will make the Edge/Eddie feud into a saga, or a Benoit/Edge feud.

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