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Gamespot reviews Wrestlemania XIX

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I don't pay much attention either way. I like the model better that looks the most like its real counterpart. And, in my opinion, Smackdown has most of the wrestlers down pat while RAW is struggling to make them look even remotely real. Wrestlemania goes for a more cartoony look, so I can't really compare that. But I have to say that the masked/comic-influenced characters (Goldust for example) profit from WM's style and look really good.

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Ripper just doesn't want to admit how smoking HCTP will be. I mean the graphics already blow WM XIX and RAW 2 out of the water and it isn't even finished.

Why do you keep thinking that I want to hate this game? I will probably get it the day it comes out because A: It will have a kick ass story mode B: Legends!!! C: The deepest CAW and D: TED DIBIASE...okay, that kinda counts as the legends thing, but its TED!!


They also will have more match types.


But in a personal preference, I don't like textures masking bad models. That is what I have seen from HCTP. Now over all it won't take down on the over all enjoyment of the game(I still play no mercy and those graphics suck all kinds of ass.

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IMO, the RAW2 character models look like something out of Batman the Animated Series. Now, I love that show, but if people want realistic looking models, then RAW2 isn't the way to go. HCTP all the way. Especially after seeing the Goldberg model.

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Thing about HCTP's models is they are proportioned right for once. They're not tall and stretched looking like they have been in Smackdown's past and they're not roided and bulky looking like RAW and WM XIX.


They actually look the size and shape of the wrestlers.

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Back to the game, I don't have as much of a knowledge of wrestling in Japan, so I can't figure out who alot of the hidden characters really are. So far, I have reconized Scott Hall, Ultimo Dragon, Mic Foley(maybe), Mutoh, and thats about it. Most of the other guys are japanese wreslters with funny names and looks just like they were in the old N64 games. Anyone got a list on the others?

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Back to an earlier point, I was asking if anyone beat Revenge with Goldberg, because when I beat it with shawn, it was Goldberg who i saw in the hall and was at the end. So, if you ARE Goldberg, I was wondering who it is.

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Man... to tell you the truth, I kinda wanna get this game, because it doesn't sound that bad to me anymore. I like beat-em-ups, as brian-dead as they are to play.


I think I need a little more in-depth feedback to secure my decision. Anyone know of a site that has a lot of good information on this game/ Like, REALLY GOOD info? hehe. thanks

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Back to an earlier point, I was asking if anyone beat Revenge with Goldberg, because when I beat it with shawn, it was Goldberg who i saw in the hall and was at the end. So, if you ARE Goldberg, I was wondering who it is.

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

You do the spear in 1st person view mode if you're Goldberg

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Thanks, cran. If you own a Cube and like wrestling, this is a must buy. The matches are absolutely superb on hard or expert (On hard, you pretty much dictate the pace, but with an occassional fight, on expert its on!), and the replay value especially with friends is great. Leaps and bounds better than X8 and the best Wrestling matches I've had in years.

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And oh DEAR LORD the Revenge boards in the Exhibition mode are like Mini games and they are fun as HELL!!!


LJ, this is a damn good wrestling game with a shitty adventure game attached to it. Yes Revenge mode sucks, but the wrestling in this game is so damn fun that it doesn't matter.


When you get the hang of Revenge, it is pretty easy, but it is still frustrating because of the horrible controls (it is most apparent in the parking lot stage). I keep playing it so I can get all the secret characters but after that, I'll never enter this mode again... Although I did make a CAW of the hulk and he tears through that shit and is MASSIVE. It added a little fun. And the 5-star frog splash off a 80 foot highrise...cool looking.


But the main game is fun one on one, and is ridicuolusly enjoyable with friends. I haven't seen a GOOD write up of it yet (I think I covered alot in the last page though) but trust me...good game.

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After having it for a few days now, I'm going to agree with you Ripper. The actual wrestling is quite fun. Revenge, which I was down on in the beginning, has become a kind of diversion for me. It's good to break up the monotony, but I'd have loved to have a Season Mode with it too. So yeah, I'm changing my opinion of the Revenge mode.

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After having it for a few days now, I'm going to agree with you Ripper. The actual wrestling is quite fun. Revenge, which I was down on in the beginning, has become a kind of diversion for me. It's good to break up the monotony, but I'd have loved to have a Season Mode with it too. So yeah, I'm changing my opinion of the Revenge mode.

I guess it matter which board in Revenge I am on. I hate the parking lot level because of the camera issues getting you killed by those fucking cars flying by, and that dumbass board where you have to swing from chain to chain. Although whooping ass while standing on a car is fun.


I love the Mall, and Harbor stages. Mostly because there is so much shit to throw people through in the harbor and the mall is just fun to run around and wreak havoc. Revenge mode is growing on me, which will make the overall experience more fun.


And I made a Neo CAW just for the hell of it and maxed out all his attributes....you will just walk through Revenge using a amped up character.

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Blockbuster didn't give me a manual.


Is there a way to hold onto a cage surface? I'm at this Construction Yard thing where you always have about two police officers beating down on you and you have to get to the top of this long cagelike surface to fight an actual wrestler.


I delivered Jackhammers to both guards and they both just shook me down again later.

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Beat them both until they are at blue bar energy, the right as the stand up, hit them with a strong attack each and start climbing. They shouldn't get up in time.


Or just beat them until energy is almost gone and just toss both of them either off the edge or towards the end of the area where they fall to a lower area and start climbing.

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Alright, I rented WMXIX last night. I loved the in-ring action. The grapple system is a lot better and the matches are really fun. But. A few gripes... most of which have to do with the character models and the entrances...


1- How the fuck is it that Yukes can spend a year working on HCTP & WMXIX, yet the models for WMXIX look and MOVE like total and utter shit??? Pickle-up-the-ass, anyone? The in-ring gameplay is fine, but during the entrances... Jesus, the wrestlers move even worse than last year's horrible X8.


2- The clipping in this game is atrocious, especially during the entrances. Half the time, the camera moves so slow that the wrestler is out of the frame most of the time.


3- Stupid little things. During HHH's entrance, after the water spray, he spits out a tiny bit afterwards during his closeup... yet, does it come out of his mouth? No, it comes out of his forehead! WTF is that?!


4- Revenge mode. I can't say anything that already hasn't been said. Ghey. Ghey beyond all belief. Nevermind that the AI is cheap as hell, but even the voice acting is terrible. Stephanie sounds like she's suffering from strep throat and is reading her lines over a bad cellphone connection.


5- King of the Ring mode. So, we've somehow transported back to the days of WCW/NWO Revenge where you have to go through a pointless series of matches in order to get the titles. No defenses in exhibition. Nothing. We all knew there was no REAL story mode, as in CAREER mode, yet I still have to question WHY this wasn't put in??? "Hello, Yukes! Meet Yukes! You're making all the games, at least give us similar features!!"


All in all, IMO, this game is a renter for me. HCTP is going to blow this game out of the water. Yukes are lucky that they've got the monopoly on wrestling games right now, because IMO, WMXIX is the kind of crap that could really break a company's budget.

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Alright, I rented WMXIX last night. I loved the in-ring action. The grapple system is a lot better and the matches are really fun. But. A few gripes... most of which have to do with the character models and the entrances...


1- How the fuck is it that Yukes can spend a year working on HCTP & WMXIX, yet the models for WMXIX look and MOVE like total and utter shit??? Pickle-up-the-ass, anyone? The in-ring gameplay is fine, but during the entrances... Jesus, the wrestlers move even worse than last year's horrible X8.


2- The clipping in this game is atrocious, especially during the entrances. Half the time, the camera moves so slow that the wrestler is out of the frame most of the time.


3- Stupid little things. During HHH's entrance, after the water spray, he spits out a tiny bit afterwards during his closeup... yet, does it come out of his mouth? No, it comes out of his forehead! WTF is that?!


4- Revenge mode. I can't say anything that already hasn't been said. Ghey. Ghey beyond all belief. Nevermind that the AI is cheap as hell, but even the voice acting is terrible. Stephanie sounds like she's suffering from strep throat and is reading her lines over a bad cellphone connection.


5- King of the Ring mode. So, we've somehow transported back to the days of WCW/NWO Revenge where you have to go through a pointless series of matches in order to get the titles. No defenses in exhibition. Nothing. We all knew there was no REAL story mode, as in CAREER mode, yet I still have to question WHY this wasn't put in??? "Hello, Yukes! Meet Yukes! You're making all the games, at least give us similar features!!"


All in all, IMO, this game is a renter for me. HCTP is going to blow this game out of the water. Yukes are lucky that they've got the monopoly on wrestling games right now, because IMO, WMXIX is the kind of crap that could really break a company's budget.

It's your opinion and all, but I hate when people bitch about stuff that doesn't matter.


The water didn't come from HHH mouth? SO WHAT.


The wrestlers movement, using hand crafted animations instead of motioncap, allows more control. You either get one or the other. I personally think the animation is great.

I am still in disbelief with people that are slamming the character models. THey look great. HCTP looks better, but the models in this game are not bad at all.


Clipping...who cares if the camera doesn't zoom correctly on the entrace. Once again, how does this take away from the overall game play and fun of the game?



I say Revenge mode has to grow on you. I absolutely hated this at first, but now I play it all the time. Play is with a CAW and it will be fun. Throwing goldberg off a ledge with a giant clown is FUCKING FUN!!



And I don't know what HCTP will bring, but way to many people are saying "HCTP is going to smoke this game" despite it is building off one of the worse wrestling engines. Its pretty, but unless they overhauled the gameplay, you are in for the same crap.

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The wrestlers movement, using hand crafted animations instead of motioncap, allows more control.  You either get one or the other.  I personally think the animation is great. I am still in disbelief with people that are slamming the character models.  THey look great.  HCTP looks better, but the models in this game are not bad at all.


Well, if that "walking animation" is the best that Yukes can do when it comes to "hand-crafted" then they definitely need to stick to motioncap.


Clipping...who  cares if the camera doesn't zoom correctly on the entrace.  Once again, how does this take away from the overall game play and fun of the game?


I didn't say it took away from the gameplay. I said it was a gripe. As in an annoying little nuance that, well, annoys me.


I say Revenge mode has to grow on you.  I absolutely hated this at first, but now I play it all the time.  Play is with a CAW and it will be fun.  Throwing goldberg off a ledge with a giant clown is FUCKING FUN!!


Maybe I'm wierd... but, if I buy a wrestling game... I'm buying it to play wrestling modes. Not cheesy Final Fight ripoffs.


And I don't know what HCTP will bring, but way to many people are saying "HCTP is going to smoke this game" despite it is building off one of the worse wrestling engines.  Its pretty, but unless they overhauled the gameplay, you are in for the same crap.


Actually, I quite enjoy the Smackdown engine. It's quick and to the point. That's not to say it doesn't have it's flaws... but hell, at least the moves actually look like they're doing something... not like the anticlimactic and totally weak animations in WMXIX.


Again, just IMO.

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Okay, if you like the Smackdown engine then you should love HCTP.



And Revenge is cool if you look at it as a totally different game. I was looking at it as part of the wrestling game before and that is why it pissed me off so much.


True, they shouldn't have added that bullcrap, but they tried something new.


And personally, I hate motion capture in games. It makes me feel not in control at all. If you really look, they have the EXACT same walk they all had in No Mercy. I don't think they tinkered with the animations.

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Okay, if you like the Smackdown engine then you should love HCTP.



And Revenge is cool if you look at it as a totally different game. I was looking at it as part of the wrestling game before and that is why it pissed me off so much.


True, they shouldn't have added that bullcrap, but they tried something new.


And personally, I hate motion capture in games. It makes me feel not in control at all. If you really look, they have the EXACT same walk they all had in No Mercy. I don't think they tinkered with the animations.

I dunno, it just bothers me.


I should have also noted that the CAW, however, is great. Really deep and I thoroughly enjoy that you can totally customize the entrance with lighting and pyro going off at specific times.

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AND you can make a giant clown with huge hands that just beats the shit out of everyone.


AND you can make Freddy. WHAT OTHER GAME CAN YOU MAKE FREDDY??? With glove and all.

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AND you can make a giant clown with huge hands that just beats the shit out of everyone.


AND you can make Freddy. WHAT OTHER GAME CAN YOU MAKE FREDDY??? With glove and all.

There's a Freddy Krueger glove?? I didn't notice that!

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Two different kinds!!!


look in ShopZone under parts.


I made Ukyo from Samari Showdown and a bunch of Geisha girls to chase him around...or kick his ass in the rumble...which ever happens.

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Guest Anglesault

I give up.


Someone tell me how to do the Tombstone.


I also can't manage the 619, but that's my fault.

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I give up.


Someone tell me how to do the Tombstone.


I also can't manage the 619, but that's my fault.

I can't fig out the Tombstone either.... =\

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If its for Taker, I think it is a EX Special. Some guys have a extra special if you fill up the special bars and do the "steal opponents finisher" thing.


I just did the weapon grapple with a table in my hand and they slam their head into the table and lay them on top of it. More fun to be had with this discovery.

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I just rented the game and it took almost an hour to do a full CAW of myself. Damn scary how good this thing is. And the the full editor of your intros rules. I was able to make a complete blend of Angle's and Rocky's intro perfectly. And the Revenge Mode is hard as hell, but stupid yet fun at the same time. Too bad they didn't have a story mode where you beat people to earn money and after you beat the contenders for a title you challenged the champion. After you defend the title a few times you win.

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Guest Anglesault
If its for Taker, I think it is a EX Special. Some guys have a extra special if you fill up the special bars and do the "steal opponents finisher" thing.



I was Taker facing Stephie-kins, and I did the Tombstone and the Pedigree.

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