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Guest William E

Moments of Fighting Scrubs

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Guest William E

You know what I am talking about those button mashers, cheap ass fighters, and one trick ponies. What were some moments when someone you played against in a fighting game tried to use a scrub tactic on you? Did it work or did you show them the error of thier way's with a perferct beatdown :boxing: ?

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One of my old friends claimed that he was unbeatable in Street Fighter Alpha 3. He had bested a large amount of our friends using Sagat almost exclusively. So to put an end to his boasting I said I'll chose a character with random select and by pure luck it ended up being Sagat Vs. Sagat. What followed next was the total destruction of my friend in 2 perfect rounds, the second ending 18 seconds in with a a 15 hit combo. After that he kicked all of us out of his house and we heard him crying afterwards. The dink wouldn't even talk to anybody who saw him lose anymore and we just said f' him.

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Guest EQ



I had this friend who I used to play videogames with a lot. We were kind of rivals in a sense, although I was much better than he was at most games. One night there was a small get together at his place and we were playing Super Smash Bros. (the original) He was pretty good, but I was just a lot better than he was, and he would always get pissed when he lost. It got so bad that I actually started throwing matches on purpose just so we didn't have to hear him bitch. It was crazy. The same trend happened whenever we would play Soul Calibur or pretty much any other fighting game.


As for the actual topic of the thread, yeah I hate button mashers... and once someone starts using this "tactic" on me, I usually just let them have it.

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Well in Soul Caliber 2 I countered the always low kick Maxi offense by playing defense the whole time and timed the attack with the Cervantes double sword counter shock "BK" strike. I also tried to knock him out of the ring using this "tactic". It worked a few times.

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In Super Puzzle Fighter II, I beat a guy with one finger on the joystick and not using the rotation buttons at all.


Then there was the time that somebody was proclaiming themselves unstoppable on The Grid. Big mistake. I came in and slaughtered everybody, outscoring my five opponents combined in two straight games before walking away.


Unfortunately, I get schooled in all fighting games.

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Scrubs play me all the time. They're boring, but the ones that get mad when they lose are hilarious. If I see that starting to happen, my goal is always to send them away in a rage, banging on the wall and screaming stuff like "WHAT DOES IT TAKE?!". It's pretty easy, you just do the same move over and over, while looking away from the screen and having a discussion with a friend about how broken the move that you're whoring is. In SC2, X's 3B and Mitsu's kB2 are perfect candidates for this strategy. People really seem to hate it when you beat them easily while carrying on a side conversation. If you know they're a conquest player, be sure to throw in offhand comments to your friend about how bad all conquest players are at versus. Never acknowledge them, except to smirk obnoxiously when they start to whine. It's fun!

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Guest Sakura

Yeah, the scrubs who get pissed are fun. A few times in Tekken 4 I've had people just throw up their arms in the air and walk away because I was abusing Fox's d/b+2 and Hei's d+1 and they wouldn't get up.


I like the scrubs who show up with their girlfriend or friends and act like they're the master because they can do unblockables.



Two of my favorite scrub catchphrase are "you only won because you play this all the time!" and "wow you're good for a girl!".

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Guest EQ
I like the scrubs who show up with their girlfriend or friends and act like they're the master because they can do unblockables.



This cocky guy came to the SC2 machine with his girlfriend and he thought he was hot shit cause he was beating everyone who played him. He was using the same move with Ivy pretty much over and over. Dominance to knock them in the air followed by the air throw where she extends her sword and pulls you down. For whatever reason people kept getting damaged by it. I got on the machine, sidestepped his Dominance and then handed him his ass while he was getting more and more frustrated because he was in front of his girl.

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Heh Ivy scrubs are the funniest. I usually let them hit me with 6B+K every time they do it just so I can see their horrible summon suffering buffers. They hunch over the stick, get this determined look on their face and start rolling the stick as fast and hard as they can, it's hilarious. One guy couldn't do it with his left hand, so he'd actually reach over with his right hand to do the buffer. Then they try for SS even though I'm already ducking, and I just calmly throw them, and they get so mad. "How did you know?!" LOL. I've started tech ducking the SS so I can get the always fun "WTF THAT HIT YOU! CHEATER!". Much fun.

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In the Royal Rumble 4 player arcade game I cheated to win using Jericho's double powerbomb to defeat 20 opponets in a row. I would do a Larry Zybrisco move and wait in the corner until they were weak so I could use the powerbomb. Or clothsline them in the back or sit on the top of the turnbuckle and dropkick them.

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Guest EQ
...and I just calmly throw them, and they get so mad.

Yeah, that's great. I love sidestepping/ducking/blocking someoneone's entire arsenal and then just doing a simple throw on them afterward. It really makes them mad

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back in the day, I used to counter their cheapness with my own.... a lot of players would choose Ken or Ryu against my Sagat, and the lovely little thing about Sagat is that he throws Tiger Blasts faster than they can throw Hadoukens. At least that was the case before the Alpha "upgrade". I developed a defensive style that was very hard to beat, especially once I had the Tiger Knee down. Either you were very good or very cheap in order to beat me.


Once Alpha and Alpha 2 came out I switched to Ryu, and used to love beating people with Alpha counters, especially out of their Super Combos.


the worst was the button mashers, jumping jab or short, and short kicks... , or the early jumping roundhouse/throw "technique".




I don;t do too many modern fighting games as they are beyond me.... I think I stopped at Marvel vs. Capcom 1, 2 just got too crazy for me.... so when I got to Pinball Pete's I sit in the back and play Mr. Do! all day long... I enjoy being able to spend two, maybe three dollars and be able to spend four hours in the place.

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I love CvS 2 Online, simply because of the trash I can talk, or show.


If I beat someone very bad, and they rematch, I pick 3 random. I love the comments I get in my ear. The funny thing is that I play random pretty much all the time anyway.


Of course, there's the guy who challenged me to beat him with R4 Dhalsim. Sadly, I had been practicing with him in case someone ever asked this.


Quote from me to him right before he lost: "I hope you have your receipt, so you can take the game back to the store, because YOU WILL NEVER BE GOOD."


Then there was my R1 Dan (Random) that beat an R1 Ken and an R2 Blanka. He quit midway through, and I don't blame him.

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I think I did the greatest scrub (cheap) move today as Cervantes. Well around here everybody who uses Cervantes uses the A+B Down move whenever the opponet is on the ground, which is the double sword ground move, well sometimes this results in knocking the opponet into the air, and while button mashing of A+B I hit the opponet mid air with the 1000 ultra fast sword attack! I was in awe of its sweetness.

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Yeah Cervy's juggles can look pretty badass. The fast sword attack is just while rising A+B, and 2A+B puts you into a crouch, so that combo is just 2A+B, A+B. It looks really cool, and if you're playing people that wake up with a move, the 2A+B will relaunch and you'll get the combo every time.

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Guest El Satanico

I'm a button masher...sometimes it works...sometimes it doesn't


I honestly don't give a shit either, because the majority of video games bore me after twenty minutes.

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Whenever I use Cevantes its all about the A+B moveset and knocking peeps into the air. Or the B+K counter attack.


I tried my scrub move against an opponet I had pinned against the wall but Ivy was to smart for me and did the side step, while I was doing the fast sword move, so there I was just standing there looking like a moron going thru the motions while Ivy hit me with a kickass throw juggle.

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