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I think its time for another anime thread

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Ok I bought and saw the end of eva DVD and good lord what the hell was that all about?


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Shinji trying to suffocate Asuka? So does that mean after about 20 minutes of talk Shinji still remains a coward? Also for some reason he stops (he must have to Asuka to be able to talk and move her eyes) then starts crying again? Still not getting it.
Edited by Renegade

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So is end of eva an alternative ending? A "what if" story?

End of Eva is supposed to be the *real* ending. Episode 25 and 26 is an alternate because the creator got pissed off about something and decided to fuck with the fanbase(not entirely sure on this, though).


Ok I bought and saw the end of eva DVD and good lord what the hell was that all about?


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Shinji trying to suffocate Asuka? So does that mean after about 20 minutes of talk Shinji still remains a coward? Also for some reason he stops (he must have to Asuka to be able to talk and move her eyes) then starts crying again? Still not getting it.


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See, in 25 and 26 of the series, what you saw was what happened when Shinji accepted Instrumentality. In End of Eva, that's what happened when he didn't. As for the choking Asuka, he did that because of one part sexual repression(he does it twice with one being an "argument" they were having)and one part his ... odd way of seeing if she was actually real and alive considering what they had just gone through. When Asuka speaks while he's choking her, it confirms that they are indeed alive and this is not a dream


Hope that helps ya out, Renegade.


Anybody who has anything to add that I more than likely left out, please feel free to correct my old ass... heh.

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So is end of eva an alternative ending? A  "what if" story?

End of Eva is supposed to be the *real* ending. Episode 25 and 26 is an alternate because the creator got pissed off about something and decided to fuck with the fanbase(not entirely sure on this, though).


Ok I bought and saw the end of eva DVD and good lord what the hell was that all about?


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Shinji trying to suffocate Asuka? So does that mean after about 20 minutes of talk Shinji still remains a coward? Also for some reason he stops (he must have to Asuka to be able to talk and move her eyes) then starts crying again? Still not getting it.


Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

See, in 25 and 26 of the series, what you saw was what happened when Shinji accepted Instrumentality. In End of Eva, that's what happened when he didn't. As for the choking Asuka, he did that because of one part sexual repression(he does it twice with one being an "argument" they were having)and one part his ... odd way of seeing if she was actually real and alive considering what they had just gone through. When Asuka speaks while he's choking her, it confirms that they are indeed alive and this is not a dream


Hope that helps ya out, Renegade.


Anybody who has anything to add that I more than likely left out, please feel free to correct my old ass... heh.

Thanks for the input APO, it makes a tad more sense




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So can mankind return by making the same choices that Shinji made? And why does Shinji break down again right at the end after already knowing that he can be hurt again (which was discussed with Rei)?


As for episode 25 & 26 if makes you wonder what significance it would have had if Shinji did accept Instrumentality since the same chain of events would probably occur anyway.


And lastly are there any good websites that have analysis or theories about the series?




On a totally unrelated manner I saw the first episode of the recently subbed Catain Tsubasa road to 2002. So far its just been a remake of the first Tsubasa episode during a flashback. Pretty good but not much to work with really.

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Thanks for the input APO, it makes a tad more sense




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So can mankind return by making the same choices that Shinji made? And why does Shinji break down again right at the end after already knowing that he can be hurt again (which was discussed with Rei)?


As for episode 25 & 26 if makes you wonder what significance it would have had if Shinji did accept Instrumentality since the same chain of events would probably occur anyway.


And lastly are there any good websites that have analysis or theories about the series?

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

That's a tough question to answer and really I don't think they could since they all died once all the events took place. I think Shinji was able to make the choice he did in End of Eva because he was in Unit-01(again, this is ALL speculation). As for Shinji breaking down again, I'd have to watch End of Eva again because it's been quite a while since I last watched it.


As for your second paragraph, Renegade, that's a pretty good observation and I'm totally stumped... :lol:


Now, about websites with theories and /or analysises(I know I just spelled that wrong), you'd probably be better off using a search engine like Google.



I've seen it earlier on this thread..and a couple times in signatures and such, but who here is still following Gundam SEED?

I've been meaning to check out more subbed Gundam titles, how does SEED stack up to the rest of them?


On another unrelated note: My subbed Naruto collection DVDs came in yesterday!!! Now all I need are the Alcatraz and Memory arcs of Yu-Gi-Oh!... :headbang:

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I like the Adult Swim stuff on CN.


Personally, though, FLCL is the best anime series I've seen in like 6 months. Surreal, yes, but I love it.

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I hated Wing with a passion. Damn bishounen... The only likable character out of all of them was Duo... UGH.

Yeah I got tired of arguing with my friends that Mobile Suit Gundam was superior to Wing. "But the Gundams are cool!!!!"

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I hated Wing with a passion. Damn bishounen... The only likable character out of all of them was Duo... UGH.

Yeah I got tired of arguing with my friends that Mobile Suit Gundam was superior to Wing. "But the Gundams are cool!!!!"

I've never seen the original MSG..and I'll wait until they get a Japanese track on the DVDs, but as far as anime that's been released here, the 08th MS Team's far, far superior to Wing.


I don't mind Wing's designs for the mecha themselves, but the characters..ugh.


Next year should be a fairly good one, as both Seed and Zeta are getting releases. I know Seed's a lock for CN..but a lot of the scenes scattered throughout are fairly bloody. Don't know how that will work..

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I hated Wing with a passion. Damn bishounen... The only likable character out of all of them was Duo... UGH.

Yeah I got tired of arguing with my friends that Mobile Suit Gundam was superior to Wing. "But the Gundams are cool!!!!"

No kidding, TMD. I don't think I have enough parts on my body to count the number of times I've wanted to throttle some stupid fangirl on a messageboard who loves that damned series because it's chock full of "bishes"...


As for my personal favorite Gundam series: 08th MS Team, MSG, and 0083: Stardust Memories are the best I've seen.


As far as SEED on CN goes, it'll probably get the Kenshin treatment if it's on Toonami. If not and it ends up on AS, it might not get edited as much, if at all pending on the content.

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I hated Wing with a passion. Damn bishounen... The only likable character out of all of them was Duo... UGH.

Yeah I got tired of arguing with my friends that Mobile Suit Gundam was superior to Wing. "But the Gundams are cool!!!!"

No kidding, TMD. I don't think I have enough parts on my body to count the number of times I've wanted to throttle some stupid fangirl on a messageboard who loves that damned series because it's chock full of "bishes"...


As for my personal favorite Gundam series: 08th MS Team, MSG, and 0083: Stardust Memories are the best I've seen.


As far as SEED on CN goes, it'll probably get the Kenshin treatment if it's on Toonami. If not and it ends up on AS, it might not get edited as much, if at all pending on the content.

I'll keep my intense hatred for Wing and the entire "bishie" bit quiet for now. Excessive fandom with that series by someone I used to know just about turned me off anime entirely. Good thing SEED helped me recover. It'll have to go on AS, if at all as it's more mature than Wing, and deceptively violent.


Hack//SIGN is pretty much about what happens inside an MMORPG, though it's kinda hard to pin it down without going into spoilers. It's a bit slow-moving, and a lot of talk compared to action, which may turn people off.

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Glad to see all the Gundam wing hate, I really couldnt stand anything about it.



After watching Evangelion a bit more:


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Its remarkable how one can perceive both endings to the series as both positive and negative.


For example at the end of episode 25 and 26 Shinji finds his self worth, actually smiling at the end of the episode but then again he has accepted instrumentality. He no longer lives in the real world, but only in his ideal world where he is actually liked. Which one is better?


The same thing goes for end of evangelion, first time I saw it I thought it to be the “sad” ending of the series. But after another view it is clear that Shinji rejects what could have been in episodes 25 & 26 and chooses to live in the real world. The world that is harsh and cruel to him, the world that will judge him and not care about him. Shinji accepts reality over a fake paradise. The fact that the last line of the film is “how pathetic” clarifies the fact that Shinji is in the real world, the same world that he fails to fit in. Shinji is both misrable and happy about the fact that he has chosen reality.


Although thats just my view, Eva isnt really something with a definitive answer.

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That's pretty much it, Renegade. With the endings of Eva, you pretty much have to draw your own conclusions and really, unless it's completely retarded, how can you be proven wrong?


Oh, and...


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How did you like everybody popping like popcorn when the Third Impact happend? I just *know* that all the Reis showing up had to fuck with your head, man...

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That's pretty much it, Renegade. With the endings of Eva, you pretty much have to draw your own conclusions and really, unless it's completely retarded, how can you be proven wrong?


Oh, and...


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How did you like everybody popping like popcorn when the Third Impact happend? I just *know* that all the Reis showing up had to fuck with your head, man...

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lol. It was more of a "oooookaaaaay" kind of freak out rather than a "what the blue fuck?"


Right now I just watched episode 4 of Kenshin, its pretty good but not gripping. For some reason I cant get over the fact that he looks and sounds so much like a kid. It reminds me of Trigun but not as funny or stylish. Then again I cant really judge the series yet since I've heard there is about 100 episodes or so.


*Now gets APO's member title*



And Outlaw star is just getting better and better. On episode 16 now and still hungry for more.

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With Kenshin, it takes time before it gets *really* good. The first few arcs do kinda suck(although the Ryjuta arc has a pretty sweet fight along with the arc with the intro of the Oni Wabon group), but when the Kyoto arc starts around episode 27 or 28, it's friggin' AWESOME, so stick with it.

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Watched the last episode of outlaw star, completing the series; highly entertaining. And since I bought the first trigun manga I've started to watch the anime series again.

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OK I figure this is the most suitable place to put this, even though it's a question instead of a statement.


Anybody know how many episodes of Macross Zero were made and released? The first two were saved on my friend's Xbox when I bought it so I checked them out, being a big fan of the original Macross series.

Despite the differences in the story and the different animation style (computer as opposed to old school cel) I found it very enjoyable. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find anymore (always getting old Macross series on Kazaa). Any help you could give me offhand would be appreciated.

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OK I figure this is the most suitable place to put this, even though it's a question instead of a statement.


Anybody know how many episodes of Macross Zero were made and released? The first two were saved on my friend's Xbox when I bought it so I checked them out, being a big fan of the original Macross series.

Despite the differences in the story and the different animation style (computer as opposed to old school cel) I found it very enjoyable. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find anymore (always getting old Macross series on Kazaa). Any help you could give me offhand would be appreciated.

Check Mahq.net, its got good info on macross and lots and lots of info on gundam.

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Did Trigun start a new season on Adult Swim?

You mean re-runs or actual new episodes? If its the latter then no, Trigun ended after episode 26 which accourding to Tv tome aired May 13, 2003

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Guest edge007

Neon Genesis Evangelion!

I've started watching the series and the movies again. That show rules! :D

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Well either way its new to me :) It has Vash and Knives as kids then the next episode Vash was living a quiet life in a small town but Wolfberg tells Vash about the evil Knives has been doing so they begin on a quest to look for Knives.

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Well either way its new to me :) It has Vash and Knives as kids then the next episode Vash was living a quiet life in a small town but Wolfberg tells Vash about the evil Knives has been doing so they begin on a quest to look for Knives.

The episode with Vash and Knives backstory is episode 17 "Rem Saverem". And the episode with Wolfwood trying to convice Vash to look for Knives is episode 18 "Goodbye for Now".

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