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Dr. Claw's face revealed!

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Guest Eagan469

I always thought he was just a computer - hence the robotic arm just sitting in the chair in the TV show's opening

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Guest The Real Nosferatu



Dr. Claw = a cranky Old Man.


Maybe he uses a voice box.

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Guest Fook

So the only robotic (and therefore best) part about him is the arm we already saw?



What a gyp.

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Guest Nanks
A computer as a criminal master mind would be a little hard to swallow. All they would have to do is unplug his ass.


Hard to swallow??? Dude, it's a cartoon about an idiot man whose body is packed with electronic gizmos who foils the evil plans of a criminal mastermind with the help of his 8 year old niece and her intelligent dog who communicate with each other via the girl's super-computer schoolbook. They're not really going for realism. Nonetheless, Claw's face is supremely disappointing, but not as annoying as him being a handsome, gay man in the movie. God I wish they still made this cartoon, I was obsessed with it.

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Oh bullshit. I remember the one episode were Claw turned around and was wearing a mask just like the one on the back of his chair. At least, I'm pretty sure. I think it was a Halloween show or something.


It made perfect sense to me, because that symbol on the chair and everything MAD related was a face and no body, and Claw always appeared as a body with no face.



Please don't tell me I dreamed that whole thing up.

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So the only robotic (and therefore best) part about him is the arm we already saw?



What a gyp.

His arm is robotic? I just thought he wore a big metal glove. ;p

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Oh bullshit. I remember the one episode were Claw turned around and was wearing a mask just like the one on the back of his chair. At least, I'm pretty sure. I think it was a Halloween show or something.


It made perfect sense to me, because that symbol on the chair and everything MAD related was a face and no body, and Claw always appeared as a body with no face.



Please don't tell me I dreamed that whole thing up.

My friends used to tell me about it when I was little...I've never seen it myself though.


Either way, that is fucked up.

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Guest Sakura
Please don't tell me I dreamed that whole thing up.

You dreamt it up.



I also don't see the shock or disappointment in this. I always thought of him as an evil scientist or whatever. MAD is just a parody of SPECTRE from Bond.

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I was always hoping he'd turn around and have a Cobra Commander-eqsue mask just to say "HA HA! Swerved you, bitches!"

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I also don't see the shock or disappointment in this. I always thought of him as an evil scientist or whatever. MAD is just a parody of SPECTRE from Bond.



Anyone remember the 12 inch Destro figure that revealed his face?

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Guest Plushy Al Logan

I always imagined him being bald. The voice of Dr. Claw was also the voice of Hitler on Histeria.

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Guest Sturgis
Anyone remember the 12 inch Destro figure that revealed his face?

Yeah but I never got to see it, anybody got a pic?

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Guest Plushy Al Logan
What the hell is a Cthulhu?

He is a very powerful God.



“If I say that my somewhat extravagant imagination yielded simultaneous pictures of an octopus, a dragon, and a human caricature, I shall not be unfaithful to the spirit of the thing. A pulpy, tentacled head surmounted a grotesque and scaly body with rudimentary wings... It represented a monster of vaguely anthropoid outline, but with an octopus-like head whose face was a mass of feelers, a scaly, rubbery-looking body, prodigious claws on hind and fore feet, and long, narrow wings behind. This thing, which seemed instinct with a fearsome and unnatural malignancy, was of a somewhat bloated corpulence...?(“The Call of Cthulhu?


There are some who are of the opinion that Lovecraft borrowed the name “Cthulhu?from Sumerian mythology. This is a hoax perpetrated by the “Simon?hoax edition of the Necronomicon which combines elements of Sumerian mythology and the Lovecraft myths. The name “Cthulhu?was purely an invention of Lovecraft’s. His sketch of Cthulhu may be seen at Robert Arellano’s “The Lovecraft Web?


Oddly, much debate surrounds the pronunciation of “Cthulhu.?The pronunciation used by most is perpetuated by the “Call of Cthulhu?roleplaying game by Chaosium, Inc., whose books have “Can you say kuh-THOO-loo??printed on their backs. Several Lovecraftian scholars prefer to pronounce it “Cloo-loo?based on references in Lovecraft’s revision tales. I choose to take a middle ground and aspirate both hs, with a result similar to “kt’hoo-lhoo.?Here are a couple of excerpts from Lovecraft’s letters where he discusses the pronunciation of this word:


The actual sound ?as nearly as human organs could imitate it or human letters record it ?may be taken as something like Khlûl?hloo, with the first syllable pronounced gutturally and very thickly. The u is about like that in full; and the first syllable is not unlike klul in sound, since the h represents the guttural thickness. The second syllable is not very well rendered ?the l sound being unrepresented. (to Duane Rimel, 23 July 1934)

The best approximation one can make is to grunt, bark, or cough the imperfectly-formed syllables Cluh-Luh with the tip of the tongue firmly affixed to the roof of the mouth. (to Willis Conover, 29 August 1936)

In “Lovecraft in Providence,?Donald Wandrei claims that Lovecraft pronounced it “K-Lütl-Lütl,?yet in the above-mentioned letter to Duane Rimel, Lovecraft claims that Wandrei’s comments on the pronunciation of the term are “largely fictitious.?Robert H. Barlow, in On Lovecraft and Life, claimed that Lovecraft pronounced it “Koot-u-lew.?One can’t help but think that Lovecraft was toying with his friends, since everyone’s pronunciations differ, including his own. Ultimately, does it really matter?


Also here is a story for you to read about the mighy one!

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen



Never underestimate our generation's love for shitty nostalgia.

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When I was a kid I always thought Dr. Claw was some kind of cyborg because of the hand. I thought he would have bunch of cyborg eyes and wires coming out of his face.


When I got older because of his voice I thought Claw was a black man.

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