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How irritating is it to see some of these terrible decisions WWE makes...it makes you question what they're thinking.


One of my biggest gripes is how untalented or generic guys can get several chances and pushes to get over, yet others DO get over and their push gets killed for no apparent reason.


Test, Billy Gunn, A-Train, Kevin Nash are guys who can't get over or haven't been over in a long time yet WWE pushes them down our throat not listening what the fans are trying to tell them. How many pushes has Test gotten and has NEVER been over.....How many chances have we seen be given to A-Train, who has never been over.....How many times will Billy Gunn be shoved down our throats: How many times were we gonna see Nash in a main event and fighting for the World title even though he was getting booed everywhere against all heels.


Yet guys like RVD, Goldust, Chris Benoit, Booker T get placed on the backburner even though they're all good in ring perfomers, and all havew that connection with the fans to get over have any push they were given completely derailed for no apparent reason.......It just makes no sense and its like WWE wants the Unover guys to take the spotlight while the guys who the fans care about are placed in the backlight.


I think it all comes down to one thing....WWE needs to stop trying to tell us who to care about and listen to their fans and respond accordingly instead.

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Guest Mulatto Heat

You mean this couldn't have gone into the other dozen threads where it would have been halfway on-topic? It was deserving of its own thread?

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You mean this couldn't have gone into the other dozen threads where it would have been halfway on-topic? It was deserving of its own thread?

I decided to make a thread on what was on my mind....Is there a problem with that? Or do you always enter a thread just to make a sarcastic remark which is a complete waste of time to you?

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Guest Mulatto Heat

Well, I don't see what you're going to accomplish - nothing you said hasn't been said about a million times in here (sometimes by myself).

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Do ANY of these thread accomplish anything. I though these boards were to DISCUSS wrestling and voice your opinions. I'm stating what i feel, im not trying to accomplish a thing. You may have another agenda when you post, i dont know

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

if your thread isn't about one particular occurance, people will flame you. That's just how it is in this folder.

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Guest JMA

I agree with you about Nash and Gunn. But Test is already over as an asshole heel. He even had a good match with Val a few weeks back. And A-Train could easily be very over if presented the right way.

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Test was over, somewhat, a few weeks ago it seemed. But when they just kept his feud with Steiner going and then hit the eventual reset by sending Stacy back, that killed him off.


Now anything he gets is just woman-beating cheap heat.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

Test seemed to be over for a couple weeks. But not lately.


note: the above is fine with me.

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Test seemed to be over for a couple weeks. But not lately.


note: the above is fine with me.

That's exactly what I was thinking. When the whole Testicle thing first started, he was starting to get over... they squashed it... then he turned heel, started to get over and they stomped all over it.


A-Train's had maybe one or two of his several work, only to get shot down.


It's a matter of even when WWE gets someone over these days, they squash it too soon. Most top stars these days seem to get over by accident.

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Guest Smell the ratings!!!

the bizzare thing was they somehow got Test and Albert both semi-over in the tag team and then split them up. interesting.

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I swore test was over, sorta, after he won the immunity battle royal and was all dickish, you cant fire me, heel. I thought it was working. It reminds me of HHH now, except for the fact Test DID something other then banging the bosses daughter, he won a battle royal.


I love how we all just keep bitching, and say, this is what we want and are WILLING TO PAY FOR, and the WWE doesn't want to hear it, despite the fact, we are the most loyal customers they have.


Hey Vince, since you won't listen, heres another, F.U. Even if you are the GOD of the wrestling world, it doesn't mean other people's views don't count. Especailly if it will put MONEY in your pocket. So hire me Vince, I will work mad cheap and promise to make you a millionbillion dollars.

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Well, since everyone is saying things which have already been said a million times......


Push Eddie while he's still hot! And I don't mean WWE push. (job to Taker) Give him a super push right to the main event.

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Yet guys like RVD, Goldust, Chris Benoit, Booker T get placed on the backburner even though they're all good in ring perfomers,


In comparison with the "unover" talent (Albert, Test, Gunn, Nash) -

  • RVD is in a feud with the hottest character in the WWE right now - while Test has been IN the same feud with a face dying to play heel, going on SIX MONTHS.
  • Goldust is injured.
  • Chris Benoit is in a higher position on the card than any of those four - you could make a case for Nash, but they don't seem to be heartedly pushing him right now.
  • Booker T is injured, last in a upper midcard feud for the secondary title - none of the previously mentioned "unover four" have held gold since Billy Gunn 14 months ago.

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