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Guest Cerebus

Another View of Howard Dean

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Guest Cerebus

This is a pretty good article from the very conservative Weekly Standard magazine. Now before ppl lampoon me posting such a biased article...well i'm posting it BECAUSE its a biased article. It's an excellent view of what conservatives should expect from Dean and what he could do if he was elected president.


Well despite that warning I'm bracing myself for the flames...

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Do you know who owns the Weekly Standard?


The same guy that owns OMG FAUX NEWS LOL 2003!!!


Where's the article?...

Eh, Murdoch is only a funder... he doesn't have much say in the rag. That distinction goes to Bill Kristol.


But anyhow, it's suprisingly even-keel, even though I do have one thing to add (which likely wouldn't have been in the article anyway).


Dean's starting to shy away from the complete repeal of the tax cuts, as reported by Kos from www.dailykos.com (and I can't find the direct link to the story, so I do apologize), who is far more on the inside of the campaign than any of us. Dean's campaign staff is crunching the numbers to try to maintain the middle class tax breaks (as minimal as they are). He's even started changing the rhetoric in his stump... example: "tax repeal" to "tax reform".


So, yeah.

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Guest JMA

Remember when Murdoch said that "authoritarian goverments can work" just to get on China's good side? Was that ever crazy.

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Simply not outlawing something is not akin to a laissez-faire attitude. One should be more or less indifferent to it. It's one thing to verbally discourage something, it's another to hit you in the pocketbook.

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Dean has nearly lost all my interest when he supported Gray Davis' recent move to give illegal immigrants their own Drivers' Licenses.


Dean also said he supported Davis' move Friday to sign a bill allowing illegal immigrants to get driver's licenses, and said he, too, would have signed it as governor. "Sure," he said. "How'd you like to have a whole lot of people driving around with no license?"


Dunno, Howie. If you don't need jack or shit to get a license, then terrorists can get licenses instead of having their explosive-loaded car/truck impounded and discovered by authorities. As President, isn't that kind of important to you?

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It's not like it's that difficult to get into the country in the first place; hell, we give enough Student Visas, etc. that they could get in legally and get a license that way. In addition, it's not like the supposed terrorists wouldn't have additional help in the states in the anyway, so a drivers' license really has no bearing on terrorism in itself.


EDIT: Reworded because I have a terrible vocabulary.

Edited by Tyler McClelland

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Fair enough. I still have my reasons against it, but I risk starting a race debate and that could be a nasty thing in an innocent Howie thread like this.

I'll do it.


Illegal mexicans, as well as all illegals, shouldn't be in this country, using our social services. Legal mexicans that support them simply because they're mexican are racist.

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Fair enough. I still have my reasons against it, but I risk starting a race debate and that could be a nasty thing in an innocent Howie thread like this.

I'll do it.


Illegal mexicans, as well as all illegals, shouldn't be in this country, using our social services. Legal mexicans that support them simply because they're mexican are racist.

Join me and Bustamante in MECHA!


We're going to take back California from those fucking white devils!

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For what it's worth, I've met MECHa people and they really aren't that bad. Maybe they were just befriending me so they could use me for Kill Whitey Day or something, but I kind of doubt it.


Bustamante's loophole activities and other crap though have lost my vote. Come on, Arnold.

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