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Why did they do that?

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Why oh why did they do that with Y2J on RAW? They turned him face and BOOM he was insta-over. The fans were chanting his name and going crazy.

Then they BOOM turned him heel again. And then had Austin whip his ass. That was just a little bit absurd.

And then when they turned him heel the fans didn't boo...they just kind of sat there like "ok I don't give a damn" just like in Montreal with the HBK/Y2J confrontation. So.....what the fuck was the deal?

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Someone in the WWE read the rumor on the net' Jericho was turning face and decided to fuck with us. Probably Jericho himself.

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Guest Razor Roman

Yeah, and it might add a dimension to his face character that he was lacking before. The smart-ass who makes fun of you constantly really only works if you're a heel unless you have the right kind of face to play off of (like Jericho did in Regal)

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

Well from reading the results, it looks like they almost did a carbon-copy of the Highlight Reel Jericho did at Insurrextion this year - only Bischoff wasn't involved.

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Guest Retro Rob

Attacking Christian though fits in perfectly with Jericho's current heel character. He is an egomaniac, so when someone else tries to steal his thunder he gets pissed.

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Let's say he does turn face. He won't be the same as he was in 2000.


Jericho could easily fit in as an updated version of Piper - which in itself was an early version of Austin. The uber popular rebel face with heelish tendencies.

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Guest Trivia247

face and heel turns aren't always done on a dime...in inexplainable run in to save a face. which is later explained a week later making people wonder...why



what it looks like they are trying to do is slow motion turning, where Jericho is seen basically over reacting in heelness instead of intential heelness....like the paranold everyone is against me type motivation, only to find out no one is.

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I think the WWE should see this face turn out. It's definitely coming, it's just a matter of when and how. At some point, and I wish this happened last night, somebody has to deliberately attack Stone Cold, knowing full well the consequences (i.e. Austin kicking their ass), yet doesn't seem to care. I say let this person be Jericho.


I have to wonder how the fans would react to that. It would be so unexpected and downright BADASS that, with some tweaking of Austin's character in the weeks leading up to it and proper selling on the announcers' part, it's very possible the fans could cheer Jericho on.


Call it wishful thinking, but I'd like to see this happen.

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If management and Austin himself were to let it go on, Jericho can become a big face if he's allowed to shine over Austin and kick his ass. I highly doubt Vince and/or Austin would want that. I could see a sweet feud culminating in a possible "last match" that Austin rumored about at WM XX, where Jericho clearly makes Austin tap.

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The big reason why they WON'T turn Jericho face?


Because they're planning on turning hhh later this year. His pops will be less than Jericho's, and heaven forbid someone looks better, or more over, than hhh.


Only other guess: they turn Jericho now, and then quickly turn him heel, ruining his heat, in time for hhh to turn face.

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Guest candie45

Well, I'm glad they didn't make Jericho kiss Austin's ass. I *hate* the "I'm a face, you're a face- we're friends now" mentality. It's just Jericho's character to be paranoid at whoever he feels threatens him. I really like how he just attacked Christian because it makes him look strong instead of like the pussy heel that they always make him look like.

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Why oh why did they do that with Y2J on RAW? They turned him face and BOOM he was insta-over. The fans were chanting his name and going crazy. Then they BOOM turned him heel again.


Easy. Austin was there.


If they want to turn Triple H face, it's going to take a hell of a lot more than Jericho staying heel to make that successful.


Makes you wonder if WWE learned anything from last year? Guess not.

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Guest deadbeater

See the problem with heel/face dichotomy? Looking at a face funny makes a wrestler instant heel, while fantasizing about throwing a she-devil through a table (Buh Buh) get one sustained cheers.

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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen
See the problem with heel/face dichotomy? Looking at a face funny makes a wrestler instant heel, while fantasizing about throwing a she-devil through a table (Buh Buh) get one sustained cheers.

The face/heel dynamic post-Attitude is more about justification of actions then actions themselves. After all, good people sometimes desire to do very bad things, but they believe it's for a good reason.

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Guest JMA

One thing I miss about the Attitude era is that heels were allowed to fight, and yes, HATE each other.

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Can't we have one thread of intelligent discussion without it being ruined by HHHate?


I sincerely hope that they leave Jericho as a tweener of some sorts. I couldn't stand him as a face, but he hasn't been too great as a heel thus far, either.

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Why is everyone offended by the role of a tweener Jericho?


Smackdown has 5-6 guys positioned correctly, that can believeably play a face or heel on any given night


RAW? None.

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See the problem with heel/face dichotomy?  Looking at a face funny makes a wrestler instant heel, while fantasizing about throwing a she-devil through a table (Buh Buh) get one sustained cheers.

The face/heel dynamic post-Attitude is more about justification of actions then actions themselves. After all, good people sometimes desire to do very bad things, but they believe it's for a good reason.

Very well put. Anyone can do whatever they want and be cheered as long as they had a good reason to do so.

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