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Lieberman is the traditional babyface from the old guard, Bret Hart if you will. You can smell the double turn...

Actually, Lieberman is like babyface Scott Steiner in early 98. Everyone KNOWS he's secretly a heel and is just waiting for the turn.

lol except for the copious amounts of steroids. Liberman looks like he could use a vitamin shake...something!

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It was something to the effect of "Dean supports gun control in minority laden areas, but not in white dominated ones. What's your thoughts, Ms. Mosely-Braun?"



*Damns his fucking college for not carrying Fox News*

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Dean just clarified that in his turn.

I can imagine him just thinking "... Wait, what the FUCK?" when that question was asked.

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Dean just clarified that in his turn.

I can imagine him just thinking "... Wait, what the FUCK?" when that question was asked.

The guy actually asked Dean about how he can reach out to minorities since he's from such a white state, which isn't much better. He did a good job with the response.


4th LaRouche supporter?!? WTF?!?

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Damn Al just bitchslapped the hecklers.......I just turned the debate on. What was the heckler heckling about?


Are there conservatives in the crowd, or Greens?

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Damn Al just bitchslapped the hecklers.......I just turned the debate on. What was the heckler heckling about?


Are there conservatives in the crowd, or Greens?

Lyndon Larouche nuts.

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I wonder how well Sharpton could actually do if the media didn't treat him like a dirtbag. I know he has done some shady things in the past, but none more than anyone else. He does have command over an audience.

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I wonder how well Sharpton could actually do if the media didn't treat him like a dirtbag. I know he has done some shady things in the past, but none more than anyone else. He does have command over an audience.

So did Hitler, what's your point?

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Conservative plants, most likely. It's on Fox, after all.

Oh shutup. Really, its you guys who have claim to Larouche, mmkay?

Technically, LaRouche is more of a conservative than a liberal.


But, I mean, it IS Fox News, and Brit Hume isn't doing much to moderate the debate. So, while it's been better than expected, it will never be perfect.

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Some descriptions of Lyndon LaRouche, for those who are wondering who those screamers are talking about. From Everything2, the internet's user-maintained encyclopedia:


Minor American political figure and conspiracy theorist, who can't quite decide whether he wants to belong to the extreme left or right. A staunch enemy of, among many other things, Henry Kissinger, Communism, internationalism, Zionism, aristocracy, the English, the UN, Henry Kissinger, Fabian Socialism, George Bush (junior and senior), the IMF, gnosticism, Henry Kissinger (a Soviet agent with the "personality of a faggot"), birth control, big business, and more or less anything else you can imagine.


LaRouche was imprisoned for a few years during the Reagan administration for tax evasion, and maintains to this day that he was framed as part of a shadowy global conspiracy. He has run for the Democratic nomination for the presidency seven times at last count, unsuccessfully each time. He has a cult-like following and lives out of a fortified mansion/bunker in Northern Virginia.


Howard Hughes without the panache.


An extremely paranoid Pat Buchanan/Ralph Nader highbrid on a crack binge. In all seriousness I do agree, in part, with his position on Israel (at least until he starts talking about apocalyptic Evangelical Christians being the driving force behind he latest wave of violence). The reasonable part of his position is that Israel is going to get itself in a religious war with the Arab countries of the Middle East, and it will be a war that Israel cannot win. And if the U.S. does not pull Israel off the war path soon, Israel will soon cease to exist, having been wiped off the map by the Arab countries. Which the Evangelical Christians believe will bring about the apocalypse. If you meet some representatives of his campaign on the street you should stop to talk to them, it can be very entertaining. But what ever you do, don't give them the $25 for a subscription to The New Federalist, which is a basically one giant ad for LaRouche and his views.

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Conservative plants, most likely. It's on Fox, after all.

Oh shutup. Really, its you guys who have claim to Larouche, mmkay?

Technically, LaRouche is more of a conservative than a liberal.


But, I mean, it IS Fox News, and Brit Hume isn't doing much to moderate the debate. So, while it's been better than expected, it will never be perfect.

He's a Democrat.

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My dad in college knew someone who was a disciple of Larouche, and he would hand out his propganda. And my dad saved them because they were SO INSANE. It was like that Weekly World News parody tabloid only they took it seriously. I mean the British royal family was a drug syndicate, etc. He's also very anti-semetic and has 4 billions conspiracy theories about Israel. Dangerous guy.

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I wish Sharpton used his "What if this building was on fire" analogy about Iraq, Tony Blair, and the focus from WMD to "liberation." It was pretty darn funny when he used it in front of some tiny audience on C-SPAN.


"What's even worse is this President trotting out his friend, Tony Blair, who can't even keep his own Parliament from thowing stuff at him when he talks. How would you feel if I said 'This building is on fire, we gotta get out of here immediately' so we all get outside, and you say, 'So Al, where's the fire?' and then my best friend walks up around the corner and says 'Ah, you needed the fresh air anyway.'"

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