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August Superstars of the Month

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August's Superstars of the Month...0

(9:15pm) (Kai) And... That topic...

(9:15pm) (Kai) Why?

(9:15pm) (Action) * Kai is sad now.

First a reminder, since these are late, they only cover to the end of August. Spike's haiku has no bearing here

Starting with SJL.

(9:16pm) (Kai) Boooo@Spike and his shoddy haikuery.

In 5th place with 5 points... Dominic Korgath

In 4th place with 8 points... Jimmy "The Demon" Liston

(9:17pm) (The_Mak) eh, I won my JL title on a no-show

In a tie for second, with 11 points each... English Dragon and Landon "La Cucaracha" Maddix

(9:17pm) (Kai) .... WHo's higher than ED!?

(9:17pm) (The_Mak) Apostle

And the SJL Superstar of the Month for August, with 12 points...

Viktor Tarakanov

(9:17pm) (Action) * Kai will cry.

(9:17pm) (Kai) Yay!

(9:17pm) (The_Mak) wow

(9:17pm) (Kai) Apostle=did well in the WF tourney, but not the JL... as much.

(9:17pm) (The_Mak) i see

Yeah, Apostle's WF matches don't count toward his JL scores

(9:18pm) (Kai) .... Of course, by well...

(9:18pm) (Kai) I mean won lots by no-show.

But there's a great segue. Moving on to WF

In a tie for 4th place with 6 points each...

Andrew Blackwell... and Apostle!

(9:18pm) (The_Mak) ME

(9:18pm) (Kai) ... Don't tell me Apostle is in the top 5...

(9:18pm) (Kai) :'(

(9:18pm) (The_Mak) boo

In third place with 7 points... Danny Williams

(9:18pm) (The_Mak) Muzz should be higher

(9:18pm) (Kai) .... Wait, why am I booing? I suck, too... and I don't even show! :(

Remember, the last couple shows don't count

(9:19pm) (The_Mak) true

(9:19pm) (Kai) .... Well, I will on the 12th, just to save my ass from being fired, and having to report on my own release...

OK... and we have a tie for first place.

(9:19pm) (Kai) BOOOOO!

With 8 points each... your Superstars of the Month





And there you have it.

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Guest Evolution



And what better company to be sharing Superstar of the Month with than a man who could very possibly main event Genesis.


*waits for the "But it's Ash!" comments*

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Basically LDP puts everyone's name in a hat and let's Ian pick the names out. From there, he throws darts at a board, where he lands is your point total divided by how many times he's been laid in the past month (usually 2). He then gets out this abacus that his father left him in his will and tabulates the score, which he writes on the back of a Dixie cup. He then burns the Dixie cup and writes down whatever he can remember. It's a very old ritual that LDP got from the guy who originated the superstar of the month scoring back in the early days of the fed, Mayor McCheese.

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Guest Goodear

Weird, I don't remember Muzz doing much of anything in August but maybe my head is all fuzzy. I have no problems with the rest of the listings though as Danny, Apostle, Duran and Craven are having really good runs of it.

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