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Sean O'Haire

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In my opinion, the WWE has dropped yet another ball with the halt of the O'Haire segments that were on earlier this year. They were entertaining and intriguing, but if I remember correctly, it was suddenly stopped when O'Haire was paired with Piper in a dead end feud with Hogan and then Los Guerreros. This has got to go down as one of the biggest wasted gimmicks ever, along with Waylon Mercy. I had just happened to pop in a unlabeled tape this morning, and a february raw was on it. An O'Haire promo about taxes was on, and I found myself excited at the prospects of this character, until I remembered that O'Haire has rarely been seen on WWE TV since Piper left. Anyone else have thoughts on this?

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The best thing they have done with this man was during the APA Bar Room Brawl when he came down and just sat at the bar and drank, while raising his glass to the violance at some points... i found this absolutely hilarious.

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Guest webmasterofwrestlegame

I didn't mind his stuff with Piper but I always thought his character was much better off as loner.


That said, WWE's excuse is basically that Piper has left O'Haire high and dry, and that 'Creative' are waiting for something for him.



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He sucked in the ring and he didnt have any real personality to work the gimmick.


Someone high up realised this and pulled the plug.


Good call in my opinion.

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Guest thrall585

I'm shocked that they haven't released O'Haire because not only does he suck, but he didn't shake Droz's hand.

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I'd hate to disagree with you Franchise, but O'Haire really is nothing more than Grenier, Conway etc. All have fairly similar physiques, all get given stupid ass gimmicks, which they have chance of getting over because they lack the ring talent or the personality.

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The best thing they have done with this man was during the APA Bar Room Brawl when he came down and just sat at the bar and drank, while raising his glass to the violance at some points... i found this absolutely hilarious.

That was Funaki.

O'Haire was the one that went all Matrix on the bar and whipped everyone's ass.

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The best thing they have done with this man was during the APA Bar Room Brawl when he came down and just sat at the bar and drank, while raising his glass to the violance at some points... i found this absolutely hilarious.

That was Funaki.

O'Haire was the one that went all Matrix on the bar and whipped everyone's ass.

I know what you mean by Funaki, was O Haire just sat there for a while, THEN he went Matrix on everyone.


Other thing that was funny was when he eventually stood up, he took a jab at the easter bunny, and laughed.

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I'd hate to disagree with you Franchise, but O'Haire really is nothing more than Grenier, Conway etc. All have fairly similar physiques, all get given stupid ass gimmicks, which they have chance of getting over because they lack the ring talent or the personality.

Each to their own.


I'd rather see O Haire than a Grenier or Conway though, but i did like his WCW things with the rest of the NBT.

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O'Haire's got some degree of coolness to him.....that just makes him seem like a badass. That is what makes everyone like him so much. Grenier and Conway look like generic young body builders...especially with those haircuts. But O'Haire...he just walks out looking like a badass.

I know that's one of the weakest reasons to like a wrestler "he looks like a badass" but it's just the way I feel about O'Haire.

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Guest gregb7677

no longer shocks me when the WWE screws something up. Yes, he can't really wrestle but that gimmick and those promos were cool. now if they took the time to truly develop these people (ya know strengthen there weak points) then MAYBE things would be better. Still doesn't excuse the piss poor writing though.

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Well, the man was forced towrestle the WWE style, so yeah, he's no Flair on the mat. However, in WCW, he leapt to the top rope like Van Dam, had a much better Swanton (Seanton was his version) Bomb than Jeff Hardy, threw in a some martial arts moves, and brought a lot of intensity.


Want to know one other way he is much different than La Resistance or some other OVW guys??? O'Haire is not being used and is not on TV.

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Well, the man was forced towrestle the WWE style, so yeah, he's no Flair on the mat. However, in WCW, he leapt to the top rope like Van Dam, had a much better Swanton (Seanton was his version) Bomb than Jeff Hardy, threw in a some martial arts moves, and brought a lot of intensity.


Want to know one other way he is much different than La Resistance or some other OVW guys??? O'Haire is not being used and is not on TV.


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Well, the man was forced towrestle the WWE style, so yeah, he's no Flair on the mat.  However, in WCW, he leapt to the top rope like Van Dam, had a much better Swanton (Seanton was his version) Bomb than Jeff Hardy, threw in a some martial arts moves, and brought a lot of intensity.


Want to know one other way he is much different than La Resistance or some other OVW guys???  O'Haire is not being used and is not on TV.


So in WCW he was like Nathan Jones with a little bit of wrestling knowledge and could do spots?


So now he's unable to do the spots, and is a shitty actor so he can't pull off his character?



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That's not it Andrew, and deep down inside, you know it :P


In WCW, he had talent, i'll wager you never watched half a dozen of his matches from that era?


Course, being stuck with Sean Stasiak - not his best thing.

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I probably have seen at least that many, but they're *that* memorable.


And the Seanton Bomb looked like crap--looked like no impact at all. Of course, I think the move sucks whomever does it, but he's not going to be using it in WWE, or going to the top rope at all, so it's a moot point.


Being able to do top rope moves doesn't automatically equal talent, by the way.

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O'haire's weird. He has personality and charisma, I'm just not sure what it is. He's nothing great, but I can't help but watch him when he's on TV.


O'haire is one of those guys I got a feeling could be a huge star with the right gimmick and a little more experience in the ring. Fuck if I know what that gimmick should be, though.

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Give Val Venis the same gimmick that O'Haire was going to use, and watch him do it 5,000 times better. He's got the creepy voice, he's a good actor, he's a pretty good wrestler--he just needs a goatee.

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O'Haire doing that devils advocate gimmick reminded me of a bigger, less talented Raven.

I dont know about that, but now you mention it... no, i still dont know about that.


O'haire does have a unique look about him though, THAT's why he's not compared to other green workers like the aforementioned Conway and Grenier, but then again, i dont consider the man to be green.

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