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The Ghost of bps21

TOAO NFL Week 2 Thread

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Redskins finally score off a Trung Canidate rushing TD.

That was Betts.

Thats what I get for trying to watch too many games at once...

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Goddamn the Jets suck.


Oh, and is the Saints offense going to do ANYTHING today?

The Saints don't have any offense...well DEUCE~!


but that's it.

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Guest El Satanico
Ramsey is doing just downright horrible. Exact opposite of the Jets game.

After the Jets game, I said that Ramsey will be on a roller coaster ride all season.


I just hope Spurrier remembers the lessons learned last year and sticks with Ramsey through the lows.

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Guest Flyboy

It's a shame that the Saints' defense is doing better than their offense. They are other WRs on the field than Horn, Brooks.

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Guest El Satanico

Well from what I heard about last weeks game Brooks may not be in a trusting mood with the other WRs. Didn't the other WRs drop alot of balls last week?

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God dammit the 49ers should be blowing this game open right now and they are just handing the Rams the game. Interception by the Rams.

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Guest Flyboy
Well from what I heard about last weeks game Brooks may not be in a trusting mood with the other WRs. Didn't the other WRs drop alot of balls last week?

That's true, but that doesn't give him the right to go in the next game and focus just on one receiver.

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Geez, Bulger fumbles. Where the hell is Faulk?

Faulk has actually been shut down pretty well as I think his longest run was four yards. They still probably aren't giving it to him enough though.

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Guest Choken One
Geez, Bulger fumbles. Where the hell is Faulk?

Mike Martz locked him in the Locker room ala Daniel Stern in Rookie of the Year.

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