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Guest Retro Rob

Jericho is Back....

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I always kinda figured that Jericho's whole tantrum was somewhat of a work just to see what kind of rise he could get from Smarks. I honestly couldn't see him flipping like that over something as petty as one bad review.


Good that he's back nonetheless.

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I'm Lazy!!!

  That's basically the reason.  Originally I was miffed over the reviews for my KOTR match vs RVD, but I'm a big boy and I can live with the criticism.  But I have to be honest, I also wanted to see what kind of a reaction I could get from all of you as well.  I enjoy seeing how far I can push the envelope with you guys.


The thing I found profoundly annoying with his little outburst some 14 months ago, was that he generalized everyone on the internet in it. He just came off looking as stupid and as whiney as his detractors.


Ah well, either way, it's interesting to see that he's updating his page again... though, with a baby on the way I wouldn't expect too much more in the way of commentaries from Mr. Jericho.

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Guest Trivia247

It could also be the company line at the time...


think of it, the WWE especially Vince himself doesn't like us know it all know nothin Smart Marks..... we who believe we know so much and not like the herds of cattle that sits in the stands and buys the merchandise..


we actually follow wrestlers careers from before they came to the WWE. the WWE would have had the marks believe they created these wrestlers from that muddy mesh like the Orochi of LOTR. They seem to not want to give credence to us because we happen to know some of their low and midcarders like Funaki, Benoit, Guerrero Jericho etc etc were world class wrestlers elsewhere.



Now many a wrestler working for the WWE especially coming from success elsewhere do talk to the fans online...people like Jericho and storm and DDP etc etc. having this almost indi insider rapport with us. Now Storm isn't as well successful in the WWE as a Jericho is so I doubt the WWE really gets on his case about it.


But Jericho?? He is higher up the food chain and has more exposure...so you can imagine the WWE was moderating what he was saying and at some point Vince probably had a "Long talk" About Jericho about breaking Kayfabes and staying within character....so at that point Jericho had his worked tantrum on us.


Thinking to discredit us as always...but we stuck by him most of us still see Jericho as a great wrestler with a great history and think he has been snubbed alot by the WWE.


So again proves the Independant thinking we have and why we are so hated.


another example would be the House show heel turn of Dreamer whom bashes the Crowd for chanting ECW. company line and heel turned character..


I dunno when we will see him on Raw like that but hell its Dreamer they can't give him a push to save their lives

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I was at KOTR 02 and I have to say, his match with RVD was the best match on the card. It didn't deserve the critical drubbing it got here and elsewhere on the IWC. Thus, I agreed with his decision to stop updating his website.


But it is nice to see him back.

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Why do people insist on taking the blame off Jericho? Seriously, it was cute the first thousand times someone said "he was working us" but now I'm starting to get the feeling that people actually believe that bullshit.


And what "critical drubbing" ?? The match was praised by 99.999% of the IWC at the time. Jericho just decided to use that 0.001% to represent the whole. The reason that match isn't praised today is because of Jericho's comments afterwards and his dubbing it a MOTYC. But what does it all matter, HE WAS WORKIN US!

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we actually follow wrestlers careers from before they came to the WWE. the WWE would have had the marks believe they created these wrestlers from that muddy mesh like the Orochi of LOTR. They seem to not want to give credence to us because we happen to know some of their low and midcarders like Funaki, Benoit, Guerrero Jericho etc etc were world class wrestlers elsewhere.

I really don't think that's Vince's major issue when it comes to smarks, because a lot of the dullest marks would recognize the guys you mentioned from other organizations.


Vince and WWE seem to have a love/hate relationship with the net. Back in 98, when everything was good, Vince was a genius for using the net to shape the product into something that fans would actually enjoy. But now that net fans are criticizing him, suddenly we're all dumb ass twelve year olds that don't know shit about the biz.

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Guest Goodear
Why do people insist on taking the blame off Jericho? Seriously, it was cute the first thousand times someone said "he was working us" but now I'm starting to get the feeling that people actually believe that bullshit.

Goodear's Law of Internet Wrestling Fandom: It's not what happens, but who does it that matters.


Basically Jericho could come out one night, take a crap in the middle of the ring and thow it at internet fans and they would smile politely while calling him a 'good showman'. Just check out the first few posts of Hurricane vs. Mack and you'll see this in action.

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Guest Trivia247
No offense, Trivia, but please learn some punctuation!

Nevah! nor will I learn that dag nab s pellin thingie nither no

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