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PROMO: Diary 1

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September 18, 2003.


Providence, Rhode Island.


It's an independent show -- about six hundred people crammed into a civic center that ought to be called a gymnasium. The show is hosted by OSW -- I honestly can't remember what the letters stand for this time. Ocean Sport Wrestling? Ocean Spray? Ocean State?


My assigned opponent tonight emerges. Some young local guy, maybe twenty-five, who must've been born with a malfunctioning pituitary gland and therefore believes he's got a natural talent for pro wrestling. Standing at just under seven feet and weighing three hundred pounds, the man calls himself Crucible. The guy looks downright garish in his horned purple face mask which has the undesired effect of frightening none but a couple of six-year-olds in the crowd. Convinced of his abilities, this is the guy that OSW has billed as their champion. The man to beat. The future of wrestling.


What a load of crap.


My music hits. It's a piece of stock music, some upbeat country jingle, as OSW obviously does not have the extensive musical archive that SWF does. I get a nice veteran face pop from the crowd, most of which recognize me from television. Only one camera will be pointed at me tonight, and although it's the first time in months that I've been under the glare of a camera, I don't let it bother me. It's just one camera.


The bell rings, and I can immediately tell that this guy has no excuse being in this ring and calling himself a wrestler. His offensive strikes are flimsy, but I sell them as I am instructed to do. After taking a severe beating for the first couple of minutes, I begin to mount an offense to appease the fans. I duck a flying boot and take Crucible down with a German suplex. I get to the top rope as flashbulbs start going off, and as Crucible gets to his feet, I flatten him with a Longdogger Legdrop.


Idiot. The guy gets right back up without a count. Who the hell does he think he is? I try to press the attack, but Crucible gets a hold of me and lays into me with brute force. He lifts me into the air and gravity does the rest. Powerbomb. Damn -- he botched it. I land wrong on my back, and it hurts. A lot. A quick pinfall and it's over. Five minutes of work and I've done my job.


It takes me awhile to get to my feet, but I soon find my balance. The crowd is booing -- they're not happy with the match by far. Crucible, for his part, is eating it all up. I don't bother to look back as I stroll up the ramp. Time to hit the showers.


After I get cleaned up, I head for the promoter's office and pick up my check. Two hundred bucks. It isn't much, but it's mine and now I'm out of there. And this is what my life has become.


Some flake with a notepad approaches me as I look for my car in the parking lot. A reporter. "Mr. MacDougal, would you care to talk about your reasons for leaving the SWF?"


"Get out of here," I urge the reporter.


He continues to hound me. "Can I just get a comment--"


"I said get out of here!" I exclaim, and thankfully, he does, searching for some other quasi-celebrity to go harass. My anger persists for a moment, and I bark at the cameraman that has been following me ever since I got to the civic center. "We're done. Turn that damn camera off. Now."


You think you know, but you have no idea.


This is the diary of Longdogger Pete.



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