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Guest Korrosive

So who will Goldbergs first opponent be?

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Guest Coffey

Well, it won't be Test because he has to do the nonsense with Stacy & Scott Steiner. I guess it could be Chris Jericho because Jericho might piss off Austin, so Austin could make the match in retaliation. However, we've already seen that match. On PPV no less.


If Goldberg even has a match at all, it'll be a squash over someone that doesn't matter. Possible someone fat to showcase Goldberg's strength. Mark Henry perhaps?

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Guest Goodear

I agree with the Mark Henry choice based off how fast the match is going to end up being as well as the mini-push that Mark has been getting the last couple of weeks in the tag team with Rodney Mack. Let Goldberg get the squash and the pop from the jackhammer and you're off to a nice little start of a reign that will hopefully be built up more in the ring than the last one where Triple H seemed to just do interviews all the time.

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Guest Choken One

I just cant buy goldberg as a FIGHTING champion...but I'm banking Bischoff will be pissed and book him against the LEGEND KILLER tonight in a non title match (by order of Austin).

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Guest Trivia247

well you all know once you beat a worthless McMahon after being shat upon by that McMahon even though your in the middle of a Monster push thats a Auto matic World title shot!


probably not but Kane at some point should face him

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Based on WCW (this that's the company WWE wants to be so much), I'm guessing Steven Richards will get the big title shot tonight.


But his real next feud should be Kane.

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I always assumed Goldberg would win the title at SummerSlam and feud with Kane for Unforgiven. Now, with the next PPV being SmackDown only, and Survivor Series being the rumoured "Trips gets his belt back" PPV, I think they'll just have Goldberg beat assorted upper midcarders / psudo-main event guys (starting tonight with Jericho) and squash jobbers as well (the above mentioned Richards, probably Mack again and Mark Henry to put over Berg's strength), with this leading to a big match on Raw against Kane, similar to how SD! promotes big episodes in their PPV downtime.

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Guest Coffey
From 1wrestling...


The word going around at Raw is that they will do a Bill Goldberg-Chris Jericho match tonight.


...so that's that.

No, that's not the final word. Since when is 1wrestling.com 100% credible? I've always portrayed them as somewhat of an on-line laughing stock as it pertains to wrestling news. I'm not saying that it won't happen, but it's definitely not the final say because those cakes said so.

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Guest Trivia247

well they got a free month (4 Raws) For Goldberg to just go over people left and right in defense of the title... at the first Raw after the SD PPV is where the Kane feud begins with him. and they fight on and off with mind games for 4 Raws till their PPV match

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Guest Polish_Rifle

I think as his first request, Test will make his slave Scott Steiner take on Goldberg for the title with Uncle Eric's approval of course.

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