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One and Only TNA Thread for 9/24

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Guest TNAPhillip

I hope this match will be a good one. Personally I wish they would let Punk feud with Raven like he does everywhere else

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Guest TNAPhillip

Gathering won but after the match Vamprio attacked. New Church and Douglas hung the gathering from the balcony

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Decent show. Vast improvement over last week's show, but the matches...sucked a lot. Jarrett/Daniels, New Church/Gathering, and Lynn/Sabin/Kazarian/Juvi/Nosawa were the only really watchable matches. And somebody PLEASE get Vince Russo the FUCK off of my TV.

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Guest Boomer Sprinklespax

At first I thought Trinity was a tad on the hideous side...tonight has changed my mind forevermore.

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Guest TDinDC1112

I don't think Mantell had a lot of input on the show that just happenend. If they ever want to succeed, they HAVE to announce these matches before the show starts. Announcing matches 40 mins. into a ppv doesn't help your buy rate.

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Well, if Mantel booked this show, I have a few doubts. Most of it was crap, albeit entertaining crap, but it still doesn't TOUCH the first couple of months.

You mean the same first couple of months with Cheex, The Johnsons, and where everything other than the X-Division sucked?

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Guest TDinDC1112
Well, if Mantel booked this show, I have a few doubts. Most of it was crap, albeit entertaining crap, but it still doesn't TOUCH the first couple of months.

You mean the same first couple of months with Cheex, The Johnsons, and where everything other than the X-Division sucked?

And don't forget about the Alpha Male - Mounty Brown!

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Guest Deviant

Wow, TM had/has a video of it? Man do I feel stupid, I write for that damn site! I try to avoid the main page of it though to avoid spoilers, but still...

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