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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent

I Hate Ray

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Most wrestlers are on roids, but in Professional Wrestling that's not really as big a problem, since it's not like it can enhance their performance or anything. It doesn't give them an advantage, it shouldn't even be an issue.


UNLESS you were worried about their well-being. Well, you wouldn't really be Vince Mcmahon than right? He still has that carny attitude, as in his fans are fools and his workers are just that, workers. They don't even have a fucking union. I guess the fact that he's a jackass would explain why he can't handle any sort of publicity in the "legit" media. I felt ashamed to be a fan of the WWE after what he did to Armin Keteyian(Obvious SP~!). Yeah, I know I'm beating a dead horse calling him an asshole, but still, you have to mention it when talking about steroid use. He's aware of it, but does he care? Obviously not. The WWE is terrible, and there's not much in the way of an alternative, so I guess that means no wrestling for me. Oh well.


*Waiting for MMA to screw him over*

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Guest The Pirate in White

Arr ye dog, I believe ye be spellin' the foul name of that treacherous mutineer Keteyian correctly, yo ho, though the men of my particular profession aren't what ye'd call "well-read." YO HO!


As for the fool's gold of steroids, some of those scallywags be usin' them ta make themselves look better, avast. And whose fault be THAT? Methinks it be that scoundrel Captain McMahon, only promotin' the men who be lookin' impressive, rather than a fine helmsman like Chris Jericho, yo ho! I ought to see if he'd serve on my vessel!


HARD TO PORT, MEN! Take our fine vessel out of this thread!

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Ray, Benoit's 10 Germans killed the match for me. I mean...


1.) It's a farce to believe that at a world class level of wrestling 10 of the same move in a row would work without being countered at some point. Especially by the man who in kayfabe terms was the best wrestler in the world.


2.) It cheapened the move itself.

actually, it makes more sense to me that the more times you do the move, the harder it is to get out of. if you've already been dropped on your head 4 times, shouldn't it be harder to get the strength, speed & coordination to counter than the first time you got dropped on your head?

Shouldn't Austin's neck been broken after 10 of them?

of course. austin should've been DEAD after 10 german suplexes, that was a huge problem i had with the match.

Actually I'd expect a wrestler of Austin's caliber to reverse after 2 or 3. Surely he's seen Benoit do this before, and still has the intestinal fortitude and preseance of mind to counter after a mere 3 suplexes?

remember that BEFORE this match, it wasn't a "mere" 3 suplexes. 3 german suplexes were pretty deadly, and the rock had been pinned before with just one. it's almost like if benoit had powerbombed him 10 times and someone said "why couldn't austin have countered after 2 or 3?"


then, logically, there's also the question that if he could've countered after 3, why couldn't he have countered the first or second time? would he be thinking "okay, i know how to counter this, but i'll let him drop me on my head 2 more times before i do it"?


and i mark for the pirate in white.

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Guest BionicRedneck

The 10 Germans sucked because Austin won the match 2 minutes later. Austin shouldn't have been able to walk.


Oh, and I think Ray is great. Basically, I like anyone who calls the fact that Kurt Angle is the most absurdly overrated wrestler in the world.

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Guest cobainwasmurdered

I like Benoit more Than Angle. I think Benoit is better. I don't really have anything to back my opinion up of course.


It's just a personal preference. Angle is great and I have no problem with him as a pro wrestler. Although I have to say he is overrated by the Smark community sometimes. So are alot of people though.


It's all about personal preference.



Ray is a tool though.

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Guest Ray

I still find this topic so funny.


It's gone from hating me...to Benoit being a better wrestler than Angle...to a bunch of crap about why Benoit wouldn't draw...to 'roids...


It seems like every time I point out that Benoit is better than *insert wrestler here*, people always bring up "promos" and "sports entertainment" and drawing....as if they'll do anything to get away from the fact that Benoit is the better wrestler. You say the average WWE fan doesn't care about wrestling.


I'd say the average WWE fan isn't too bright. I see quite a few homophobic, horny teenage boys who want puppies!!!1 , and sit on their hands through a good wrestling match.


Shouldn't Austin's neck been broken after 10 of them? 


of course. austin should've been DEAD after 10 german suplexes, that was a huge problem i had with the match.

But remember, he's the toughest SOB in the WWE... ;)

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Guest The Real Nosferatu

Short and Sweet: I like Benoit better as a wrestler, and I'm not a fan of either his or Angle's promos. But Angle is a damn good worker and has been able to carry people left and right.


Ok, I have no proof of that, but Ray hates when you see Angle carried everyone to good matches.

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