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Guest RollingSambos

Calling wrestlers by their real names

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Why won't The Rock use Duane Johnson as his name in the movies? Since he is not a wrestler anymore he should not use The Rock name.

So should Ice Cube, Snoop Dogg, and DMX get billed as O'Shea Jackson, Calvin Broadus, and Earl Simmons?


The fact is plenty of actors, particularly crossover stars, stick with their stage/gimmick names when they start doing movies, because they are more recognizable that way.

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Well, I understand both sides. I always call them by their wrestling names but a little thing in the back of my mind feels I'm being impolite. I grew up with the thought that you should always be professional and do the "Mister" thing. Like when Edge signed an autograph for me this summer I called him Edge of course, but my conscience kept telling me to say "Thank you Mr.Copeland".

You could have just used the classic "Thank you,sir."


I would never think of calling a wrestler that I didn't have some sort of personal familiarity with by their real name. Heck,there's three or four in GCW that I do know their names and I've still never done it. I don't even use their real names in conversations with other wrestlers about them. For example, if I happened to be talking to MsChif after a show about Delirious....I would always refer to him as Delirious despite the fact that I know his real name from trading a couple emails with him.

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Guest jm29195

They called Taker 'Mark' during the build up to No Mercy last year when he was supposed to have cheated on his wife..... and during the Corporate Ministry angle where he was supposed to have been getting to deep into his character.....

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Guest netslob
If you ever want to have a good laugh, and maybe watch a fight, convince someone you don't like very much to go up to New Jack and say "Whassup, Jerome." Hilarity will ensue. 


better yet, call him "Jerry"... i'll bet he'll LOVE it!

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Guest The Masked Avenger

Personally, I think it's a mix between numerous points earlier made.

The old school mentality/kayfabe and a public person's need to keep his private life private.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

It has to do with respecting old school kayfabe.....nothing more, nothing less.

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I read a while back on one the forums at stormwrestling. Basically the question was does he prefer to be called Storm or Evers when greeted in public, and he said Storm, since that is his ring name, and calling him by his real name implies they know him personally.

The other wrestlers probably feel the same way.

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It makes sense to me. If you are used to calling someone "Mark", for example, and you are out ad-libbing a promo there is a better chance you would call him "Mark" and break character rather than calling him "Taker" and staying in kayfabe.

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It makes sense to me. If you are used to calling someone "Mark", for example, and you are out ad-libbing a promo there is a better chance you would call him "Mark" and break character rather than calling him "Taker" and staying in kayfabe.

That reminds me of a very funny screwup a few years back HBK and Nash (as Deisel (BTW, was Deisel ever referred to as "Kevin Nash" during the Deisel gimmick?) ) were doing commentary on a match or something and Shawn calls Deisel "Kevin" by accident to which Deisel responds by calling Shawn "Michael"


Aside for curiosity is Shawn Shawn's given middle name? I have never seen any listing ever of Michael Hickenbottom's full name and I'm guessing its Shawn in the very popular way of creating stage names by making a middle name your first name (and Michaels is easier to roll of the tounge than Hickenbottom so there you go)

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As far as "The Rock" what he should do is be referred to as Duane "The Rock" Johnson


And an aside there, I wonder how many Hollywood types and Hollywood media even KNOW that "The Rock" is a nickname of Rock's "real" ring name, Rocky Miavia I mean I have NEVER seen an interview or piece where "Rocky Miavia" Very odd in a sort of way



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I have a feeling HBK's reasoning for his ring name, since he was part of The Rockers, was because of Poison frontman Bret Michaels. Kinda like how there's a wrestler named Ron Zombie...

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Guest FrigidSoul

Taker is listed as "Mark Callaway" on Suburban Commando so if you really wanna get under his skin at an autograph signing you could say "Its Mark Callaway...the guy that played the high pitched voice bounty hunter in SC!!!" and ignore his wrestling background all together

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Guest Man Of 1,004 Modes

He was in between gimmicks at the time, so going by his real name in the movie credits makes sense. (I think the movie either came out right before his WWF Debut or right after)

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