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One & Only MLB playoff discussion thread

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Guest Ghettoman

Why is everyone overlooking the fact that Zimmer didn't throw a punch, or that Pedro grabbed him by the head and threw him down to the ground? For all we know Zim was running over to argue, does that justify being thrown to the ground? And if he is coming really aggressively, would you throw him to the ground like that? Come on....It's like there's this hilarious double standard of people getting on athletes who are good to great on but not a good person in general, then defending them when there your own when what was done clearly wasn't justifiable.


What really pisses me off is this all overshadow's what would of been a classic on it's own. Very symbolic exit for Clemens....

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Why is everyone overlooking the fact that Zimmer didn't throw a punch, or that Pedro grabbed him by the head and threw him down to the ground?

What are you talking about? Did you not see Zimmer go after Pedro or something?

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Pedro is a fuckwit, but to blame him for Zimmer is absurd.


Zimmer comes charging with an arm extended, what is Pedro supposed to do? The way he handled it worked out well. He tosses Zimmer down, people react and get to Zimmer, incident ends.

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Guest Ghettoman

All we saw was Pedro looking at Zimmer as he came towards him, certainly not making any kind of effort to ease the situation, the first thing after that we see is Pedro grabbing at him, Zimmer's hands come up, and Pedro threw him to the ground. And just how fast can Don Zimmer run, I'm pretty sure Pedro had time to think about the situation before it all went down.


It's bullshit, at the least you'd expect talk about how both were in the wrong, but this "Well Zimmer did...." crap is retarted.

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Pedro shouldn't of done the pointy to the head thing, but by no mean should Zimmer attack Pedro. His fat ass should of stayed in the dugout.


He asked for it. And once again, Pedro didn't mount him and pound the shit out of him so to blame Pedro on this is pretty stupid.

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Guest Ghettoman

Zimmer's arm wasn't the first thing, we saw Pedro reach and then Zimmer came in the picture.


And no, he didn't mount him and punch him, so your right I guess I'm wrong. If it isn't mounting and punching, it isn't wrong. Guess I nmever heard the saying 'no mount and punch no foul'....

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Well obviously you don't know what you are talking about because they only showed the replay 50 times clearly showing Zimmer going after Pedro.


And Pedro just shoved Zimmer down, and you are acting like Pedro is Satan. He didn't even punch him.

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Manny and Ortiz....HIT THE BALL THIS INNING.


Why does every damn RedSox game have to come down to the end of the game.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
So if Boston were to be the sole losers of the league...what the fuck would that make Oakland who lost a 2-0 lead to Boston and got made to look horrible in the final 3 games?

4 years without winning a series is much different than not winning a championship for 80.


Oh, and another stupid BoSox fan jumped in the bullpen. Fuck are they retarded,

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Oh, and another stupid BoSox fan jumped in the bullpen. Fuck are they retarded,

Yeah...cuz we all know every fan of the BoSox would do something that stupid...give it a rest Banky. We all know you hate us for knocking out your choking A's so stop with the stupid generalizations already.

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