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Mystery Eskimo

IZ Boooooooking

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Next week's IZ will feature INTENSE FIVE matches:


Naz Mistry vs The Shuffle

G-Money vs K-NESS

Blurricane vs Jailbait

JINGUS vs Vitamin X


The winners of these matches, plus the winner of PRL-Jay, will become the first INTENSE 5, and go into a five man elimination match on next weeks show to determine the placings.


If I've forgotten you, SPEAK NOW~!


other matches, promos, in here please.


Would it be possible to get the Dream Machines defending the tag titles on the show?


And although PRL doesn't HAVE to defend the NA title, a match would be good.


This show is being billed as "season premiere"- not that it really means anything, but I'd like to make it a good one.

Edited by Mystery Eskimo

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IZ and floating champions, try to make this show a good one, Eskimo has put alot of effort into making IZ something special again.


Next week's show is supposed to be special, so write like it is. IMO, next week the show COULD be the best IZ ever depending on the writing quality.

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Guest Dids

Money and I were already planning on having a match- maybe I can be unjustly thrown into a second match that night by an evil Dan Black?

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Would it be possible to get the Dream Machines defending the tag titles on the show?

Anyone want to face us? I'll write the match since Parka's handling HD this week.

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I was unable to send it in this week so I'll try again next week.


-Puerto Rican Lightning victory speech where PRL debuts his brand spanking new entrance.


And how's THIS for a main event for the season premiere?


OaOasT North American Championship Match

Puerto Rican Lightning vs. "Shooter" Jay Darring

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Dream Machines are supposed to be starting something with the new Tag Team, but I need to know what's up with What? Hahaha...sorry it sounded funny.


I have no problem with DM's vs. Jingus/Jesse. We can find a way to work in our next feud with it.

Edited by LaParkaYourCar

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Ok...but I want those tag titles defended sometime soon :)


I can't remember the last tag title match we had on IZ.

I do believe that our plans lead to a title defense either on this show or the week after.

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:huh: ...hm... Curious... But what's up with Slacks and Choko? I'm lost in what I was supposed to do with them... And as for the

Spoiler (Highlight to Read):

return of him
as well...


Let me know. Ok?

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Ok...but I want those tag titles defended sometime soon :)


I can't remember the last tag title match we had on IZ.

I do believe that our plans lead to a title defense either on this show or the week after.

I'll be looking forward to it.


Black & Jailbait vs JINGUS & Jesse may take place anyway...depending how much writing time I get...

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I'd be more than willing to defend the title on IZ if anybody's interested.

Since I'm helping out with this weeks show, can you write a promo discussing "the Intense 5" concept?

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Guest Dids

Question for the matches- are we just doing them without Jesse and only Jim in the booth?

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Question for the matches- are we just doing them without Jesse and only Jim in the booth?

Yes, only JR, who's sitting ringside.


Jesse & JR will be used on PPVs, but only JR for IZ.

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