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Are You Entitled To Steal?

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Note: Any references to "you" aren't really directed at "you". You know what I mean?


What the hell is wrong with selling bootleg copies of the WWF Videos, they went out of print a long time ago.  If they don't sell them anymore, how the fuck are they losing money?


That was posted in General Wrestling about MarkOut Video getting into trouble selling bootlegged WWF Videos.


Judging by that quote, the Stealing Cable thread and the general hate for the RIAA for punishing people for committing what are in reality crimes by copying and distributing music, do you feel that today's society thinks they are entitled to steal whatever they want?


I'm not saying that I have never downloaded a few MP3s or WWE footage but I know what I am doing and I know that in the words of the law it is wrong and I take the risk knowingly. A lot of people seem to think that they are in the right because CD's cost so much (which I agree with) but don't seem to own up to the fact that if they download a copy of music they can rightfully be sued for it.


Is it because a corporation may have been successful and built itself into a huge company that you feel it is ok and it doesn't hurt anyone? What about the employee's of said corporation? Working for Comcast I see people all the time say that "it's okay to steal cable because you are a monopoly!" That isn't true. Other companies just choose not to compete with us in those markets.


You have satellite as an option and anyother company can come in and overbuild like WOW does in Colorado or Click! in Tacoma, WA.


But since no other company forks up the money to do that and setup their own plant then Comcast is at fault and it's okay to steal the service since their is "no other option"?


I don't buy CD's anymore either (Except a Black Label Society CD at Best Buy because it was only $9 a couple weeks ago) and will be more than happy when Apple's iTune service goes Windows compatible so I can pick and choose what I want and download the CD for a reasonable 0.99, but while I still go and occasionally download a song illegally I won't be all huffy if the RIAA decides to sue me.


I just don't understand how some people get upset when a company tries to defend it's copyrights/service/nuts when that person is knowingly stealing from said company.


You aren't fucking Robin Hood taking from the rich and giving to the poor. You're a goddamn theif. And so am I.


Rant over.

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You aren't fucking Robin Hood taking from the rich and giving to the poor.   You're a goddamn theif.   And so am I.

Well, if you're stealing from a corporation and giving the wares to yourself (who doesn't have a lot of money) then you are.


I have to admit the stealing cable thread made me shake my head in a few places (I am a bit more understanding when it comes to downloading music *i.e. sampling songs, etc.*, but then I should disclose that I have also done this practice in the past so go OMG HYPOCRITE! if you want).


Personally, I have always been content with my cable providers. But if you don't like something then don't use the material -- just taking it without paying under the name of protest is a copout, in my opinion...

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Amen Brother Rant. Amen.


I too, am a thief. Not on the scale of downloading whole albums and making and getting bootlegged movies and I've never stolen cable before but I have dabbled in theft and am subject to whatever fines and penalties they carry.


I agree that some people need to fess up that what they are doing is stealing, plain and simple.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I ate a lonely orphan candy bar I found (in the wrapper) on the floor at work. It was nowhere near its original case. That's ok stealing.


If I'd opened the box up, and taken a couple home, that's a different stealing.


Downloading music is ok stealing.

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