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Game Cube games...

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I just picked up a GameCube recently because I'm a sucker for a deal. Now not being all that familar to the game library of the cube, what are some must have games? Please give your top ten picks. Thanks for any help that is given.

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1) Zelda: Wind Waker

2) Animal Crossing

3) Super Monkey Ball

4) Super Smash Brother Melee

5) Soul Calibur II

6) Metroid Prime

7) Star Fox Adventures(hey I liked it)


9) Super Mario Sunshine

10).......................can't think of anymore.....

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1. Zelda: Wind Waker

2. Metroid Prime

3. Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 2

4. Soul Calibur 2

5. Mario Sunshine

6. Super Smash Bros. Melee

7. Wrestlemania XIX

8. F-Zero


(Those are the only games that I could see in a Top 10 List... so end it at 8. Although, I'm probably forgetting alot. I never played Star Fox Adventures, Animal Crossing, or a bunch of other games.

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1. Metroid Prime (SCREW EVERYONE! BEST GAME EVER!...well not EVER)

2. Eternal Darkness

3. Wind Waker

4. Super Monkey Ball 2

5. Resident Evil

6. Viewtiful Joe (just based on the demo so far)



9. Super Mario Sunshine

10. F-Zero

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Ultimate Muscle is a ton of fun, especially in multiplayer, but I've found it's not deep enough to remain fun indefinately, like say, No Mercy was.

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Guest hhheld_down

1. Zelda: Windwaker

2. Eternal Darkness

3. Metriod Prime

4. Viewtiful Joe (based on preview

5. Resident Evil

6. Soul Caliber II


8. Smash Bros.

9. Animal Crossin

10. Mario Sunshine

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Ultimate Muscle is a ton of fun, especially in multiplayer, but I've found it's not deep enough to remain fun indefinately, like say, No Mercy was.

Maybe not for you...


But there isn't a No Mercy on GC anyway. The closest is WMXIX and the story mode sucks, or Def Jam Vendetta which isn't much of an option if you hate rap.

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It's funny...


but between Ultimate Muscle, WM XIX and Def Jam Vendetta...


GC is the next gen console for wrestling games with good gameplay.


Of course all 3 of them have drawbacks in either the character or storyline department...


but they don't seem willing to give one wrestling game everything

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Viewtiful Joe is out tomorrow and goes for only $39.99..a must have for any gamecube owner!


And most games on the above top 10 lists are $29.99 or cheaper.


I'll give some of my games in no order


SSX Tricky - Cheap, and its a good game, prepare for SSX3

Eternal Darkness - another cheap game thats awesome but really didnt sell that well.

Metroid Prime - Better than Wind Waker gameplay wise (length especially)

Zelda: Wind Waker - very good game although its a bit short

SSB:Melee - I think its the best 4 player game outside of Mario Party..

Mario Sunshine - I still dont have this but its a $29.99 game and most people say for that price its a good game.

Viewtiful Joe - read all of the reviews for it. In most mags/sites its the game of the month (I know Game Informer gave it a 9.5 GotM)

Soul Caliber II - best selling version and its got LINK!

Edited by MarvinisaLunatic

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Guest JumpinJackFlash

I don't have a Gamecube, nor have I played a Gamecube. But, I have watched my friend play Resident Evil for 3 straight hours, at night and with surround sound. After seeing the great graphics, music, and story, I was amazed. I used to own the original on Playstation, but this was an out-of-this-world improvement. Thus, Resident Evil is the best Gamecube game ever!

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