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Great Matches or High Match Ratings

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I know SYM is nearly a year old now, but I still play it constantly, almost on a daily basis. Anyways, I was just wondering what kind of gems some of you folks may of had in this game.


I'm asking this question specifally now, because I just finished off a match between two of my CAW, Mr. Perfect & D'Lo Brown. They just pulled off an easy **** match, as an opening match on RAW. It was back and forth action, through and through. Lots of near falls, submissions, and power moves. It was one of the best matches I've had for SYM in quite some time. D'Lo finished off Hennig, as he blocked the Perfect-Plex and hit the Running Powerbomb for the 1-2-3.



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Guest TheZsaszHorsemen

Hulk Hogan vs. The Rock (Modified moveset)


Extreme difficulty.


Hogan taps out.



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Myself (CAW) vs HHH, for the world title.


The match lasted 2 minutes, Trips got in about two punches, and I made his punk ass tap the the Figure 4 (3rd version)

Well, if we're going by those matches, too...


Just yesterday, I was playing Season mode as my Sting CAW. I was facing Rico in the KOTR Final. For whatever reason, I got my special in like 3 seconds (or you might just start with one, for all I know). Rico is dressed in his suit, and I just toss him to the corner, Stinger Splash... Scorpion Death Drop... I pinned him to win. The entire match lasted about 15 seconds.

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Probably a Tag Match between Messiah and B-Boy CAWs Vs. Impact Players (Lance Storm and CAW Justin Credible) for some reason this match turned out really great with alot near falls. Went about 16 minutes (which is really long for SYM) I'd probably rank it at ****1/2


or Brock Lesner Vs. Rhino in Season, hard hitting Strong Style match that ended when Rhino was going for the Gore but Brock caught him with a chair shot and retained his title.


I really miss that game (sadly my SYM was stolen a few months ago) I'll have to wait for HCTP to start playing again.

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I posted this one a few months back:


Just played Smackdown SYM as Benoit and decided to face Kurt Angle in a 30 minute Ultimate Submission match...that was probably the best and most fun video game match I've ever had. We wrestled to a draw at 23 a piece, which in itself is amazing considering that at one point I had him down 15 to 2. Kurt just came back on me in the last 10 minutes, and with 1 minute and change left, I had him down 23 to 19. He gets me with a chicken wing, a sleeper and two ankle locks to tie it up, and with 10 seconds left, he counters my crossface and locks me in a cross armbreaker, and (to my surprise) I held on just long enough for the time to expire. That shit had me on the edge of my seat...for a video game match, I'd definitely give it ***** .

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I posted this one a few months back:


Just played Smackdown SYM as Benoit and decided to face Kurt Angle in a 30 minute Ultimate Submission match...that was probably the best and most fun video game match I've ever had. We wrestled to a draw at 23 a piece, which in itself is amazing considering that at one point I had him down 15 to 2. Kurt just came back on me in the last 10 minutes, and with 1 minute and change left, I had him down 23 to 19. He gets me with a chicken wing, a sleeper and two ankle locks to tie it up, and with 10 seconds left, he counters my crossface and locks me in a cross armbreaker, and (to my surprise) I held on just long enough for the time to expire. That shit had me on the edge of my seat...for a video game match, I'd definitely give it ***** .

I thought Ultimate Submissions can only go 10 minutes?

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Guest OnlyMe

You can change the time in the options (middle selection after choosing your characters).


Options are: 10 minutes, 15, 20, 30.




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You can change the time in the options (middle selection after choosing your characters).


Options are: 10 minutes, 15, 20, 30.




Thus explaining why all my Ultimate Submission matches suck ass.

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Guest JumpinJackFlash

I had this TLC match with my Legends CAWs, and it was the most entertaining matches I've played. The match went on for 17 minutes, mainly because I kept throwing the ladder outside the ring, but it was very exciting. Stop many ladder and table spots, and many close wins. Too bad me and my partner lost. It was still great though. Another favorite was an Iron Man match I had between Benoit and Angle. Plus, 6 man HIAC are always great.

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I just had a match pitting my Chavo vs Jeff Hardy in a Hell in the Cell for the CW title. About 5 minutes in I get Hardy on top of the cage, and hit the Tornado DDT in the center to fall threw. And Hardy kicked out at ONE. And Kicked my ass for another 5 minutes. I beat him in the Gurrerro style, though (2 low blows in a row) to retain.

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I just had a match pitting my Chavo vs Jeff Hardy in a Hell in the Cell for the CW title. About 5 minutes in I get Hardy on top of the cage, and hit the Tornado DDT in the center to fall threw. And Hardy kicked out at ONE. And Kicked my ass for another 5 minutes. I beat him in the Gurrerro style, though (2 low blows in a row) to retain.

That sounds horrible Naitch..



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I just had a great match in my career. It was me as my Sting CAW vs. HHH and Kurt Angle in a Triple Threat. The match went about 10 min., more or less, and it had a bunch of nearfalls. By the end of the match, anyone could've been pinned. I worked over HHH's legs basically the entire match, so I could finish with the Scorpion Death Lock, but at the same time, Angle locked in the Ankle Lock a few times. Since you can't break submissions, I was forced to knock out the referee each time Angle applied a submission. I won the match when I hit a tornado reverse DDT from the corner on Angle and made HHH submit to the Death Lock. If we have to give star ratings... I'd say maybe ****

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I just had a great match...awesome.



Steve Corino vs. Kurt Angle at WrestleMania for the Undisputed Title.


I, as Corino, rushed in early on and kept on applying leg locks and hitting the shin breaker. For about five or six minutes, it was just Corino setting up for the Flair Figure Four. At 6 and 1/2, Corino went for a brainbuster to put Angle down, but Angle slipped out of it and hit rolling germans! for the next five minutes, Angle kept applying leg locks to set up for the Angle Lock. So we're at 10 minutes in, and Angle gets behind Corino and goes for the Angle Slam, but Corino uses one of his SmackDown's to counter, then hits the Old School Expulsion V.2 (Regal Cutter) to get the first pinfall!


The second fall was a No Hold's Barred match, so Corino immediately rushes out for a chair. He rushes back in, but Angle swipes the chair from him! Luckily, Corino drops down and hits the lowblow. For a couple of minutes, it's a fight for the chair, until Angle finally gets it and hits a DDT onto said chair for the pin. It's now tied!


The Third Fall is a Hell in a Cell, and the two immediately lock up. Corino gets the advantage and goes back to work on the leg. Five more minutes of pure leg work until Angle gets back up, completely no-sells, and hits an overhead belly-to-belly. The fight goes to the outside of the cell, and the two climb to the top. Angle goes for an Angle Slam through the CELL, but Corino counters and hits another OSE V2 THROUGH THE CELL! Angle is out cold in the middle of the ring! Corino, having one more SD icon, locks on the FFF, but Angle doesn't tap out! Corino continues applying leg locks and attempting the F4, but Angle will not tap out! Frustrated, and now with four SD icons, Corino lets up on Angle, who shoots up and attacks. Corino dodges, and goes behind...ANGLE SLAM ON ANGLE! ANGLE IS OUT! Corino taunts...and LOCKS ON THE ANGLE LOCK!! ANGLE TRIES TO CRAWL TO THE ROPES, BUT CORINO PULLS HIM BACK! ANGLE TAPS!! CORINO RETAINS THE TITLE AT WRESTLEMANIA!



Yeah, ****3/4...the no-selling brought it down, but it was still an awesome match.

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WWE Tag Team Titles

Rick Roma(My CAW) & Chris Benoit vs Vince McMahon & Ric Flair


Back and forth early on with Flair doing the majority of the work(building up 4 SD's) and isolating Benoit. Finally hot tag so Roma comes in and we go back and forth with eventually all four guys using SD's during a 3 minute time span.


Then I get a call that my friend arrived to pick me up, so I gotta finish fast.


So I throw everything and the kitchen sink at'em as we isolate Vince and hit SD's only for Flair to either break it up or for Vince to not tap out. I get desperate and bring in a chair, 3 chairshots does not keep Vince down(with help form Flair breaking it up) until Vince finally makes the tag. It continues back and forth until I hit the Vertibreaker on Vince for 1..2..Flair breaks. Benoit comes in but Flair move and takes him out with a chair shot. Flair and Vince now take turns pounding me eventually knocking me out with the chair. I call Benoit in and he fights Vince allowing Flair to lock in the figure four(for the 7th time) to FINALLY force the tap out.


****1/2 - Old school southern tag match with WWE style brawling mixed in.

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DDP/Rhyno vs. Vince/Flair (Tag Titles @ No Mercy)


I isolated Vince and kept setting him up for the Diamond Cutter, but he'd tag out to Flair, who'd low blow me for 2 counts. Then the ref got bumped and the match devolved. Rhyno speared Vince and I got a chair. Flair hooks me in the figure-four with the ref down. As the ref gets up, Flair picks up the chair. Just as the ref turns around, he hits me with the chair and gets DQ'd. Only time (besides the 'set the table in the corner' trick) has my opponent gotten DQ'd.

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I've had a few great matches over the last few days in SYM.


I had another great match between Angle and Benoit...this time it was in a 10 minute Iron man rather than Ultimate Submission. Back and forth...a lot of reversals, counters, finisher stealing and all of that...lots of lead changes. With about 2 minutes left, I hit Kurt with the swandive headbutt to tie the score at 4 falls a piece, then made him tap in the sharpshooter to put me up 5 to 4. Then, with about a minute left, Kurt tries to make that Superman comeback again...similar to the one he made in the last match, and then makes me tap with an armbreaker to tie the match at 5. So then he starts locking me in all these holds, and I'm thinking he's either gonna pull it out at the last minute, when with about 25 or 20 seconds left, I counter an Irish whip with the dragon screw, catch him in the sharpshooter and he taps! So at this point, I'm all happy, and I wanted to try and go up one more fall on him just to put him away for good. I hit with Rolling Germans and was setting up for the Crossface, when he counters my grapple and knocks me down with a shoulderblock...and it looked like he was going for another submission or something, but I countered it, and with about 2 seconds left, I managed to get him with the Crossface, but time expired before I got him to tap. Good match.


Also, I started a season with Bret Hart, and created Owen and Bulldog hoping I'd get a Hart Foundation started up...and of course, as soon as I start the game, they have me curtain jerking back to back Heats against both of them. I won both with the Sharpshooter (and got jumped by them afterwards), but both matches were great.


I forget exactly who I was fighting (may have been Christian)...another match that went back and forth...and it seemed like no matter what I did, I couldn't put him away. I put him in the Sharpshooter twice, and when that didn't get him, he turned it around on me and hit me with that Inverted DDT/Neckbreaker type thing he does. He then pulls off the turnbuckle pad and tries to whip me in, but I reversed it and he hit backfirst off the buckle. I then hit him with the top rope superplex...covered him, but he kicked out after two. Then I sent him into the buckle again and Superplexed him again...and repeated that sequence 8 more times just to be vicious. Finally, I just stood over him taunting him for a while, stomped him in the chest, then finally finished him off with the Sharpshooter.

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Holy shit...this last match was incredible:


Spanky vs. Micheal Shane vs. Paul London vs. American Dragon

Elimination Match at No Mercy


I, playing as Spanky, start off against London and wear him down, all while Dragon is beating the stuffing out of Shane. I get an SD and hit London with a Superkick, and start attacking Am. Drag. Shane and I hit a couple of double team moves before London gets back up. Shane attacks him and hits a low blow. I then hit another Superkick as Shane gets to the top...Picture Perfect Elbow! Shane covers, but I break it up...I want to save London for last.


Am. Drag attacks Shane as I taunt, building up my SD meter. Dragon gets his SD...WHAM! Shane is down with a T-Bone Suplex. Dragon covers...and Shane is eliminated. Dragon gets up from the pinfall...and is taken down by a London clothesline. London climbs to the top...SSP!~ Dragon is now eliminated.


London attacks first, and I hit him immediately with a Superkick. He's out cold. I, however, want to embarass the poor lad and taunt more. I then climb to the top...SSP!~ London Dodges, though! I hit the mat hard and pop back up, but am dropped again by a London neckbreaker. He covers, 2 only. He then shoots up to the top, but I shoot up too! I knock him off and whip him into the corner...SLICED BREAD #2! I make the cover...but London kicks out! I get back up and attempt another Superkick, but he somehow blocks it...and hits and Implant DDT! He covers...but Spanky kicks out! I get back up and run the ropes...and London goes down from a flying forearm...I climb to the top, having two SD icons left...SSP!~ London doesn't move from this one! Spanky gets the final pinfall and the win. He now gets to face Shawn Michaels to the rights for the Showstopper name.



The Spanky/Michaels match that followed was ok, but it didn't compare at all to London/Spanky/Dragon/Shane. Awesome.

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Guest John Dub

I just had a great one. I was Raven fighting HHH in a street fight on RAW and it went about 12 minutes. I was playing on the smackdown difficulty and didn't have to give him an inch to mak e it a good match. Back and forth the whole way through, but about six minutes in I nail an evenflow onto a chair. I pin him for a long 2 count, which kind of suprised me. He had a special by this point so I thought it was over, but I threw him outside and we continued out there.


He grabbed his sledgehammer and we battled over that for a while, I get my special back and we brawl into the ring again. I throw Hunter on the table, pick him up, kick him in the gut, but he grabs the foot, spins me around, and goes for the pedigree. I reverse it and throw him off the table. Neither of us have specials, so I set a table up in the corner and break him through it, but he starts fighting back hard. We go outside again, and I throw him on the announce table. I kick him in the gut and gor for a suplex, but he floats over and tries a punch. I duck it, he spins over, and I spulex him through the announce table. We fight our way back in the ring.


I set the table up again, kick him in the gut, but he catches it and we do an exact repeat of the first attempt at an evenflow through the table, but I still have one special left. I get up, he nails me with the sledgehammer and I'm down. He drops it and and taunts, but I roll to my feet, hit him with an evenflow, and it's over.

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Rather than start a brand-new thread, I thought I'd post this in here...


After just watching one of the unlockable movies in SYM, I've noticed that I'm actually IN THE MOVIE several times! They show a bunch of clips from the same Smackdown that I went to. When Test is standing in the aisle at one point, you can see me and my sign "Smackdown needs Steve Blackman". Awesomeness all around...

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Rather than start a brand-new thread, I thought I'd post this in here...


After just watching one of the unlockable movies in SYM, I've noticed that I'm actually IN THE MOVIE several times! They show a bunch of clips from the same Smackdown that I went to. When Test is standing in the aisle at one point, you can see me and my sign "Smackdown needs Steve Blackman". Awesomeness all around...

Thats pretty sweet Aero.


and yes, SD! does need Blackman!


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His neck is fucked up and he's been semi-retired for a while now. But he's considering the Kurt Angle miracle surgery and maybe wants to step into the ring again.

I read that he was actually backstage at Unforgiven visiting friends. Could this mean a possible return for the Lethal Weapon???

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Guest Metallica

I played for the first time in months yesterday as Brock Vs Angle in a 30min Iron Man match on Smackdown difficulty :D


With 10 seconds left it was 19 to 20 in Kurt's favour, I F5d him, knocking him out with to make it a draw. If I hadn't turned KO on I would have lost..

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

6 Man SCRAMBLE Match(Tornado 6 Man, basically)

American Tiger( Tiger Mask meets American Dragon), The Amazing Red and Brian XL vs. AJ Styles, Tajiri, and Xavier


Non Stop action, most fun I've had in SYM in a while....crazy action too, near the end, everyone hit their finishers, it was crazy.

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