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Zack Malibu

10/23 Booking Thread

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Hey gang, here's where we put what's on tap for next week's show.


The main event, which I will need 2 volunteers to help with, shall be...




OAOAST World Champion Calvin Szechstein, OAOAST X Champion Ragdoll, and OAOAST 24/7 Champion Northstar will TEAM UP for the first time ever, and battle...


Mad Matt, Zack Malibu, and the Number One Contender herself, CRYSTAL~! The catch...




The match is one fall to a finish, but should any of the champions get pinned, they will lose their belt. This could totally change the face of World Without End! Could Mad Matt finally claim X Division gold? Could Zack Malibu regain the World Title he lost several months ago? Or could Crystal recapture the 24/7 Title, and go into her World Title match at WWE with a belt already around her waist? Many possibilities in this one.


I need to know who can help write this by THIS WEEKEND. It's a huge match for the show, and will take up a good chunk of time. I'll do a part of the match, I just need to know who is willing to help.


We've also got some new guys in Panther (Papacita) and Ryan Smith (Mighty Dam). I know Axel and Panther have an angle going, but feel free to help these guys get in the mix.


Post what we can see here, as always.

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*Damaramu heads to the ring*

Did you forget about me Zackey? Whatever. So I see you just said that Ryan Smith is debuting. That's rich. I punked his ass out in college...I'll do it here to. I can't wait to see what he has to say for himself.

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Whoa whoa whoa...hold up...




*crowd boos as Ragdoll interrupts Damaramu*



Get to the back where you belong, because this is MY time...and I have only one thing to say...



F(skull)CK No! I EARNED the X Title, and i'm not going to let some little shit from Illinois, a washed up Ex-Champ, or some "girl-power" curtain jerking B**CH take it away from me...I BEAT Crystal, I BEAT Mad Matt, and I BEAT Zack Malibu! It's over! It's Done! Change the match!

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Don't make fun of Northstar...he's a good guy...




oh....you're...talking about me...















































*Belt shot*

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OK, I'm going to write a portion of the Title Wave match, and Northstar has volunteered to put in commentary throughout. Rags, are you up for writing the first portion of the match? I need to know ASAP.


EDIT:Panther's match is all set, ignore what was here.

Edited by Zack Malibu

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You know, Dan Black might take a stroll over to HD for the first time to check out the competition...

Wouldn't it be faster to drive, or fly even? B-)

NO! Nuclear powered jet rocket thing....

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I can probably write the first part of it...





fuck it, i'll write the first part....w/ or w/o commentary?

No commentary needed, Northstar is covering us there. Write the first part (intro's to the middle of the match) and try to have it to me by Tuesday, that way I can add our stuff together, then Northstar can go over the match as a whole and do commentary.

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Hey all, Axel is free for a match. And, as an added bonus I'll write it.


(I'll teach that Superstar that I can friggin write...)

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AJ Falire will be debuting this week on HeldDOWN! He needs an opponent, preferably X Division.

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